When I was a kid, before I ever heard about a JW, I knew that Jesus wasn't God almighty. Even if one were to find a church around here that teaches Jesus is the son of God rather than God himself, they still celebrate the lie of xmas being his birthday. Jesus told the Samaritan woman that God was to be worshipped in spirit and in TRUTH. There isn't any "truth" in xmas. If you are going to waste time in lies, you just as well stay pimo and have your friends and family around. No wonder some become atheist or agnostics. Here is another lie the churches teach-the good go to heaven when they die. A preacher told Mom my little brother went to heaven in the smoke of the housefire that killed him A Baptist preacher who knew my 18 year old brother who had been an ornery kid all his life preached to the crowd that this brother who was killed in a car wreck had gone to hell. ( unless he had changed his ways and as far as the preacher knew from 3 days back, he hadn't.) Then there was the grand father-in-law who was a drunk and woman chaser who was a marvelous Christian and was in heaven-according to the preacher at the last "worldly" funeral I ever went to....If I want lies, I will go back to KH! I watch some exjw experiences on youtube to see what caused them to wake up and how they handled it, but when they start in on how they discovered Jesus is Almighty God himself--I just look for something else.