Watched this video and was wondering if any of you recall seeing this video besides on this presenter's youtube platform. Anyway, watch it ! It is disgusting but enlightening. ( a scenerio of a meeting to delete an Elder because his daughters are persuing higher education and how they use the scriptures to malign the Elder as an excuse to be rid of him)
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
WT and Higher ED
by enoughisenough inwatched this video and was wondering if any of you recall seeing this video besides on this presenter's youtube platform.
anyway, watch it !
it is disgusting but enlightening.
sinning against the Holy Spirit question
by enoughisenough inlet's assume that the bible is god's word and the men who wrote it were borne along ( inspired ) by holy spirit.
if one sets out to deliberately malign the bible, would that be considered a sin against the holy spirit?.
WTWizard... scary ground!
sinning against the Holy Spirit question
by enoughisenough inlet's assume that the bible is god's word and the men who wrote it were borne along ( inspired ) by holy spirit.
if one sets out to deliberately malign the bible, would that be considered a sin against the holy spirit?.
Vanderhoven7...the psalm you posted is beautiful.
Is WT Using ATTENDANTS At The Conventions To Be: "TOY COPS"
by HiddlesWife ini have heard from a few ppimis and several pimos that the attendants who are stationedly-assigned to the front entrances of the borgvenues (cahs and other arenas) have been checking to see if any persons (members and non-member visitors) have badges.
on the other hand, if these persons don't have one, this is what i was told that these dubs do this: corral around the non-badge-wearing individual and interrogate he/she/them plus questioning them, "why are you here?!".
also, even if that person or persons have an invitation plus showed it to these dubs, these toy cops still do that procedure.
Strange how you get invitations that the conventions are free to the public, yet they police the ex jw....aren't they "pulbic"? Are not all invited. Do they think the ex jw are terrorist? If an event is public and there are laws about exclusion due to race or religion, I am wondering if they couldn't be sued for discrimination of religion.
sinning against the Holy Spirit question
by enoughisenough inlet's assume that the bible is god's word and the men who wrote it were borne along ( inspired ) by holy spirit.
if one sets out to deliberately malign the bible, would that be considered a sin against the holy spirit?.
Let's assume that the Bible is God's word and the men who wrote it were borne along ( inspired ) by Holy Spirit. If one sets out to deliberately malign the Bible, would that be considered a sin against the Holy Spirit?
What does this even mean?
by Blotty in"the son is born of the father by generation, but generation should not be understood in the everyday sense.
the son is derived from the father through pure spiritual generation, through the unlimited sharing of his essence.
so, the birth of the son is an intellectual activity of god.".
"sounds like pure garbage to me"...agreed!
Jesus and Hail Zeus
by enoughisenough inmaybe not the best subject area for post, but i was watching 3 different youtube channels in which pronounciations of god's and his son's names were being discussed.
all 3 agreed that the scribes ( i believe thought to be greek ) when copying yeshua ( jesus) into greek used a word ( instead of yeshua ) that in greek meant hail zeus so that christians would unwittingly praise their god.
at least 2 of the videos mentioned the nicean counsel and over 50 gods were being voted on and they finially voted on 2 : krishna and zeus ( jesus christ ) anyway, all of this was interesting to say the least.
Vidiot, Jesus was equated to Zeus...the presenters say Yeshua was translated into Greek by letters meaning hail zeus . I will link a fairly short video that is the first of 6, so those interested can get the flavor of this posting .
Jesus and Hail Zeus
by enoughisenough inmaybe not the best subject area for post, but i was watching 3 different youtube channels in which pronounciations of god's and his son's names were being discussed.
all 3 agreed that the scribes ( i believe thought to be greek ) when copying yeshua ( jesus) into greek used a word ( instead of yeshua ) that in greek meant hail zeus so that christians would unwittingly praise their god.
at least 2 of the videos mentioned the nicean counsel and over 50 gods were being voted on and they finially voted on 2 : krishna and zeus ( jesus christ ) anyway, all of this was interesting to say the least.
I think it makes for a good conspiracy...
Mary And The Two Witness Rule
by NotFormer in
in the above page, the september 1, 1987 watchtower article about breaching confidentiality is quoted.
mary is a medical worker and finds out that someone in congregation has had an abortion.
I think they would slyly question ( or set her up in some way ) to find out and "off with her head".
Jesus and Hail Zeus
by enoughisenough inmaybe not the best subject area for post, but i was watching 3 different youtube channels in which pronounciations of god's and his son's names were being discussed.
all 3 agreed that the scribes ( i believe thought to be greek ) when copying yeshua ( jesus) into greek used a word ( instead of yeshua ) that in greek meant hail zeus so that christians would unwittingly praise their god.
at least 2 of the videos mentioned the nicean counsel and over 50 gods were being voted on and they finially voted on 2 : krishna and zeus ( jesus christ ) anyway, all of this was interesting to say the least.
maybe not the best subject area for post, but I was watching 3 different youtube channels in which pronounciations of God's and his Son's names were being discussed. All 3 agreed that the scribes ( I believe thought to be Greek ) when copying Yeshua ( Jesus) into Greek used a word ( instead of Yeshua ) that in Greek meant Hail Zeus so that Christians would unwittingly praise their god. At least 2 of the videos mentioned the Nicean counsel and over 50 gods were being voted on and they finially voted on 2 : Krishna and Zeus ( Jesus Christ ) Anyway, all of this was interesting to say the least. The presenters seem to have knowledge of Hebrew writing and language. ( I know nothing! ) I can find and post links if any are interested. Some of you who are more scholarly, may have thoughts on this already.