Anyone who believes the Bible's account about Jesus would never accept he had a twin. If the Bible's account isn't true, mankind is doomed and it doesn't matter anyway so as to take up one's time and energy. Some will think mankind isn't doomed, but in case you haven't noticed, there is an agenda to depopulate the planet.
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
Jesus and Thomas twin theory?
by Anony Mous inin light of the recent attack on indian jws i did some research about christianity in india and found out that india has a long history of christian influence, and not, like many of us probably believed, brought by the british, rather india has had christians for 2000 years.. matter of fact, they may be similar length and claim to the ‘original’ christians only equal by the roman (european), syrian (middle eastern) and ethiopian (african) christians.
the story goes that judas thomas (aka doubting thomas or dydimus) (literally translated: dydimus = twin (greek) and tomas = twin (aramaic)), the twin brother of jesus travelled to india and did some miracles along the way, started the church there, hence deification of thomas is common there.. i found some articles written by eg.
bart ehrman supporting this theory, personally not that much of a fan, but i know many interested in jw exegesis as he supports various fringe theories including wtbts claim to the name jehovah.. the claims of jesus’ twin brother seem to be supported by the original writings, including the gospel as we know it in the west (almost every canonical gospel writer alludes to the twin), but also various other non-canonical writings and at least 3 complete gospels claimed to be by thomas himself (although the oldest writings stem from the first, second and third century respectively).
Current light on will die at Armageddon?
by Teddnzo inmy wife zoe and i often talk about her grandmother who has never been a jw but is an excellent christian by other opinions.
she has led such a good life always kind and tried to follow jesus example.
before the agm new light my wife often thought according to current light is that as long as she dies before armageddon she will be resurrected.
a young brother once said he wished all of his ( worldly ) friends would die before armageddon- ( reasoning being they would have a chance in the resurrection.) It a PIMI JW really thought about it, it would be better to never be baptized and to die considering the way we were taught. Better to die and be resurrected than be a JW and get disfellowshipped if you bought into the old "light".
Pornography in the Marriage
by LostintheFog1999 inthe magazine that they are studying in the congregation this month has an article at the back about how pornography in a marriage could damage the relationship.. there's one piece of advice that sounds rather scary, the wt suggests that the couple should "consider asking an elder with whom you are both comfortable to sit in and guide your discussions for a time.".
how many of you would want an elder present in your home while you and your partner discussed your personal sexual cravings and the type of porn videos being watched?.
sounds like that suggestion was written by a pervert who is projecting what he would like. ( because some of the "brothers" really get off on that sort of thing. There was a brother in a hall I went to who loved to give talks about sex. (some of it was more than R rated being talked about from the platform. )
Noah + new understanding
by dothemath inso they mentioned noah couldn’t have preached to all the population back before the flood.
do you think they might start using common sense regarding not being able to get every animal type on the ark from the whole world?.
maybe the poor sloth from south america didn’t have to crawl all the way?
each to his own, but I will stick to this: Romans 1:20 New International Version
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. -
Noah + new understanding
by dothemath inso they mentioned noah couldn’t have preached to all the population back before the flood.
do you think they might start using common sense regarding not being able to get every animal type on the ark from the whole world?.
maybe the poor sloth from south america didn’t have to crawl all the way?
the way I see it, If one accepts the creator, there wouldn't be any issue with the creator seeing to it that all the animals got on board, because if he can make them, he can put them on a boat!
Thought on “0 hours” reporting
by FFGhost inso everyone knows the “big news” of this past weekend, no more reporting of hours, placements, return visits, etc.
beginning november 1, jws just tick a box indicating whether they “shared in any form of the ministry during the month”.. so there was a brief comment by a redditor that seems like a brief joke “throwaway comment” but after thinking about it….why not?.
the idea is, what is “any form of the ministry”?
sloppyoe2--I agree about some retirees liking the gets them out of the house and somethiing to do and at the same time get pats on the back from the r and f.
found a tract at my door/with a catch!
by enoughisenough ini found a tract at my door.
it was from a local baptist church!
( actually,i think someone wanted to give me a donation for the left over yardsale items i gave away.
now that I think about it, another person gave me a had a $ in it.
found a tract at my door/with a catch!
by enoughisenough ini found a tract at my door.
it was from a local baptist church!
( actually,i think someone wanted to give me a donation for the left over yardsale items i gave away.
I found a tract at my door. It had $10 with it! It was from a local Baptist church! ( actually,I think someone wanted to give me a donation for the left over yardsale items I gave away. ) Anyway, it was a kind thing and I appreciate it. The typical tract that JWs can't accept from people of other religions even though there was absolutely nothing unscritptual about it. I never did think it right that JW expected others to read their tracts, but wouldn't accept other religions tracts. ( I took their tracts-thought it rude not to. )
2023-10-17 and 2023-10-20 Letters!
by Atlantis in2023-10-17-legal seminar.
page 1. .
page 2. .
they want people with real estate experience...yeah, go help them extort more congregations...they must be planning on selling off a lot of halls. I did like the point someone made about needing help dealing with estates willed to them. ( let me say how disgusting I have come to find the org.)
G.B. of JW's update of a scripture.
by BoogerMan in(acts 20:33, 34) we have desired every man’s silver or gold or clothing.
you yourselves know that these hands have never provided for our own needs and the needs of those with us.
" .
Maybe not literallly by rewriting, but in practise, so I don't know why someone gave it a thumbs down. Thumbs up!!