Ah yes, The convention from hell. I remember it well.
I had just taken a much better job in another state. This was in 1978 and I was still upset with the 1975 foolishness.
I was an elder and had the letter of recomendation to deliver to the new congregation.
We were in the process of moving and still had kids at home. My now ex wife insisted we go to the assembly. It was in Canada and we were in Wyoming. I decided to take the camper and try to make it into a sort of vacation. That is why we went to Canada.
Got to the jw assigned campgrounds and it was awful. Then it started to rain and it was also muddy and the kids were grumpy.
Went to the first day of the assembly and it was in a terrible situation. Poor parking, over crowded, and dark inside. The jw's had part of the building and some rock band had the other.
The separating wall consisted of a very thick curtain that could be brought out by electric controls.
This wall would dampen most of the noise, except for that damned drum.
After about an hour or so, I leaned over to my wife and said " tell the kids to pick up their stuff and we are getting out of here and going home.
I received no argument against leaving and we packed up and went camping.
After arriving at our new home I also told the local elders that I would not accept the position of elder in this new congregation and started my slow fade.
PS there was an internal struggle in this new congregation and I was being solicited as the elder that would break the draw that existed. 3 elders on one side and 3 on the other.
One elder was waiting for me when we got home. I told him that I would no longer be an elder and it upset him so badly that he sold his house and moved out of the area.
So the issue they fought over must have been very important, right?
Yes it was, an elder had taken some useless old theater seats to the dump without the permission of the other group of 3 and for some reason this issue took precedent over anything the elder body should have been involved in, like taking care of the flock.
My fade accelerated.