I am writing to the Scottish parliament to highlight that the watchtower is duplicitous in how they inform interested ones with regards to their shunning policy. What's more, young teenagers approaching baptism don't realise they are under undue influence and not capable of understanding the seriousness of their baptism and watchtower policy.
For example, in the Nov 22 1998 awake magazine, the society discusses the human rights declaration and go on to quote article 18 about how "everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and Religion: this right includes freedom to change his religion......."
Watchtower promotes this view to the general public, yet they violate this human right when someone chooses to leave the organisation by using the control mechanism of shunning.
What's more, the section in the organised book on disfellowshipping and disassociation is not really clear in that individuals are unaware that they are to be completely shunned full stop, which includes their close relatives who are Jehovah's witnesses.
I personally can't recall going through this section as got baptized shortly after I finished the live forever book!
I was oblivious to the shunning policy and only realised what this involved years after I was baptized.