It's nice to see someone appreciate a sense of humor at this early or late hour. LoL
background check first.. .
It's nice to see someone appreciate a sense of humor at this early or late hour. LoL
background check first.. .
Yes, a wonderful performance, haven't we heard enough from Auntie Connie... How about just ignoring her, that will make her rant even more.
Actually, Aunt Connie sounds just like my sister-in-law married to the PO; never liked her.
background check first.. .
I wish there was an Aunt Connie in every hall; if so the Aunt Connie group would be more powerful than any apostate or their websites. Aunt Connie just needs some encouragement, but don't give her a gun, please.
background check first.. .
I have never heard it illustrated this way, but you are spot on with the 5 flushes. The clicks in the hall will see to it that the Kingdom Hall party is by invitation only. And if you don't think they have power, you'd better think twice, because they can make your life miserable. I've been in the click, and also have been internally shunned. Once your off the party boat and swim to shore, you meet others that have experienced the same hatred.
As far as the background check mentioned, I have heard of an elder that ran a background check on a brother that moved in and found an old DUI. His life was living hell after that.
I will have to agree that our personal experience with jw's regarding education will vary depending on our particular time and place. My father sold a profitable business in 1968 because he had enough money to last through 1975.
My older siblings were destined to pioneer for at least 2 years after high school and until they married or go to bethel for four years. Even in our city and circuit there were differing congregational opinions depending upon the elders. I know in some congregations that there was more of an influence to get kids out and preaching as early as possible, like 16. My wife's family was like that and she is younger than I, but she did finish high school, but pioneered until she married me and then some bethel. (Gran has also preached to my daughter that she only needs the minimum and to shortly get into pioneering)
Personally, I also finished high school. I took college prepatory courses as my parents did not question me about what courses I was taking. I planned on studying structural engineering and fully disclosed this to Dad in 1979. He enlisted my brother, his son, also the PO to basically hammer me on this. Dad also copied about 30 pages of Wt and Awakes on education, as some have been mentioned these articles here. Basically, the jest of the articles were this system doesn't have 4 years left in it.
Dad hammered also until I told him I appreciated their concern but didn't see any scriptural reason not to continue in my goal to become a Professional Engineer. He then told me that I would have to leave home if I were to go to college. This devestated me, as I would be on the streets.
Believe me, I still regret caving to their bullying. My father apologized before his passing, but my older brother and I haven't talked in over 7 years.
Perhaps some of our friends in Europe could expand on this, as I understand that higher education over there is anything over a 4 year college. They also don't frown on beards as bad as here in the U.S.
has anyone watched this?
this new site makes me feel like jws are mormons!
Unbelievable video.
1st observation from past experience: In Houston Texas after a storm a few years ago, I think Rita?, the worldwide brotherhood stepped in to fix 200-300 homes of brothers. They went through at least 3 committee's because of infighting, and the brothers and sisters continued to work on the clean up for several years. (Well the brothers stood back with a clipboard and the sisters did all the work).
Can you imagine waiting on Jehovah's celestial chariot for several years to fix your house? Especially, after you signed the paperwork to give them all the insurance money. It was years after the storm and the "friends" were still going down to work around Houston.
2nd observation: Where is the organization when you personally run into problems that don't involve removing sheetrock and insulation? In my member's death and subsequent grief, business going down the tube, etc??? Well, I'll tell you where their at--They're gone...
so i'm 2000+ miles from home on a mission for work.
out to lunch with three other guys from the company, in a sports bar on a sunday about 3:00-4:00 pm.
crowded, not a roudy place, nice.
CNN is reporting of drive up windows of WORLDY people paying "forward" for OVER 3 + hours, which is hundreds of people, in a bad economy. And yet this thread is about the tight wad witnesses. In my younger years, I enjoyed dinner with the window washer/night floor polishing/ free loading/ no tipping stingy grinches. I learned quickly.
I remember one guy that was notorious for only ordering water saying he wasn't hungry; then as people finished eating, all of the sudden he became hungry and would consume the remains of their meals including the remains of beer. Since this brother only had water he didn't pay anything, even though the payment to the waitress came up short. Like I said, I learned quickly, after that I would rather invite a nice woman or couple out to dinner and pay all the tab including tip than be run over by these tight wads.
In the eighties there were progressive resturants that would have dance floors separate from the resturant with a club appeal. These seemed to the the target of the elders, not just a sports bar.
"thus, it is evident that those who passed away from the generation of 1914..... never passed away.
and so, brothers, we have proven that god's prophetic word is true...".
anyone want to contribute?
It's the Weekend at Bernie's generation. LOL
i began pondering about the reasons why this new light was made and have come to a few theories that may be plausible.
my conclusion is that the society is hell bent on eliminating the discrepancies to their authority.. .
the ancient lineage of the faithful and discreet slave - eliminated.
45 Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? 46 Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. 47 Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods.
So the lord departed in 33 c.e., however, with the new light, he did not appoint a "ruler over his household" then. But rather he waits nearly 2000 years to appoint a "ruler over his household" in 1919. So the ruler left in 33 C.E. and did not make an appointment of anyone, but the ruler came back in 1919 and appointed the "faithful and wise servant over all his goods?" so that he could leave again, but the parable indicates that the appointment by the master was done when he left in 33. Riiiiightttt. (So the master didn't really leave in 33 c.e, but rather he was with his household until his coming in 1919 for inspection. In 1919 he appointed a ruler over his household and then left.
So we have a problem; to make it simple?, according to the new gb light, no one was appointed when the master left in 33. However, when the master returned he gave rulership over all his goods in 1919 to a group of men that were neither appointed nor were they providing meat in due season, or may I say, not meat that would not make one sick.
So let me get this straight, the master appoints a presumptuous "servant"? in 1919 (not when he left, but when he returned) that took it upon themselves to claim that they were serving "meat in due season" that was clearly rotten meat or later abandoned "truths".
This is so twisted that I am having a hard time comprehending it. So the invisible coming of Christ in 1919 was really shortly followed by the departure of Christ after he appointed the governing body in 1919. He appoints them and leaves. ???
So that's the reason that we see the effects of Christ's invisible presence for nearly a 100 years, because he really is not present but gone. Hummmmmm.
this is another fine spiritual gem from the january 2013 study edition.. .
as the great tribulation nears, we do not want to be plagued with such anxious thoughts as these:'could i have done more in god's service?
didn't i pioneer when i had the opportunity?
It's Hilarious how they indicate that you "probably" will be in paradise, but your going to feel awfully guilty. Paraphrased, "The paradise is going to be such a nice place, but your going to feel so guilty that you did not pioneer or become a ministerial servant." And if that isn't bad enough, you will have even more regrets because your living a selfish life. You won't even be able to enjoy the paradise because your soooooo guilty.