They had their own body cams, why shouldn't a citizen?
JoinedPosts by JakeM2012
Should private citizens be allowed to video record law enforcement?
by Fisherman ini saw an article in the news yesterday that laws are going to be passed subjecting the police to being recorded by anyone while performing their duty or enforcing the law and encourages citizens to sue if they interfere.
some law enforcement agents become angry and confiscate recording devices from people recording them while making an arrest, etc.. it does seem that the work that the police and other government agents do is public and not private or confidential so there should be nothing to hide from the cameras.
on the other hand, how can one distinguish being shot by a camera or by a weapon until one is hit?.
by Lost in the fog ini am absolutely dumbstruck and lost for words.
one of the elders who criticised me over my use of social media rang me up to ask how i was doing.
after the usual blah-blah-blah i asked him if he had attended the recent elders one day school.
Thank you for your report Lost in Fog. I attended an elders school in 2003-4 that discussed at length the Shepherding program. I took away from the school that the GB was backing off of the official shepherding visits to include shepherding visits while in service, informal visits at the kingdom hall, before and after the meetings, on the phone etc.
As a member of the service committee, the P.O. called a meeting soon after the school which talked about shepherding visits. The other two on the service committee were adamant that the "congregation was not being shepherded properly" and that we needed to produce a program in addition to our current shepherding schedule to 'harass" the publishers. I asked them directly at the meeting if they attended the same "elders school" that I had attended because we had each went away with different ideas.
Over my protest, they presented to the body of elders a "new shepherding program" and during their presentation, they had the audacity to say that it was a "unanimous" decision by the Service Committee and the P.O even asked me to indicate that it was.
In front of all the elders present, I said, "No, it wasn't unanimous, and I do not agree with anything more than the scheduled visits that we have agreed to".
It wasn't long after that I had resigned as the other two service committee members had formulated accusations against me. I had the support of many of the elders, but the "liberals" wanted more control over the congregation's families intimate personal lives and I didn't want it. It was this moment that I began to wake up to the controlling entities within the congregation and their high control religion.
My Point: The way Watchtower presents their material at the elders meeting can be interpreted many different ways.
Be Careful of what you say.
My final topic
by pomo6780 ini have noted that the irritable part of me got the better of me when posting about j f rutherford.
i acknowledge that a few on here have pointed out flaws in my reasoning and the way i reason.
and i agree with them.
Empty barrels make the most noise.
Millions Then Living Did Not Survive
by Fred Franztone init's almost 2018, almost 100 years since 'judge' rutherford confidently prophesied that 'millions now living will never die!'..
so how many of those millions are left?
well, since it was 100 years ago, all we need to do is find out how many people of age 100 and above are currently living.
I purchased and read the thick Booklet "Millions Now Living Will Never Die". I'll be polite, as far as "food at the proper time", It was pure garbage. 70 Jubilee's of 50 years equalling 3500 years beginning with something Moses did in B.C. and ending in 1925?
Rigggghhhht!. There was a different climate in 1800-1900's in the gullibility of the general population. Unlike our current information age where "truth" doesn't hide under a rock for centuries, and until this free process is bought or influenced to our disadvantage, we are in a great time period that frauds will have to be more sophisticated to be successful.
I used to joke, "Millions now living are now DEAD"
Bitcoins: A new world without green backs.
by Fisherman inthe us army backs up the green back and saudi's oil must be paid in dollars so that every nation that uses oil must buy money from the us to pay for oil.. is it advantageous to print money or is digital money the upcoming economy?.
also, are bitcoins legal?
i read that market for them is soaring.
Financial advisers are saying, "Don't mortgage your house to buy bitcoin." It's volatile, and around 1000 people control the whole pie which could mean the market is susceptible to manipulation.
When you start getting cab drivers giving financial advice, be careful. Remember the VHS and Betamax VCR war?
"By now, you've no doubt heard about the massive bitcoin rally this year. And you may also have read about other cryptocurrencies, such as litecoin and Ethereum, surging too.
But there are over 1,300 cryptocurrencies in existence. And while bitcoin dominates the market, several other digital currencies are making waves."
If Trump is Impeached...the alternative is Pence ...
by tor1500 init's me again...with the question, if trump is impeached, the alternative is pence....well, it's not really a question but your thoughts...... who is he ?
& where did they find him ?
thoughts..... tor.
I can tell what bs news station you watch.
Will The Watchtower Ever Give Up Mandatory Shunning Of DF'd Members?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think the wt will never give up this practice unless forced to by the courts, even if they are financially failing terribly they will keep it because the moment they do get rid of it the whole thing will collapse even faster and they know it(or afraid of it happening).
they have painted themselves into a corner of financial ruin.
Longhairgal, thanks for your feedback. I talked to a councillor about the issue and she asked, "So what would you talk about?"
I have nothing in common with them any more. It would be a short conversation.
I'm glad that they are not bothering me.
