Narcissistic Supply said, " Yes. The business model seems total whack. They are building monster infrastracture for what?? To adminstrate their world wide real estate laundering???? What product are they selling. Sounds like Enron . Where is the cash flow to support all these gold plated toilets??? "
Interesting that ALL the brothers in the congregation that I used to go to when I told them about the new complex they just look at me and shake their heads back and forth, not up and down. I've had elders say when told about the property purchased, "Why is that necessary?", "What are they going to use that for?"
It seems that the local publishers are struggling to wrap their minds around this, because for most of the brothers the size of the projects that the society is having for themselves doesn't quite add up to the "no education policy", "pioneer, and be poor" policy, the "sacrifice all you've got for gods earthly organization policy", and the "listen, obey, and bend over" policy. It would be interesting to know if the GB have crossed the line of credibility with the flock by such a large project. Of course, they can come back with the "if we build it they will come" attitude, saying they are preparing for a great influx as world conditions worsen and God Calls people to the mountain of Jehovah. I'm expecting a great outflux personally, their gig is up.
It's kind of like the snake oil salesman of old. The first night everyone is buying thinking that the snake oil will cure anything, by the next night, the town has a posse ready to hang the snake oil salesman, and most of the time he is already down the road.