@bluesbrother, I agree with you - what is going on is wrong
I'm saying that the wt leaders are in bed with the russian govt too
wt leaders like torture - they are not truly "Jehovah's" witnesses
they are Satanists
that's why wt leaders approve of csa and protect the abusers
that's why wt leaders have disfellowshipping doctrine that breaks up family/friendships
not all wt people are part of that masonic/satanic hierarchy, but the top guys all are
they made an arrangement for some of the wt rank-and-file to get tortured
it's how satanists get power, by doing sacrifice
the rank-and-file jws have no clue - they are keeping integrity in the way they know how
they've been indoctrinated and they're mixed up on some things
they incorrectly equate loyalty to the gb with loyalty to god
it's just like nancy yuen in china, she could have gotten out of that jail time
but the wt holds her up as an example because they like torture
the wt leaders are satanists