for all I know, there may be an eternal fire somewhere...but fire does away with. Rev. tells of death and hades being pitched into the lake of fire...can death burn? and if hades is hell ( also what some consider the everlasting fire) so you burn fire with fire???makes no sense. When people passed their children into the fire in false worship, such a thought never came into God's heart. Does it make sense that an eteral burning hell where you don't really die would be created for people when such a thought of burning never came into God's heart. Fire destroys! You die in fire...the dead know nothing at all.
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
Is WT Teachig on Hell Biblical?
by Sea Breeze ini guess you could say jesus was the first christian, since he was the christ.
and as the first christian, jesus spoke more about hell that any other biblical figure.
but, he is also the figure that said that he didn't come to condemn the world, but to save it.
Deleting Elders Watchtower Style
by Vanderhoven7 inthe only spirit-directed organization on earth never ceases to amaze me..
I think this was a good demonstration of how to pick a man's character apart once it has been decided he has to go. I wonder how many elders have be deleted in these kangaroo courts for the situation shown and others. In other words, they decide he has to go and then they cherry pick scriptures to justify what they want to do. ( any one watch Eric's disfellowshipping videos on Berean Picketts channel...the elders were like gansters- a mockery and a shame...he was treated worse than a criminal. ( that is love among ourselves
I wonder how much they have to hand over to their handlers. ( my conspiracy )
Deleting Elders Watchtower Style
by Vanderhoven7 inthe only spirit-directed organization on earth never ceases to amaze me..
St George of another thread there is a tiktok link that shows just the video.
Here is the thing about the "membership" fee. The Bible says not to give under compulsion. The rank and file are compelled to donate whether they realize it or not. They are sneaky with their letters only the elders are to see. The rank and file don't know there is a $ sign on their head. They are told all donations are voluntary-yet the elders get letters to try to get as much money as they can from the congregation ( in other words, if possible , determine if they think the congregation can afford more.) Some can. The last congregation I was in always had plenty of money in the bank and every now and again a resolution would come up to send X amount to the branch. I remember telling people there were no collections and free seating, no paid clergy. A contribution box was in the back if someone wanted to donate so as to help with utilities and mortgage. We paid for the literature even after the "donation" arrangement came in. We really don't know where all the money goes.
JW elders TAUGHT to treat Higher Education as WRONG!
by BoogerMan inin this jw training video, an elder gets deleted because his daughter has "stumbled" other jw's by pursuing higher education.
@ 13.35 -
What I think is interesting about this start up picture in there are 4 against !....Mr. Brown had to know he was in trouble with that roasting panel.
WT and Higher ED
by enoughisenough inwatched this video and was wondering if any of you recall seeing this video besides on this presenter's youtube platform.
anyway, watch it !
it is disgusting but enlightening.
Exbethelitenowpima...if they do a u turn, would that not upset their globalist overlords? ( I have come to the conclusion they are agents and being handled by globalist who want to depopulate.They have counseled against having children for years now in direct and roundabout ways. ( yep, I get into some of the conspiracies that are showing themselves to be well founded.) I would be interested ( and maybe others as well) on what your thoughts were about this video when you heard it in the school-if you recall )
Our Kingdom Ministry
by NotFormer inmy understanding was that this was the magazine regularly published for insiders only, unlike the watchtower and the awake!
looking online, it seems that the wt ceased publication of this in 2016. is it due to a name change (it seems to have changed its name several times over the years) or has it been succeeded by a new publication?
or has it ceased to be?.
"everything is dumbed down" was so boring...they wrote and talked like everyone was a 3 year old IMO.
WT and Higher ED
by enoughisenough inwatched this video and was wondering if any of you recall seeing this video besides on this presenter's youtube platform.
anyway, watch it !
it is disgusting but enlightening.
ExBethelitenowPiMA was a mini drama of 4 elders meeting with an elder who had 2 daughters that were bad examples ( hence he was ) because they wanted higher education. I posted a link to it on tiktok a couple of postings back if it is still up. I found it hateful, but insightful.
I don't think they are going broke. If I recall someone's math correctly, they are raking in over 13 million a month in the US the number of publishers. That is just one country! That does't include all the money people directly donate to them. ( on their online donation page, you select to send to your congregation or to the worldwide work if I recall. I sent donations to both at the same time.) Then you have people dying and leaving their estates, stocks and bonds ,etc. You have them making bank when disasters strike because the brothers donate labor and materials to repair homes and the JW picks up the home owner's insurance benefit. It has been discussed they have money from various trusts and stocks. They have basically stolen and sold halls from those who paid for them so as to have a close local place to meet. Their realestate is worth billions. They get money from some countries just in the name of religion. They are tax exempt. They have money to buy off CSA cases. They have money to pay lawyers to go after some lone youtuber or to sue a country for money they really don't deserve. I am inclined to believe it is wishful thinking that they are going broke. They can buy a home for someone they kicked out...