"obey your husband unless it goes against God's direction" ....at the time the GB were saying, "ask What Jehovah knows"... so she was made to believe it was God's direction...
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
PIMI wife told to go against her husband and take the vaccines?
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inif a pimi sister has been told by her unbelieving husband not to take these experimental vaccines then what is official jw policy in this situation?.
should she go against her husband and tell him i will do what the men at my church tell me?.
what on earth will the husband think then?
Disfellowshipped for Fornication
by TxNVSue2023 inhi i want to tell my story and get advice.
i'm a single sister ( in usa) that has been baptized for 20 years.
i came from the world, so did not grow up in the truth and i have no family in the truth -- i am alone.. last year i met a brother & we did have premarital sex while we were dating.
be sure and tell them you were seeking advice and answers on this forum.
Do we blame the Governing Body too much?
by no-zombie ini'd like to start this post with a part from the movie 'v for vendetta'.
here in a dystopian state, the main character named v, explains why things have gone so bad ....
those who do not want us to speak.
Lee Marsh...absolutely right...it is inexcusable that they insist upon welding abusive powers.
Do we blame the Governing Body too much?
by no-zombie ini'd like to start this post with a part from the movie 'v for vendetta'.
here in a dystopian state, the main character named v, explains why things have gone so bad ....
those who do not want us to speak.
Lee Marsh, I appreciated your thoughts on the subject...you wrote: Who is responsible. The victim or the abuser?--either the GB are deliberate abusers or they are victims as well and so abdicated of blame.
Disfellowshipped for Fornication
by TxNVSue2023 inhi i want to tell my story and get advice.
i'm a single sister ( in usa) that has been baptized for 20 years.
i came from the world, so did not grow up in the truth and i have no family in the truth -- i am alone.. last year i met a brother & we did have premarital sex while we were dating.
a watcher...you wrote and not the org...you cannot separate it...because the org teaches that in order to serve Jehovah and Jesus, you have to obey the GB- You are provided the materials you are to teach people with-these materials adulterate the truth. Once it was taught that the faithful and discreet slave HAD a GB, now they teach the GB is the faithful and discreet slave. One or both ( both from where I am sitting ) are lies! So how are you serving Jehovah and Jesus when you have to teach your students those lies? The GB says to trust them because Jehovah and Jesus trust them...the Bible in Psalms 146:3 says not to trust men. ( who are YOU going to believe-the men who say to trust them or God's word, assuming you believe the Bible?)
spreading the word that someone is out
by enoughisenough ini didn't know what category to put this under, but would appreciate thoughts.
we know if you are df or dissasociate yourself, an anouncement is made at the local kh.
do any of you know if they also contact congreagations you have gone to previously?
I think the JW have been cracking the whip upon the rank and file as to them having the least bit of communication with "filthy apostates"...and the sheeple are walking over the cliff.
Disfellowshipped for Fornication
by TxNVSue2023 inhi i want to tell my story and get advice.
i'm a single sister ( in usa) that has been baptized for 20 years.
i came from the world, so did not grow up in the truth and i have no family in the truth -- i am alone.. last year i met a brother & we did have premarital sex while we were dating.
lonnglivetherenagades made a good point about being dedicated to an organization The second question they ask at baptism is a verbal legally binding contract with them, and you have agreed to be under their manmade dictates. Explaination here: https://www.nairaland.com/3846473/verbal-legal-contract-called-baptism
Reinstatement...what is the aftermath?
by TxNVSue2023 ini'm in the process of being reinstated ( my df'ing story is on here).
because i've never been in this position before, i don't know how i will be treated once i'm reinstated.
i moved ti a new coty/state and i don't know a single person here or in my new congregation i am attending.
no one can answer that question for you...you have to live it. you are making a decision to practice .a false religion... giving 9 fakes and their company men control over your life....you will have to take whatever comes and keep your mouth shut. You have asked the question as to whether it is the true religion and you have been given honest answers from many points of view. I used to think if JW didn't have the truth, then there is no truth ( as in a true religion) Well, they don't have the truth. From where I sit no organized religion is truth. Jesus is the truth and the life....not being a member of a false religion. Will you have friends once reinstated-just kiss up to the pioneers and elders, etc.
If JW is not the truth, then what is the true religion?
by TxNVSue2023 ineven though i'm disfellowshiped ( & i belive wrongfully so).
i still belive this is the truth.
i have been d'f for about 8 months now and working on reinstatement.
Matt 7:16 By their fruits you will know them....What do you think about this fruit? The concealing of known child abusers. The JW are spending millions in lawsuits to victims and in lawsuits to suppress evidence. What about the shunning-you know what that is now- is that a good fruit? They like to preach about the love they have among themselves, but think about it...where is that love? are you feeling it? Why do you suppose people lied about their time in service...because they knew they would be judged adversely, as spiritually weak and therefore not be considered good association...Is that love among yourselves? As to what is the true religion? Jesus said to the Samaritan woman, it wasn't in that mountain, or in Jersalem ( where you would have thought it to be ) but to worship God in Spirit and in Truth. Can you worship in truth when you must obey 9 self appointed men. ( because they were not appointed the faithful and discreet slave. )
Matthew 24:45-47New International Version45 “Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time? 46 It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns. 47 Truly I tell you, he will put him in charge of all his possession.
Notice vs 46 "doing so when he returns"....If Jesus returned in 1914, why is the memorial still celebrated? 1 Corinthians 11:26
New International Version26 For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes
Matt 26:28 tells us that the new covenant was for the forgiveness of sins for the MANY , not for just 144,000-cross reference Luke 22:20.
They print lies and JW can't dare challenge them on the lies...those that studied the Bible and discerned the lies were DF or took themselves out ( I took myself out ) or are pretending to be JW so as not to loose their friends and family.
PIMI wife told to go against her husband and take the vaccines?
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inif a pimi sister has been told by her unbelieving husband not to take these experimental vaccines then what is official jw policy in this situation?.
should she go against her husband and tell him i will do what the men at my church tell me?.
what on earth will the husband think then?
A little late for this conversation, don't ya think? That aside, it is't any business of the JW....