The conclusion is a brilliant truth!
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
IT shouldn't be there!
by Terry init shouldn’t be there!knowing where things are is very important; the geography of a place, learning what should and shouldn’t be there.
if for no other reason, this is important for reasons of safety.when you awaken in the middle of the night, for instance.where am i?simple question - important question.
why wouldn’t we want to know that?for one thing, sanity itself is tested by means of knowing where you are, who you are, ‘when’ and ‘why’ you are where you aunt…let me tell you about her for a small moment.
Being embarrassed by a JW when you were a JW
by punkofnice ini was out on the ministry(tm) in the 1980's when i was pie-on-earring.
i was only a lowly publisher(tm) being coached by a rather odd elder(tm).. one of the publications(tm) had recently mentioned japan and the growth(tm) of jws there.. the elder(tm), brother(tm) i was with offered the magazines(tm) to the householder(tm).. then he stated, 'there are (gave the reported numbers at the time.
i can't remember the number he stated), jehovah's witnesses(tm) in japan.'.
a "sister" and I got into a young couple's home. She went on and on, not paying attention to their eye rolling and their clearly wanting us to leave but being to polite to say so. I finally got in interject a word or two in hopes of getting us out of there and she started into another long winded sermon. Another time I was with a "sister" who was speaking with a house holder and I don't recall what the house holder said, but I do remember the "sister' being a smart-aleck with her answer. ( totally uncalled for)
It’s started COBE asking all appointed men if they are fully vaccinated
by Indoubtbigtime inthere is a huge problem now in all congregations as the gb stubbornly will not do the u turn on staying fully vaccinated that many hoped they would do.. all congregations around the world the cobe has to ask all ministerial servants and elders if they are fully vaccinated (meaning no more than six months since last shot).
there is a massive problem now with many many jdubs not getting their latest boosters and not wanting to stay fully vaccinated .
but more serious than that is how the gb painted themselves into a corner with these vaccine mandates.. most governments did a u turn on the vax mandates but the gb can’t get out of this one so easily .
The only way I see for them to "turn" is to say that Jehovah told us to obey civil authorities and so that is what they were admonishing...then blame the civil authorities. But...that isn't what they ended up telling us. They ended up saying to have faith in the GB because Jehovah does, therefore to obey them--after all " what does Jehovah know?" I hope the rank and file will hold their feet to the fire! ( most won't)
video for believers and non believers in God
by enoughisenough input this under entertainment since it did doesn't come under anything wt...i listen to a lot of videos while working and even though i figured this fellow would have things to say i wouldn't agree with there may be some valid points and i think there are..
put this under entertainment since it did doesn't come under anything WT...I listen to a lot of videos while working and even though I figured this fellow would have things to say I wouldn't agree with there may be some valid points and I think there are.
Do Jehovah's Witnesses maintain a database of 'Sudden Deaths' within Bethel Families around the world?
by was a new boy in99% were vaccinated.. .
correction, there is no such thing as a bethel family, bethel hotel, yes, there always been bethelites coming and going.
indoubtbigtime, " in the UK bethel nearly all the old one died after clot shots" Well, now that needs to be published far and wide, because that isn't something I have heard. Do you think the ones in the congregations are suppressed from relating it to the clot shots because that would be speaking against the GB?
Staying in physically for all the benefits
by Indoubtbigtime ini wonder how many are like me staying pimo for the great association and gathering etc.
also find it very interesting having a front row seat watching the collapse of borg.. im not wasting any more time or money on anything i don’t want to do like preaching and mostly just go on zoom .
there is nothing i want to do that would be considered disfellowshiping sin, i’m married and want to live by bible principles but i have serious doubts that the gb were chosen by god and are his one and only spokesmen on earth.
punkofnice, your disbelief in God doesn't spite the GB in the least. They don't care and never did care about any of us. This is one of the most tragic things I am seeing among the exjw, they go from loving God, to disbelief. Actually the God JWs claim to worship isn't the real one. Bible says God is love. But for the people of JW, God is a hard task master that you can never work hard enough for. For the JW, they accept the "foreman" that beats the slaves into submission -what loving God would allow such treatment of his slaves-Matt and Luke tells us it isn't acceptable in the parables of the Faithful slave.
Staying in physically for all the benefits
by Indoubtbigtime ini wonder how many are like me staying pimo for the great association and gathering etc.
also find it very interesting having a front row seat watching the collapse of borg.. im not wasting any more time or money on anything i don’t want to do like preaching and mostly just go on zoom .
there is nothing i want to do that would be considered disfellowshiping sin, i’m married and want to live by bible principles but i have serious doubts that the gb were chosen by god and are his one and only spokesmen on earth.
You will get fed up some day and throw in the towel. What is sad to me is some are so burned out by that time, they take their spite out on God himself. They deny him...The thought that comes to my mind is:Then they will know that I am God! Disbelief in God becomes convenient to some.
Do Jehovah's Witnesses maintain a database of 'Sudden Deaths' within Bethel Families around the world?
by was a new boy in99% were vaccinated.. .
correction, there is no such thing as a bethel family, bethel hotel, yes, there always been bethelites coming and going.
I wonder how many sudden deaths they would have seen to start least for the first part, IMO, the bethel fam didn't get jabbed from a poison vile. If they are, as I have come to believe, part of the depopulation agenda ( or why else would they promote what they have to know to be poison?) as an example to their sheep, their jabs would have been placebo. ( at least the first of them ) Now out across the world in various congregations, people were taking the jabs and getting sick, We still haven't seen the end game of this. Come the "schools" it will be interesting to see how many of the elders and MS and pioneers have a severe decline in health, maybe death. Since none of the JW talk to me now, I have no way to learn who is unwell from the jabs now. The other thing that happens is, even if people die, they won't admit the jabs have anything to do with it. They wouldn't have given those 99% examples the bad stuff -as in not all those viles had the same formulas...after all this is an experiment on human guinea pigs.
question on vaxxed for the schools
by enoughisenough ini get it about the elder and ms schools, but the question is : what is your understanding about the pioneers?
i know they have the pioneer school for those who have been in the service for one year ( then at an interval) so i see how the vx rule applies to them, but do you understand if it applies to meetings they have with the co when he visits and also what is your understanding as to the special meeting day they have before the assemblies?.
I get it about the elder and ms schools, but the question is : what is your understanding about the pioneers? I know they have the pioneer school for those who have been in the service for one year ( then at an interval) so I see how the vx rule applies to them, but do you understand if it applies to meetings they have with the CO when he visits and also what is your understanding as to the special meeting day they have before the assemblies?
WT History Regarding Vaccination
by Ding infor those who don't know wt history regarding vaccinations, in the february 4, 1931 edition of the golden age, p. 293, the organization decreed, "vaccination is a direct violation of the everlasting covenant that god made with noah after the flood.".
because of this jws and their children often faked vaccinations for school authorities and the like.
of course, this created serious problems for jws' health.. it also caused legal trouble for jws who were caught disobeying compulsory vaccination laws.