Not only is there no evidence for a global flood a few thousand years ago but there is actually evidence that there wasn't...
1 - Contemporary societies of those times did not notice that this happened. That is a massive red flag to the claim of a worldwide event.
2 - A global event like the one described in the flood story would leave traces that are obvious flood deposits all over the world. They would be very obvious and in your face, being so recent geologically speaking (consider the KT boundary deposits that show the global effects of the asteroid that most likely killed of the dinosaurs).
3 - There isn't enough water on the planet and even if there were the amount of energy that would be released during such an event would vaporise all life on the planet (Did the ark have climate control??).
As for the fossil record: There are events captured that indicate an animal, or groups of, died due to a flood/mudslide event. It is a stretch, though, to conclude "Therefore Noah's flood is true!". Also, the sizes of animals indicate that a rather long time would be need for the mineralisation process to have completed (i.e. fossilised). Also the rocks that house the fossils have been dated as being many millions of years old... Nothing in the fossil record indicates a global flood a few thousand years ago; unless you want to ignore reality and make a story up of course...
Flood legends: They aren't all the same, are they...
I think we can see why higher education is frowned upon in the "truth"...