psyco....try this
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
WT and Higher ED
by enoughisenough inwatched this video and was wondering if any of you recall seeing this video besides on this presenter's youtube platform.
anyway, watch it !
it is disgusting but enlightening.
WT and Higher ED
by enoughisenough inwatched this video and was wondering if any of you recall seeing this video besides on this presenter's youtube platform.
anyway, watch it !
it is disgusting but enlightening.
there are comments on reddit about the leaked video...seems to be an elder's training video and if that is correct...( maybe someone knows) I found it would have been a pretty good training tool for the company ( toothless lions) men. It would have taught the elders NOT let their children seek higher education or there would be consequences. It would have taught the elders to be judgemental of personal choices of others even if there isn't a noted scripture showing anything wrong with higher education. It would have taugth the elders to find fault with a JW family head. It taught Elders a passive agressive way of punishment. It taught Elders to rat out their fellow Brothers when they aren't really doing anything wrong. ( and sister and the younger ones in congregation ) It taught the elders how twist/cherry pick scriptures to be manipulative. It taugth elders they had better be trying to bring their kids up to pioneer or they wouldn't be considered spiritual minded-therefore bad association. ( maybe some of you who got to see it can think of more things the Elders were taught in the video. ) It taught elders it's ok to gossip about others and malign other's character. It showed they really didn't need to pray about their decision to delete the elder in question -their decision was made before he could defend his position ( which I don't recall that he was allowed to do that ) I do know from being in the hot seat, you will be talked over. ( I often wondered what was taught to the elders the rank and file didn't see...this certainly gives insight.
WT and Higher ED
by enoughisenough inwatched this video and was wondering if any of you recall seeing this video besides on this presenter's youtube platform.
anyway, watch it !
it is disgusting but enlightening.
Beth Sarim, I am glad you provided this link for those who didn't see it...I don't like all the commentary during a video that others post...I like it better if they just play the video and comment me as a whole or pick out key points and comment.
WT and Higher ED
by enoughisenough inwatched this video and was wondering if any of you recall seeing this video besides on this presenter's youtube platform.
anyway, watch it !
it is disgusting but enlightening.
I noticed Warwickpimo took down the video! interesting! I am thinking it was an elder training didn't seem to be the sort of thing to put on the public site... I hope a lot of people got to see it. It was very telling.
Three Amish bishops who told woman to rescind protective order against husband, guilty of intimidation.
by was a new boy indoubtful a judicial committee would order a sister to rescind a protective order, but might tell her she wouldn't qualify for the privilege of being a auxiliary pioneer while she had it.. .
'riley rejected the defendant’s citation of cantwell v. connecticut, 310 u.s. 296, 60, s.ct.
easyprompt-they totally tried to trip you up...been there, done that, but not to the degree you were put through. I wanted to report a case of adultery and the boys club gained up on me with lies. I was warned if I pressed forward with the adultery allegation that I would be targeted and I thought: bring it on! I survived the lies. I told myself if I were serving man and not God, I would be stumbled! ( too bad they didn't stumble me from "the truth" back then....) I told my troubles to a friend in a congregation 1,5 hours away. It went from WV to NY and back to WV. and I was accused of slander ( because I had been told to keep my mouth shut!) The only priviledge they could take away waw RBC work, while the adulterous mate was patted on the back . Yeah! they use intimation!
all who are out should be happy to be free of the lies, manipulation, guilt mongering,'s hard not to look back and feel cheated, but really we should rejoice for the freedom to think ! ( and not wonder if we are allowed to say a certain thing or not without being called into the backroom.
WT and Higher ED
by enoughisenough inwatched this video and was wondering if any of you recall seeing this video besides on this presenter's youtube platform.
anyway, watch it !
it is disgusting but enlightening.
rules and regulations....if I dwell too much on it, I will get knots in my stomach. Such judgemental hypocrites! In real life, how terrible a family man must feel. ( I remember feeling guilty and wondering what the congregation would think if they knew I was taking a home study course so as to graduate from a chosen professional field. I also felt guilty for taking piano lessons so I gave away lessons I had prepaid for.)
WT and Higher ED
by enoughisenough inwatched this video and was wondering if any of you recall seeing this video besides on this presenter's youtube platform.
anyway, watch it !
it is disgusting but enlightening.
Watched this video and was wondering if any of you recall seeing this video besides on this presenter's youtube platform. Anyway, watch it ! It is disgusting but enlightening. ( a scenerio of a meeting to delete an Elder because his daughters are persuing higher education and how they use the scriptures to malign the Elder as an excuse to be rid of him)
sinning against the Holy Spirit question
by enoughisenough inlet's assume that the bible is god's word and the men who wrote it were borne along ( inspired ) by holy spirit.
if one sets out to deliberately malign the bible, would that be considered a sin against the holy spirit?.
WTWizard... scary ground!
sinning against the Holy Spirit question
by enoughisenough inlet's assume that the bible is god's word and the men who wrote it were borne along ( inspired ) by holy spirit.
if one sets out to deliberately malign the bible, would that be considered a sin against the holy spirit?.
Vanderhoven7...the psalm you posted is beautiful.
Is WT Using ATTENDANTS At The Conventions To Be: "TOY COPS"
by HiddlesWife ini have heard from a few ppimis and several pimos that the attendants who are stationedly-assigned to the front entrances of the borgvenues (cahs and other arenas) have been checking to see if any persons (members and non-member visitors) have badges.
on the other hand, if these persons don't have one, this is what i was told that these dubs do this: corral around the non-badge-wearing individual and interrogate he/she/them plus questioning them, "why are you here?!".
also, even if that person or persons have an invitation plus showed it to these dubs, these toy cops still do that procedure.
Strange how you get invitations that the conventions are free to the public, yet they police the ex jw....aren't they "pulbic"? Are not all invited. Do they think the ex jw are terrorist? If an event is public and there are laws about exclusion due to race or religion, I am wondering if they couldn't be sued for discrimination of religion.