BoogerMan...I told a JW a truthful concern of mine in a congregation 1.5 hours away from my congregation, ( in WV) What I told went to NY state and back to WV to a person who told an elder's wife... I was called out for slander. I was judged for slander before I ever got to defend myself.
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
spreading the word that someone is out
by enoughisenough ini didn't know what category to put this under, but would appreciate thoughts.
we know if you are df or dissasociate yourself, an anouncement is made at the local kh.
do any of you know if they also contact congreagations you have gone to previously?
spreading the word that someone is out
by enoughisenough ini didn't know what category to put this under, but would appreciate thoughts.
we know if you are df or dissasociate yourself, an anouncement is made at the local kh.
do any of you know if they also contact congreagations you have gone to previously?
I didn't know what category to put this under, but would appreciate thoughts. We know if you are DF or dissasociate yourself, an anouncement is made at the local KH. Do any of you know if they also contact congreagations you have gone to previously? ( or do you think it is just the gossip mill? ) in this case the mill would have gone from NC to WV to Maine to PR .
get out of supporting family
by enoughisenough in1 tim 5:8 says if you don't take care of your own and especially your own household, you are worse than an unbeliever.
i was scanning throught the shepard the flock book and found some questions that would create an "out" or excuse not to support .
1 question is , does his wife have material resources affording a secure life so the family isn't destitute?
This came to mind...a "brother" ( elder , pioneer ) kicked out his wife with alzheimers. He dumped her in her son's yard while the son was at work. He took out an ad in the paper he wouldn't be responsible for her debts. The only money she had was a small SS check which went into a joint account, and access to account was blocked. Her children and I pooled together money to open a bank account for her so she had an account for her SS to go to. The man remained in good standing with people thinking him wonderful until the day he died and after. He left the property to one of his sons. He had told another brother I knew that that old woman had nothing when I got her and won't have anything when I leave. They were married for 30 years...she helped him raise his 4 sons from a previous marriage. This is true and it leaves your head wagging.
get out of supporting family
by enoughisenough in1 tim 5:8 says if you don't take care of your own and especially your own household, you are worse than an unbeliever.
i was scanning throught the shepard the flock book and found some questions that would create an "out" or excuse not to support .
1 question is , does his wife have material resources affording a secure life so the family isn't destitute?
1 tim 5:8 says if you don't take care of your own and especially your own household, you are worse than an unbeliever. I was scanning throught the Shepard the Flock book and found some questions that would create an "out" or excuse not to support . 1 question is , does his wife have material resources affording a secure life so the family isn't destitute? 2 if the family is destitute, is it because they have rejected the family head's provision by choosing to live apart from him? 3 When a separation is involved, to what extent is the other mate responsible. Excuse ME! but what I see here are loop holes in favor of men. What different should it make if the wife has her own money? How does that excuse a family head from responsibility? The question uses the words material resources-very interesting. How many woman have had to get on social services on account of dead beat husbands? ( so if she is getting these services for the kids, why is that a factor in whether the head is supporting their own or not? --My dad left my mother with 7 kids from and infant to 17 years old; Mom got welfare for us ) Then there is the 2 question : it because they have rejected the family head's provision by choosing to live apart? Excuse me, many have to leave due to physical abuse, verbal abuse or the lack of support. Commenting on #3 as to what extent is the other mate responsible- Women are expected to stay and put up with abuse. If she leaves, she is the culprit because of her independant thinking. I was in a congregation where a talk was given about women who became independant of their husbands and caused a breakup in the marriage. It was not mentioned that the sisite had suffered both physical and verbal abuse or that her husband had committed adultery ( elders wanted to keep that quiet )
Disfellowshipped for Fornication
by TxNVSue2023 inhi i want to tell my story and get advice.
i'm a single sister ( in usa) that has been baptized for 20 years.
i came from the world, so did not grow up in the truth and i have no family in the truth -- i am alone.. last year i met a brother & we did have premarital sex while we were dating.
Think about what you observed as to what happened when people are reinstated. I think they will welcome you, but keep in the back of their mind that you aren't very spiritual or you would never have been df to begin with. -
Disfellowshipped for Fornication
by TxNVSue2023 inhi i want to tell my story and get advice.
i'm a single sister ( in usa) that has been baptized for 20 years.
i came from the world, so did not grow up in the truth and i have no family in the truth -- i am alone.. last year i met a brother & we did have premarital sex while we were dating.
