easyprompt-they totally tried to trip you up...been there, done that, but not to the degree you were put through. I wanted to report a case of adultery and the boys club gained up on me with lies. I was warned if I pressed forward with the adultery allegation that I would be targeted and I thought: bring it on! I survived the lies. I told myself if I were serving man and not God, I would be stumbled! ( too bad they didn't stumble me from "the truth" back then....) I told my troubles to a friend in a congregation 1,5 hours away. It went from WV to NY and back to WV. and I was accused of slander ( because I had been told to keep my mouth shut!) The only priviledge they could take away waw RBC work, while the adulterous mate was patted on the back . Yeah! they use intimation!
all who are out should be happy to be free of the lies, manipulation, guilt mongering, etc...nonsense...it's hard not to look back and feel cheated, but really we should rejoice for the freedom to think ! ( and not wonder if we are allowed to say a certain thing or not without being called into the backroom.