I've been told that Jws invented the first dishwasher and that they had more cranes than any other company in the world. False!
Funny how they don't take credit for a 140 year snipe hunt for the "end of this system".
i remember that some years ago there was a message with information about watchtower, was owner of home depot, and sold it.. question: was this true?
can’t find any info at google.. do you know more about it?.
I've been told that Jws invented the first dishwasher and that they had more cranes than any other company in the world. False!
Funny how they don't take credit for a 140 year snipe hunt for the "end of this system".
i feel like i’ve overcome a massive hurdle in my awakening, and that’s the issue of dating a non witness woman.. the org has always demonised dating “worldly” people so that we won’t be unevenly yoked.
heck, it’s just a date, marriage is a loooong way off!!.
going to an off the beaten track part of london to avoid bumping into anyone, nice 3 course meal and a little drink after :-).
And remember, two consenting adults can play tennis without notifying the congregation elders.
... and this time it was mine.. mrs. eden decided to part ways and leave home, and so our 25 year long partnership is now dissolving.
just another colateral damage in a long list of colateral damages from being raised in the "truth".
Sorry Eden. Get your focus on the future and leave the past behind. When a woman says "No", I've learned to say "next"!
I'm divorced now for about two months after 27.5 years of marriage.
I was able to get my immediate family out of JW dreamland and I thought we were safe, then things started to change.
I've talked to men who have been through the same thing and they tell me that the women will usually make an effort to restore the relationship 4-5 years later. I don't want her back.
If I had know how this would end, I would have pursued a divorce 15 years ago. I was not happy in a sexless marriage.
many years back, my younger brother and i were the most mischievous kids in the kingdom hall.
we would mischievously take away things like the bible , study magazines, etc from meeting attendees.
soon, they will suspect us if anything went missing.. our parents were annoyed with our conduct and behaviour.. they requested an elder to talk to us.
Heard that one on Joel Olsteen show.
i have a super uber jdub relative who lives several states away.
he is always trying to encourage me since he knows that i stopped going to the kingdom haul.
anyhow, he sends me a copy of the program for the summer regional convention and pointed out the sunday morning talks.
since there's debate here about wether the literal interpretation of the 14400k could be changed to symbolic, i was thinking such an announcement would allow for any jw to claim to be going to heaven... in which case i wonder how many jws would suddenly claim to have "been called"?.
i can think of many arrogant holier than thou types who would be jumping on that bandwagon immediately!
I told an elder one time that I felt like Jesus had personally invited me to heaven, but, I realized I would be more useful here on earth. He was an older elder, holyier than thou; he just looked at me like I was an apostate. Lmao
genesis 6: 9-139 this is the account of noah and his family.noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with god.
10 noah had three sons: shem, ham and japheth.11 now the earth was corrupt in god’s sight and was full of violence.12 god saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways.
13 so god said to noah, “i am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them.
Why couldn't he just have inprisioned the bad guys in a bubble cage floating through space like in the Superman movie?
for an all powerful, all knowing god it seems most of his plans go awry, so why assume that armageddon/ new system will work?
look at the track record.
... adam and eve... went wrong.
Jookbeard, then it all starts again.
Why would God destroy all those rebellious when the earth had been made into a paradise in 1000 years?
So, he sat back for another 7000 -8000 years to prove that they were wrong.
below i link the article.
i thought some points on the claim were interesting.
such as how prolonged direct exposure to sunlight hurts us vs other animals, sicknesses, etc.
Yes, God originally had a large water canopy that shielded humans from the UV radiation and man was perfect before he sinned in the Garden of Eden. Next?
Interesting idea, perhaps he can sell some books and make some money off of it.
for a long time, i was convinced jehovah witnesses were just people preaching the word of god in a different way than other christians.
i was shown the real truth over the past few months.
i've been friends with this guy for over 5 years.
Welcome to the forum. When he said "No" to the relationship and broke up with you, you should say "Next". You are young and your whole life is in front of you. Go find someone you are equally yoked with. The relationship that you had, if renewed will always have the interference of the Jehovah's Witnesses religion and the elders in the congregation that he attends. It will never be just the two of you.