Will The Watchtower Ever Give Up Mandatory Shunning Of DF'd Members?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think the wt will never give up this practice unless forced to by the courts, even if they are financially failing terribly they will keep it because the moment they do get rid of it the whole thing will collapse even faster and they know it(or afraid of it happening).
they have painted themselves into a corner of financial ruin.
I understand how people feel hurt when other's who were once close to them and don't, won't, or are prohibited to associate with them because of WT organization's shunning policies. I have family that will not talk to me or will accept anything I send as gifts, cards, letters, etc.
I drank the rotten waste of supposed spiritual food at the proper time from a "faithful and discreet slave" for 40+ years before I started to question and eventually woke up. I tried to stay within the "fold" with personal study, alcohol, and Cognitive dissonance. However, that just wasn't good enough. When I fully awoke, I found no "friends" at all.
Was there a loss? Yes, of course, there was. However, I have chosen to look at this differently.
In our journey of life, we "bump" into thousands of people that we don't ever see again but they made an impression on us one way or another. For example, I went to 12 years school and only have two individuals from High School that are friends on Facebook. We seldom talk, but we are "Facebook Friends". I also enjoyed visiting with an elderly man at a restaurant while having breakfast yesterday as he briefly stopped in his travels to Florida. I've always joked that my family couldn't celebrate Christmas or Thanksgiving Holidays because we would all shoot each other.
So now, I have family that will not talk with me. I don't take drugs, I'm not an alcoholic, and I have respectable and continuous lucrative employment, health insurance, and I take financial care of my immediate family without asking for anything from my surviving parent. Interestingly, the majority of the family are still living on Mom's tit or sustaining themselves on the meals at WT's table as they volunteer their time.
At first, my families shunning bothered me because as humans we want/need/ or desire to have the approval of others especially our family. Their shunning made me question my self-worth. As time passed though, I realized, that I didn't have anything in common with these individuals that had briefly been so much a part of my life. I also realized that my personal value did not change. When they shunned me, My personal perspective of my "stock" value had diminished, but as Warren Buffet would say, I was still a sound profitable person, investment, a sound moral code, ethics, and was basically a good guy. It was only in My Mind that I wasn't worthy.
Brothers and Sister's, we should be proud that we have survived one of the most successful and deceptive cons in history.
We need to stop thinking and believing that we are second-class citizens, mentally diseased, or lack loyalty or any other thing because we rejected the false teachings of JW's.
We are loyal to the base fundamental qualities of the human race and what God (Or for all, Someone or something) gave to us for a moral compass. TRUTH. For many of us, that is what attracted us to JW's. However, in our quest, we found they didn't have it. This will not be the first time nor the last time we will be deceived by someone claiming they have the truth or the best product.
If we choose, Life is like a treasure hunt, always looking for the "holy grail" or the "hidden treasure" of some previous civilization. We were once told that we would inherit the beautiful houses of the non-believers, all without any work except taking two magazines to these poor bastard's house, and shaking our feet when they rejected our message.
It can also be like a journey through various terrain, desert, and fauna. Enjoy the time and the journey. People come and they go, like changing the scene of a play. We tend to believe that just because someone will not visit with us, that this is the final chapter. Well, write a new chapter, when they are crawling to us asking us for support when they finally realize that they have been deceived. Hell, write a new book. This is not the end.
There are many chapters left in our lives, perhaps, several new books. What we have gone through is temporary. Take a deep breath, make a step forward, and then do it again. Clean your windshield off and put your nose over the steering wheel and drive. Life will get better. There are many beautiful sunrises and sunsets in our future. Enjoy them all.
Is The Delusional Governing Body Geting More Delusional?
by Brokeback Watchtower inas these last days linger on and the end never comes, and more and more people leave the grips of the watchtower indoctrination machine, and it's financial situation gets worse and worse, i think we should expect the gb decision maker to become more and more delusional from the stresses of running a rapidly failing business..
delusional disorder is a rare condition and difficult to study; as a result, it is not widely discussed in clinical research.
while the cause is unknown, some studies suggest that people develop delusions as a way to manage extreme stress or deal with a history of trauma.
I don't think they will ever get these diagnoses if they use the Doctor's at Bethel.
The end of an era ......
by snare&racket ini have written some time ago, about how the religion i grew up in no longer exists.
i was an 80’s jw kid who became a pioneer then a bethelite.
they have new meetings, new elder roles, new acronyms, new core teachings, new songs and even a new bible.
WATON, "The WT sign sold a " Brooklyn bridge" type hope, impossible to be delivered by the corporation."
WT is like the traveling snake oil salesmen in the 1800's. All was great the night the traveling show had their sale and people bought with the hope of a cure. All is well for a few hours until the next morning when everyone realized they had been taken advantage of by a smooth salesman and they had bought a worthless product. In the 1800's they had a posse chase the salesmen down and kill them.
People were angry about being taken advantage of. Today, we have the internet to warn others of their "snake oil". Let the buyer beware.