If you happen to get questioned further, tell cousin you lost part of your memory of it after drinking the bottle of wine by yourself LOL
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
Almost got caught lying about listening in to yesterday's Memorial
by RULES & REGULATIONS ini have not attended any kingdom hall meetings in 10 years.
the elders gave up on me a while ago.. the last 3 years i get phone calls to listen in to zoom meetings.
listened in several times... nothing has changed!
We're you regular at all the meetings?
by Hellothere inwe're you regular at the 3 meetings days watchtower hade?
i remember our was tuesday, thursdays and saturdays.
in reality it's crazy they hade so many meetings.
I was regular at the meetings for years and years...going on snowy icy roads and out in service in below zero weather. Not only that, but going early to drive 45 minutes out of the way to pick up an older sister in another town. ( Several took turns doing that ) Yeah, what a waste of time, and expense! ) ( not to mention conventions and assemblies which I hated-so tiring. I got so I couldn't see to drive at night in the later years so I did the phone it thing. I am glad I woke up to the nonsense.
Would I be disfellowshiped for this?
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inif a publisher openly told the elders that they thought the gb were wrong about some or a lot of things, but said they will not share these thoughts with anyone else then would this be a case of disassociation disgfellowship?.
my guess is lots of elders meetings and shepherding calls to try to get you to say something they could use against you.. but what would be the sin in which you are not repented?.
the only reason to be dissed is non repentance?.
ExBethelitenowPIMA How can you write the GB made a mistake about the vxx? It wasn't a mistake, it was deliberate and still going even though evidence continues to come in as to the harm of that poison! Our CO told the assembly that if we had faith in Jehovah, we would have faith in the GB and we would OBEY and take the vxx. They put in a WT study ( I think July of 22 issue ) that Jesus directed them as to c19 protection. What are you doing here if you are going to defend the GB? There is plenty of evidence if you look under a few rocks to come to understand the whole organization is a front for those that want to control the world. The GB are their puppets. As to your original question, keep on playing out that scenario and see! A good company man (aka toothless lion) will try to snatch you from the fire and when he can't do it alone, he will enlist others to help correct your thinking. So you have to feign correction or out the door! I have been the object of elders calling in an order to entrap me so they would have evidence to get rid of me-so yes, be aware of sheparding calls.
If you have a question maybe I can help doctor of theology and one of Jehovah's witnesses
by Jehovahisgod inmy name is ari matthew davies.
i am a life experience consultant counselor i have a doctor's degree theology psychology clinical addictions and computer sciences.
i am also baptized as well as jehovah's witnesses.. if you have a question i've got a lot of experience and a lot of real life training.
I have a question: your bio sounds like you have obtained quite a bit of knowledge in various fields-with all that knowledge, why are you still a JW? Others with far less education were smart enough to leave the cult.
Money Making Ideas
by LostintheFog1999 inwhen i was in i can remember reading wt commands not to use the brothers and sisters as an opportunity for business ventures.. i guess in hindsight it was because the wtc was already doing it and didn't want competition for the resources of income being limited.
in addition to buying all your own literature and magazines, who else remembers the book covers, notebooks, bookmarks, etc sold at conventions with the assembly theme stamped on the front in gold coloured lettering?
nowadays people claiming to be jws have oodles of websites selling all manner of goods to them, many infringing the jw logo.
If a person gets involved with some of the marketing programs, they are told to reach out and recruit from their circle of relatives and friends. ( when you think about it, JW org is multi level marketing ) I was new in a congregation and a member called me wanting to come to visit. I felt like they were reaching out to be friendly. That wasn't the case. It was to introduce to me their business and how I could get involved.
disfellowshipped for having a personal opinion based on WT
by Leslie inin 2008 i was baptized into the truth after leaving a trinitarian faith.
during my eight years as a jehovah’s witness, i strived to keep the standards set by the bible, wt and the faithfull and discrete slave.
but unfortunately, the congregational elders from the kingdom hall i attended were not keeping to jehovah’s standards, hence, wrote my letter of resignation.
haven't been following all of this, but if one reads In Search of Christian Freedom, why would they want to stay in the JW organization?
Has the governing body been had by the 'superior Authorities'?
by was a new boy innyc mayor praises jw's for obeying authorities.
JW has always been a tool in the hands of the superior authorities that are working behind the curtains to rule the world. ( not just a city or a country, but the whole world ) -
Cult of covid
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inwatching this video and thinking about all jdubs who watch all the gov bod updates yes they are all definitely in the covid cult thanks to the gov body.
"My insurance company provides eight free covid tests.
The government website will provide you two free tests per month " For those who think this is a good thing, it collects dna. dna is sold to the Chinese where they are making bioweapons to target specific ethnic groups. So this covid thing has more layers to it than you think. As far as the comparison "covid cult" and JW cult, yeah! ticked all the boxes.
Money Making Ideas
by LostintheFog1999 inwhen i was in i can remember reading wt commands not to use the brothers and sisters as an opportunity for business ventures.. i guess in hindsight it was because the wtc was already doing it and didn't want competition for the resources of income being limited.
in addition to buying all your own literature and magazines, who else remembers the book covers, notebooks, bookmarks, etc sold at conventions with the assembly theme stamped on the front in gold coloured lettering?
nowadays people claiming to be jws have oodles of websites selling all manner of goods to them, many infringing the jw logo.
I always felt those businesses that resourced products for the witnesses were, for want of a better word, exploiting the "friends". What do I know? Whereas I resented them, some in the congregations ate it all up. It seemed to me the pioneers were in the forefront of that. They had the newest in bookbag, folders for tracts or magazines, time keeping notebooks and house to house records. The kids would have their special sized bags. It was surprising to see how many people would spend money on these items. I knew some "tight wad" friends who had a Bible, songbook, and reasoning book all bound together and made a gift to my spouse of it with name engraved as I recall. I have been given book markers with bookstudy schedules on them and magnets with scriptures or sayings like : early in the month ,early in the year ( how pioneers to best make their yearly requirement ) Well, I am pleased to say I never bought anything from the companies that sold these items. It seemed to me that it made some of the people feel more important if they had the books bound, etc. I knew a woman on SSI and little money, but she had her fancy bound books. I took a quick glance at the link, and noticed a cup...( I will check it out more just to see what "tacky" items are designed to make a JW feel special, like they are more spiritual minded than the others -I am glad I just wrote that for I think it defines why the jw buy that stuff; it to show the others how they are more spiritual than those who don't have it. ) editing this in: I took a closer look at the link and found it revolting: like pioneers need their own printed on mugs. James wrote there was to be no distinction among themselves, but the JW and the exploiters of JW didn't get the message.
disfellowshipped for having a personal opinion based on WT
by Leslie inin 2008 i was baptized into the truth after leaving a trinitarian faith.
during my eight years as a jehovah’s witness, i strived to keep the standards set by the bible, wt and the faithfull and discrete slave.
but unfortunately, the congregational elders from the kingdom hall i attended were not keeping to jehovah’s standards, hence, wrote my letter of resignation.
Leslie, from where I am sitting you should be glad you are DF and not try to be reinstated into that God dishonoring religion! In reality, they bring reproach upon God's name rather than sanctifying it. As to Micheal the arch angel being Jesus....I don't know where this thought came from, but I think it bears being stated. 1 Cor 6:3 Do you not know that we will judge angels? Then why not the matters of this life? /// so think about it, if Jesus is an arch angel, then they would end up judging Jesus....how does that work? NOT!