I hope some of the pimo report what the congregations are saying about it. I think it will be like a weight lifted from their shoulders.
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
About quiting hours
by Gorb inwhat i'm thinking: can a jw be happy that the hour rapport quits?
can you show you are happy with it in the kingdom hall?
knowing it was one of the control systems of the local elders and co?.
No more REPORTING field service!!!!!!!!!
by BoogerMan inthis is going to break the hearts of a lot of uber-jw's!
reddit has now removed the video link of samuel herd telling jw's they will no longer have to report time or placements - just tick a box which says "active.".
thoughts I had on no longer counting time. Because of ex jw s , it has become more apparent to the world that time in being counted...I doubt this causes warm fuzzy feelings in the world. I have read of people complaining about the witnesses calling on them because they lived close to the hall just to start their time. In other words, it shows a certain lack of the love that is supposed to be the motive. It also reminds me of the hailstone message and the so called cessation of the preaching work. By only the pioneers counting time, will that put them on a higher pedistal that ever? All a JW would have to say to someone is Praise God and he can tick the "I witnessed" box. This is interesting. A lot will no longer show up for field service ( safe to say I wouldn't if I were still in ) I never did think counting of time was right anyway-but people don't know or have forgotten that it was the "Lord" who directed them to have pioneers, aux pioneers, and publishers and the hours back in the 1943.I have it somewhere in notes. Funny how they can change what the Lord directed. They won't have to print as much literature because if people aren't going out, they won't need publications to place-saves the WTBTS money....So will more Bethelites be lead to the door?
2023-S-147-October-Announcements And Reminders
by Atlantis in2023-s-147-october-announcements and reminders.. page 1. https://imgbox.com/vjct8rt3 .
page 2. https://imgbox.com/c0tbzgxy .
thanks for the posting...I thought it interesting that the kids were encouraged to encourage the parents to clean the hall. It's pretty bad when the kids are doing the driving. On another note, I visited a hall one Thur. night and an annoucement was made for the sisters who cleaned the bathrooms to ask the brother/s for a key to the t/p and towel dispenser. I thought about that for a while and called the congregation and let them know I thought it belittling to the sisters to have to ask a brother for a key for the dispensers. ( he told me they wouldn't do it otherwise....what.....? You have some men who just like to "boss" and the women and kids do the dirty work.
by NotFormer inwhen i was interested in things jw two decades or so ago, i never came across these mentions of hailstones.
it crops up so often now that it's almost a meme!
when did it become a thing in jw speak, and what does it refer to?.
an odd thought: maybe they will play the hail stone gammit because they know the organization is going down the tubes. So if after "the hail stone message", the organization folds-and no more come in-"aha! we were correct!"....something like that. It's come in now or never! At anyrate, I never did think the Hail Stone Message made sense.
Can Elders Voluntarily Resign?
by NotFormer inan elder with half a brain (and they must exist 🧐) is going to see the writing on the wall with the way the wt is manoeuvring them into taking the fall over csa cases.
can an elder in good standing step down with no consequences, official or social?.
a "good ole boy" went before the other "good ole boys" and told them he no longer should be an elder ( having committed adultery )...The "good ole boys " in control told him he had done nothing wrong and should go on serving. He did "step down in spite of the others in the "boy's club" because the wife told him the congregation wouldn't agree with the "good ole boys". I don't recall it was ever announce that so and so was no longer serving as an elder---he just moved to another location and quit meetings altogether and reportedly told Jehovah to go to hell.
Two biggest issues for Watchtower right now
by Teddnzo inselena accused tony morris of being involved in child abuse and the pimo bethelite who just got kicked out.
let’s see how this rolls out.
I tried the link for the interview and it can't be found. Did anyone save it?
by their fruits you will know them ( fruits:false prophesies, going beyond what is written, CSA , stirring up competitions as in keeping time to prove you are more spiritual than someone else ) shunning......
Were any congregation '' special privileges'' ever taken away from you?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inif you don't measure up to the watchtower society ''high standards''... you might lose some ''special privileges'' .
miss meetings...lose ''privileges''.
don't meet the monthly 10 hour ''field service'' ...lose ''privileges''.
got called on the carpet and lost privilege for reporting an immoral elder. they said I was a slanderer...the evidence was true.
Beroean Pickets
by joe134cd inhi i've been reading a web sight called borean pickets.
although the guy writes some real thought provoking stuff, i sort of don't know what to make of it.
His kangaroo court judicial hearing made gansters look good.
FACT: The "faithful slave" was personally selected in 1919......
by BoogerMan in.........by the elite in the wtbts, who then became the self-proclaimed "faithful slave.
" (sans divine interference!).
as attested to countless times in decades worth of literature.. all succeeding members were then "personally selected" by existing "slave" members.
it has been printed in the WT that God has a sense of humor...what a joke!