I had another thought for you the Bible...not along with JW pubications. They tell you you can't learn the truth without them, but the Bible says it makes one competant for every good work. Try to take off the JW filters and read what the Bible says. I will give you an example-the JW teach baptism is a symbol of your dedication to Jehovah...where is that statement in the Bible? Acts 2:38 says:....repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ FOR THE REMISSION OF SINS.......You can not only keep your relationship with Jehovah and his Son, but strengthen it if you read the Bible without JW programming what you are supposed to believe when you read a particular verse.
Disfellowshipped for Fornication
by TxNVSue2023 inhi i want to tell my story and get advice.
i'm a single sister ( in usa) that has been baptized for 20 years.
i came from the world, so did not grow up in the truth and i have no family in the truth -- i am alone.. last year i met a brother & we did have premarital sex while we were dating.
Sue, you are DF...what more can they do to you...plenty if you seek reinstatement and get it. Unlike God who puts our sins as far away as the east from the west, JW s see to it your sins follow you from congregation to congregation. Take advantage of not only this forum, but watch ex JW videos and learn what it really is you are trying to get back into. The reason JW didn't want you to check out what they claim is apostate material is they know that is where you will find the real truth of the organization. ( contrary to what JW teaches, the "apostates" for the most part use JW own publications and the Bible and their own personal- often unfair-experiences. The JW use the term, return to Jehovah...what they mean is return to the control of the governing body and the elders. You are under the delusion that returning to Jehovah means you have to be part of "his" organization.... They are the ones who tell you it is his organization....You can't show me anywhere in the Bible -it'a a manmade organization. You never left the God you believed/ believe in. Don't let them take that away from you. Jesus told the woman at the well, it wasn't in that mountain or in Jerusalem that people would worship, but they would worship in spirit and in truth. ( you don't need an organization ) The JW have you to believe you have nowhere to go, but it isn't where one goes but to WHOM one goes. John 6:68 WHOM shall we have the sayings of everlasting life....( speaking of Jesus ) Finally I want to bring something to your attention that you and most rank and file don't know: if you had been an Elder, this likely would have been swept under the rug...there is a paragraph in the shepard the flock book which sort of follows the narrative of your story....they consider his actions showed he was repentant and he had been serving just fine...etc...( maybe someone knows and will direct to that in the book ) So that is a double standard-one for you and one for "the boy's club".
Do we blame the Governing Body too much?
by no-zombie ini'd like to start this post with a part from the movie 'v for vendetta'.
here in a dystopian state, the main character named v, explains why things have gone so bad ....
those who do not want us to speak.
some more thoughts on the question as to blaming the GB. I was in 50 years. Things changed. The teaching was we were getting spiritually fed by the remnant of the 144,000 and Their GB...Then it flipped. The fds wasn't the remnant but then 8 men of the GB, I may have just forgotten, but it seems to me once it was determined the fds was the 8 men, that there was a power grab so to speak. YOU had to trust them, You had to obey them. Before it was a remnant scattered all over the earth that supposeablly God was channeling truth to ( in my way of thinking-God helping these spiritual ones to understand the Bible and they told the r and f.) ( not a word of that has proved true) While it true they always expected you to believe without question, we were given a face to 8 men who demanded adoration and respect. They are liken to the voice of Jesus. Because we have come to know the lies they teach ( foremost they have been appointed as fds) and the hate speech that comes from their mouths, others should see and hear it as well...they have to...they are enablers ...even if they are staying in for the sake of not being shunned, they are enablers of the abuse because others are influenced by peer pressure...they think if so and so is still in this and he/she is so spiritual and smart, it must be the truth and who am I to question---when the person they consider the good JW may be PIMO. The original question on this post is valdi.
Do we blame the Governing Body too much?
by no-zombie ini'd like to start this post with a part from the movie 'v for vendetta'.
here in a dystopian state, the main character named v, explains why things have gone so bad ....
those who do not want us to speak.
I think many who become JW think they are being taught the truth from the Bible. Once they discern they have been fooled they get out. People who love justice and truth will eventually figure it out and leave. Is the GB to blame? The are the deceivers, the ones who say we are the ones interpreting the Bible correctly and don't question it or you will be punished--some couldn't take the punishment and have killed themselves. Some fear the punishment and keep their mouths shut and pretend to be good JW...So yes, the congregants are enablers of the abusive GB. -
Awake! No.1 2023, A United Nations Advertisement?
by EasyPrompt inawake!
magazine no.1 2023 and united nations promotions.
page 3, "world meteorological association".
looks like they are in bed with WHO and UN...