Aunt Connie Says, "Back to the literature, scraggle witnesses would order, clean out whole cabinets of expensive items. This happened again and again, "special order" Insight Books" "Reference Bibles" filled the trunks of senial and poor witnesses. They might bring back a dollar, most often they never asked for a voluntary donation "It's all free" Eventually special order items became so guarded, literature servants intentionally threw away requests from the same people, who kept requesting large or unbalanced quantites (twenty sets of insight books, twenty Reference Bibles), same friends who needed money from the Kingdom Hall account to attend the conventions."
Oh, once I was awake about WT, I was the literature servant from hell that the society would not like. I ordered stuff if people just asked about it. You want how many deluxe bibles? Ok, let's just make that a bakers dozen (a month). The society recommends that we don't go door to door with old raggidy bibles. Better yet, the large print is what the elders are using on stage, so I would seriously ask brother coming up, "the elders are clearly setting the example that they want us to use a large print bible"? Ok, 2 more large print reference bibles. Another six year old giving his first bible reading??? "Oh, he's so cute he needs a nice large print bible". He could hardly carry that bible to the stage. But I was there for the brothers.
Cassette tapes of all the scriptures? Ok, brother. I ordered them one at a time. I even think I still have boxes of deluxe bibles still in the plastic wrapper. I had people requesting those new DVD's so much I had a regular supply just to give out if someone was possibly overlooked. Even with the song cd's, "brother, don't you think your wife would enjoy listening to these kingdom melodies??? You'll need some for each car and a copy for all your teenagers. 6 cd's Cha-ching!!
I would intentionally stay in the back at the literature counter after the meeting started just so when people realized they didn't have a song book or bookstudy book, man I was there,...."here's one for each in your family". Cha-ching, Oh,brother or sister "haven't been here in a while", "here is the whole library of the latest publications, wouldn't want you behind". Let me get a box. Oh, by the way have you picked up you daily text from three years ago, well, here you are, want this years also????
However, if the PO (cob? or whatever) or secretary or their families ordered, I would make them wait about a whole week to get their stuff just so it looked like I was ordering the stuff. I'd take their full order to them the next week and they would say, "that was fast", I would comment that "the brothers are working around the clock to fill our spiritual needs", ....and I intented to keep those presses running around the clock.
Text, Yearbooks, and bound volumes????? I would gently encourage, "Brother, you should have one in each car, bookbag, one for work, and play, one for the breakfast table (family head thing), one for the meetings, (in case of a part). I'd suggest when a brother ordered the WT library "Well, brother the Library CD is fine, but what if we are under persecution, do you think we will have electricity to run a computer, or what if the superior authorities have a megatron that throws out an electric impulse to deactivate our computers or phones so that we could not communicate with one another??? Yes, we better order you at least 3 sets of bound volumes, one for you to hide from the "superior authorities in the backyard, better bury it deep though, they have those xray machines to locate hiden stach..., Oh, the good times I had. MaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaa