So the d f goes back to the meeting and some will say hello...big deal...would that really be encouraging if they knew they were only putting on a show of mercy. If the GB hadn't given permission, they wouldn't even look at the person. ---which ever way the wind blows, the sheeple will follow their 9 headed god.
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
Greeting a person(who was removed from the congregation) at the Kingdom Hall now becomes a matter of conscience
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | august 2024. help for those who are removed from the congregation.
14 does what we have considered mean that we would completely ignore a person who has been removed from the congregation?
not necessarily.
I Visited Auschwitz Two Days Ago
by Sea Breeze inauschwitz concentration camp in poland may not seem like a very happy vacation spot to visit.
but, if you have a home, a family and your freedom - you will be far less likely to take these things for granted after visiting.
we made the sobering decision to make the 2.5 hr.
and to think if Rutherford had not been determined to "poke the bear" , many JWs would never have suffered such fate.
Who told the first lie?
by nicolaou inthis is a continuation of the discussion which sprang from an unrelated topic.. so according to genesis, who told the first lie?
god told eve that if she ate from the tree of knowledge she would die that very same day.
in response to that statement the devil told her she would not die.. eve ate from the tree and did not die.
Jeffro, in responce to begging the question. I am not begging any question. The way I see it, you either believe the Bible or you don't...The Bible says God cannot lie and calls Satan the father of the lie. It is either true or it isn't . If the Bible IS true, then the Gen account is true, so why read into it what it doesn't really say. For those who don't believe the Bible, anything goes. BUT, perchance it is TRUE, even if one doesn't think so, then trying to prove God a liar is fruitless. The Bible also says something like,let God be found true, though every man a liar.
Who told the first lie?
by nicolaou inthis is a continuation of the discussion which sprang from an unrelated topic.. so according to genesis, who told the first lie?
god told eve that if she ate from the tree of knowledge she would die that very same day.
in response to that statement the devil told her she would not die.. eve ate from the tree and did not die.
I haven't read through all whatever points of facts ones choose to promote here and won't waste my time, save to write, If one believes in a divine creator, they should be leary of trying to prove him a liar.
Would there, or would there not be, lawsuits if they took away the blood transfusion ban?
by VerdadTJ2 ini have heard or read, many times by many exjw's, that the org does not remove the blood transfusion ban because it would be crippled by the resulting lawsuits the minute that "new light" was made official.i am not a lawyer, but i would like to know what legal opinion lawyers have on that.on what legal basis would there be a lawsuit?
"i am suing the watchtower because my relative died because of a rule they had but no longer have"?am i missing something?.
maybe they would spin it like the c19 was their personal choice. and it really is.
Re-activate me?
by punkofnice inthere was a knock at my door and i thought it was my take-away being delivered.. long story short, it was 2 elders calling to see me.
i guess to re-activate me.
once they said who they were i recognised them.
enoughisenough what if you and the kids go to the funerals. stay outside and let them call the police. ( set up in advance to have a newswriter, photographer with you. That would be a hoot if you are up to it. So maybe not the funeral, but the graveside. They surely don't have jurisdiction over who can go to a grave yard. or what about funerals at funeral homes? You know, you could write an editorial to the paper about the funeral .
New instructions on not using sisters to manage KH computer ?
by fifth.column insince covid in france, especially in the countryside with lack of brothers, it was quite common that some sisters were using the computer at the back of the kingdom hall to manage zoom session.. i heard a rumor that new instructions, maybe a july letter, stated that this was reserved for male only, even unbaptised publishers, but no sister if there is at least a male available.
that would be a steps back and disappointment for these sisters.
last week i heard at my mom’s house how they were happy that this service was available for them, a proof that the org was moving forward.
I read Atlantis's posting...thanks Atlantis...I had a thought about the sisters not being able to have the "privieges " in the congregations--don't feel so put out "sisters", you can still mix cement, drive heavy equipment, lay roofing, paint, paper, shuttle drive, lay brick, tie rebar, lay tile, pull electric wire, etc for the new constructions ( which some of the young lads can't without a parental approval ) You can cook for the brothers, clean, and mow grass! ( you just aren't allowed to be of use during meeting )... ( is there something wrong with this picture?) I remember them saying women couldn't have teaching positions--ok...but carrying mics or handing out literature isn't exactly teaching. Now then,if a woman has a student part on the meeting, is she really not instructing the whole congregation for good or bad? A sister can't sit managing a sound booth, but she can pull her elbow out of joint working contruction. ( I know of a case ) or dig ditches in the hot sun. Don't you love how considerate of the sisters JWs are.
Re-activate me?
by punkofnice inthere was a knock at my door and i thought it was my take-away being delivered.. long story short, it was 2 elders calling to see me.
i guess to re-activate me.
once they said who they were i recognised them.
Punkofnice, they wouldn't have come save for being obediant to the 9 headed god they worship that is trying to change the old rules of conduct in order to soften judges/jurors for to win monetary lawsuits. ( I bet I didn't bust your bubble.) That is one thing all the faded or df need to understand...if they get a visit, it really isn't about trying to help them. MONEY<MONEY<MONEY I hope the ones who came by with a convention invite come back...I have more to say!! (not holding my breathe )
Marking has it's merits IMO
by enoughisenough init would appear the context about marking has to do with those who are not working to feed themselves, but meddling in others business.
a couple more scrptures to think about.
jesus said not to throw your pearls before swine.
blondie, do you think I haven't been there? I was even set up by elders-they were looking for a way to get rid of me over 25 years I wish they had succeeded! All you have to do is wage an honest complaint against one of their own in the good ole boy's club. So if someone objects to the word, mark/marking...find another word for it, but I would be willing to wager on one level or another we have all done it. ( again, maybe not the same animal the WT promoted.)
Marking has it's merits IMO
by enoughisenough init would appear the context about marking has to do with those who are not working to feed themselves, but meddling in others business.
a couple more scrptures to think about.
jesus said not to throw your pearls before swine.
peacefulpete, I agree with your statement...a church shouldn't label people...but on an individual basis, we may have good reason to avoid certain one. " and from these turn away". I wouldn't condone labeling others who have a different opinion either. We should have different opinions. But let's not make excuse for really bad behavior. The JW strain gnats and gulp camels. Talks about dress, grooming, education, fine homes and autos, expensive vacations, etc informed whom you may want to mark, and at the same time if serious wrong was committed, it was keep your mouth shut and don't bring reproach on God's organization. ( don't inform the congregation if there is a pedo or a con artist among them.)