They may not come right out and say it now, but they appear to be working up to it ...the message seems to be to give more than you have been giving. Thought: since the r and f aren't having to report time, likely they won't be in "service" as much, they will have more time to earn money or at least spend less as they aren't driving as much-so the org. knows they may have a bit more change in their pockets- the org WANTS that money!
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
Will the GB Eventually "observe" Tithing?
by Sea Breeze infound this on fb from the recent losch talk.
time for a new business model?.
the name Jehovah: magical?
by enoughisenough indidn't know the best subject area to put this question under....i was listening to a discussion on youtube the other day while working, so not getting every point ....part of what was talked about was the word jehovah, ( not being the most accurate translation of yhwh ) was however pushed by illuminati /secret societies for its use in magic.
(as i informed, i wasn't getting the whole conversion as i also had attention elsewhere and some of the conversation was hard to follow.
) so i am wondering if anyone on here has more information on the subject they care to share.
Didn't know the best subject area to put this question under....I was listening to a discussion on youtube the other day while working, so not getting every point ....part of what was talked about was the word Jehovah, ( not being the most accurate translation of YHWH ) was however pushed by illuminati /secret societies for its use in magic. (as I informed, I wasn't getting the whole conversion as I also had attention elsewhere and some of the conversation was hard to follow.) So I am wondering if anyone on here has more information on the subject they care to share. I remember thinking, maybe there is something to it ( as in mind control ) and that being why so many were/are fooled.
New meeting format
by ExBethelitenowPIMA injust watched november broadcast very different order to the leaked agm .
be good if someone did a deep dive on the difference and why the changes?
i didn’t time the items but it should be easy to see if edited?.
dropofyourkeylee wrote: "There was lengthy discussion of tithing in Israel, with a buildup to the extent that I almost thought they were going to suggest 10% donation or something like that. But no, they left donations voluntary. I predict they may return to the subject in future years. Loesch just went on and on about it; surely there will be a followup sometime" .....this made me wonder if there was a subliminal message in there that if you aren't going to pioneer and turn in time, then you need to be breaking open the piggy banks. I mean why would they consider the two subjects ( tithing and pioneering/counting time) in the same talk. I remember seeing annual meeting clips where they were in the same discussion.
Reinstatement Procedure
by KerryKing inwhat else has changed?.
during the many years i have been df'd the org has printed a new bible, new song book, doctrinal changes, so has anything changed re reinstating someone?.
i'm contemplating the leap for family reasons but due to my job and young family commitments there is no way i would be able to attend every meeting for months on end.
KerryKing, it's your life, but consider following the Bible's advice and flee from Babylon the Great of which JW are part. Are you going to clean the pigs by getting back into the filthy pen? If you think some have questions, write them a card and tell them you still care and are there for them if they are getting fed up with hyprocrisy and "flickering light".
The Apostates' Handy JW Glossary
by Vanderhoven7 inperhaps this has been printed here before...but still it gave me a few here it is again.. the apostates' handy jw glossary.
by doug checketts.
"anointed" - an experience that, unfortunately, no "anointed" one has ever been able to explain.
as to the types, antitypes, etc., I always thought that a lot of conjecturing and a waste of time...yet I stayed in and listened to that hogwash for years ( 50) The sad part is, commonsense told me so much of what was printed in the WT and other publications was just speculations and conjectures. Now I see it as it really was/is: made up lies to enforce obedience. Thank God, I am out!
Has the Watchtower Faithful Slave become the Evil Slave?
by Vanderhoven7 inwhat evidence suggests to you that the wt f&ds is actually more like the es of matthew 24?.
45¶who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?.
46blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.. .
Vidiot : "Has it occurred to anyone that they were never the "faithful slave" to begin with?" ...,It occurred to me! Their claim is Jesus appointed them in 1919...In the scripture parable, Jesus appoints slave when he returns, which he hasn't done yet. ( the JW claim he came invisible in 1914 , made inspection and appointment in 1918, 1919. _Every eye didn't see him, now did they? They were never anything but self appointed imposters and most definitely have beaten the "domestics" from the onset.
Thought on “0 hours” reporting
by FFGhost inso everyone knows the “big news” of this past weekend, no more reporting of hours, placements, return visits, etc.
beginning november 1, jws just tick a box indicating whether they “shared in any form of the ministry during the month”.. so there was a brief comment by a redditor that seems like a brief joke “throwaway comment” but after thinking about it….why not?.
the idea is, what is “any form of the ministry”?
GreatTeacher, there were a pioneer couple in WV who had a vanity plate on their car that read PIONEER. ( I thought it blowing one's own horn!) but why wouldn't that work now for the pioneers to get their hours...they are being seen and that is basically what is going on at the carts.
Static Electricity
by BoogerMan ini experienced a situation involving static electricity with a girl i dated years ago.. whenever our finger tips touched, we both got a little shock.
but when i kissed her, her eyes lit up!
she was a lifelike robot---LOL
Why is the Faithful Slave Now Admitting Ignorance?
by Vanderhoven7 indbm writes on the question: will sodomites get a resurrection?.
i guess it depends the date that you asked this question.
here is a screenshot from a video which gives an overview of the changes (new light) on this question:.
it would appear that the God of order likes to confuse Jesus's voice on earth by flickering the light.
Jesus and Thomas twin theory?
by Anony Mous inin light of the recent attack on indian jws i did some research about christianity in india and found out that india has a long history of christian influence, and not, like many of us probably believed, brought by the british, rather india has had christians for 2000 years.. matter of fact, they may be similar length and claim to the ‘original’ christians only equal by the roman (european), syrian (middle eastern) and ethiopian (african) christians.
the story goes that judas thomas (aka doubting thomas or dydimus) (literally translated: dydimus = twin (greek) and tomas = twin (aramaic)), the twin brother of jesus travelled to india and did some miracles along the way, started the church there, hence deification of thomas is common there.. i found some articles written by eg.
bart ehrman supporting this theory, personally not that much of a fan, but i know many interested in jw exegesis as he supports various fringe theories including wtbts claim to the name jehovah.. the claims of jesus’ twin brother seem to be supported by the original writings, including the gospel as we know it in the west (almost every canonical gospel writer alludes to the twin), but also various other non-canonical writings and at least 3 complete gospels claimed to be by thomas himself (although the oldest writings stem from the first, second and third century respectively).
Anyone who believes the Bible's account about Jesus would never accept he had a twin. If the Bible's account isn't true, mankind is doomed and it doesn't matter anyway so as to take up one's time and energy. Some will think mankind isn't doomed, but in case you haven't noticed, there is an agenda to depopulate the planet.