Hi everyone
My mother-in-law has a strange obsession with calendars, and orders the Society's calendar each year. This year's calendar is especially weird. It features images depicting future events - in particular, the Society's vision of the new world order.
I've taken the opportunity to scan some of the images for you all to check out.
Please note - there are captions for each of the images, but I don't have the English language version of the calendar so I'd rather just quote the scripture used so as not to reveal which country I'm in.
Here's January/February...
Daniel 7:14 "And to him there were given rulership and dignity and kingdom..."
Jesus is here seen in a kind of "time lapse photography" moment, cleansing the Earth into a paradise over the course of his millennial reign. I was always taught that the Earth would be transformed through back-breaking work on the part of the Armageddon survivors, but apparently Jesus standing by the planet as though it is a snooker table and holding his arms out is sufficient when it comes to depicting all the work involved.
More to follow...