JoinedPosts by JakeM2012
Have you ever heard a talk on child molestation following a judicial reproof?
by NVR2L8 inwhen someone is reprimanded by a judicial commitee there is usually a talk given to the congregation about issues that leads to serious sins.
sometimes that talk takes you by surprise because the reproof was private and no announcement was made to the congregation.
other times you figure out why an individual was the object of a judicial commitee...i heard talks on the usage of drugs, cigarettes, pornography, bad forms of intertainment, fornication, adultery, fraud, gambling, disapproved medical treatments...but never on child abusers and mostly how to protect your children against this terrible crime.. do you think the reason there is never mention of child abuse is that if many knew there is a child molester in their midst they would pressure the elders to go to the autorities?
Blondie's Comments You Won't Hear at the 07-22-2012 WT Study (TIMES & SEASONS)
by blondie intime because jehovah god can cause.
were fulfilled at specified times should.
prophecy regarding jerusalem and judah show.
Thanks Blondie, great review. This Wt article makes politicians speach seem clear and understandable. This is the biggest beat around the bush to say nothing article I have seen in a while.
Convention food tickets for sale on eBay
by slimboyfat init really is amazing the things that seller kenyakelly gets a hold of, a constant stream of the most rare watchtower items.
and can anyone remember what was the significance of the different colours?.
$32.99 is a pretty good return on your money. He's just fishing for an idiot to buy the crap.
Are You More Of A Spiritual Person Since Leaving The "Truth"?
by minimus ini don't think i'm more of a spiritual person now..
"The WBTS and local elders definition of spirituality has to do with only physical and fleshly things. They would think you are spiritual if you went to meetings, went out in service, followed all their rules without question, etc, basically a total kissup brown noser. I really never could follow that line of crap, it did not make since to me, and I am so happy to not have to hear it over and over again!"
I agree, to jw's spirituality means; go to the meetings, out in service, work on quickbuilds, assembly halls, clean the restrooms, mow the grass, plant flowers, pull weeds, assemblies, conventions, pre-convention work, service, weekend service, mid-week service, auxilary pioneer during the year, regular pioneer if your single or without kids, be submissive, don't ask questions and whatever.
I supported/accompanied an inactive jw but a friend to an AA meeting and on the wall it said, "Spirituality leads to sobriety". I sat through the meeting and asked him later if he saw the sign. We discussed that jw activities always lead to drinking, either because of fellowship or disgust with the hypocrisy. Where was the spirituality? If what we had done was so spiritual, why did we and all jw acquaintances drink so much?
minimus youv'e maximustd
Add your favorite JW prayer cliche'
by King Solomon inyou know what i'm talking about: the trite, often-repeated phrases that convey the person offering the prayer has drawn a mental blank, and utters these words while their brain desperately searches for the next cliche', so they can conclude the ritual with the required tag, "in jesus' name we pray".... (is that like the postage stamp?).
ok, i'll kick this one off, and take the most obvious:.
"forgive us where we fall short....".
"We thank you Jehovah for this wonderful meeting we're about to enjoy Jehovah,"
I only called my father by his name when we were in business meetings. Other times when with ourselves I would call him Dad. It somewhat sounds artificial to say Jehovah instead of "Father" like Jesus instructed. If you have a "relationship" with a deity I hope it is on a more friendly basis.??
Add your favorite JW prayer cliche'
by King Solomon inyou know what i'm talking about: the trite, often-repeated phrases that convey the person offering the prayer has drawn a mental blank, and utters these words while their brain desperately searches for the next cliche', so they can conclude the ritual with the required tag, "in jesus' name we pray".... (is that like the postage stamp?).
ok, i'll kick this one off, and take the most obvious:.
"forgive us where we fall short....".
RRRRRrrr, during the closing prayer on a Tuesday night, brothers asking God to give a special portion of holy spirit on the governing body during their meeting on Wednesday.
Todays Bloomberg/ Business Week story: Religion and Money in the U.S.A.- "How the Mormans make Money".(explains how the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society hides assets).
by Balaamsass inthe church of latter-day saints has amassed financial holdings worth billions.
here's an inside look at its business empire.
read the story on businessweek.com: http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2012-07-10/how-the-mormons-make-money.
" Better than the Hedge Fund return."
They have learned quite well that you can shear the sheep three times a year, but you can only slaughter it once.
How big a fee does the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society get for booking Jehovah's Witnesses into Convention Hotels?
by Balaamsass incurious.
i know travel agents and on-line sites get a kickback or fee for booking hotels.
how much is this fee?.
WT went in to the rooming business because the community did not have enough motel/hotel rooms for the large crowds from out of town. The conventions were much larger. It used to be that they would arrange for families to stay with people in the community and they even set up tent cities.
It was in the late 70's early 80's that they started to have the approved rooming list. At first it was in very nice hotels and the prices were way below what you could get personally. I know that wt did get comp rooms for the co and do's.
However, the quality of the rooms has deteriorated over the years. The nice hotels are not offered any longer. One year the KM mentioned that someone set up a hibachi in the room and created a real problems. It was about this time that the KM's had a 45 minute part on the do's and don't of staying at a hotel.
The Motel 6's and 8's offered are there at the same price you can get nice Hotels over the internet. I thought that wt would/should get out of the hotel business years ago after the internet came about.
I don't think that they are making much money off the hotels, and with the cheap places now on the list I have never seen or heard of a CO or DO stay there. The traveling boys stay at the wealthy elder's houses and drink.
by harleybear inokay i thought it would be fun to find out who of you all ride bikes and i don't mean bicycles.
we have 2 harley road kings.
what do you ride??
Kawasaki Z1000 Ninja. Tennessee area, Dragon's tale. Big Bend National Park road trip in Texas. Colorado. Sturgis twice. Daily rider to work, even in the winter.