"It's not something I'd want to do at this time, but if I change my mind, I'll get back to you."
This line needs to be told before getting baptized as a JW.
we urgently need to offer "resistance strategy" help to pimos who are likely to be harassed by elders seeking their consent for wtbt$ to leech their data.
what questions could pimos ask elders, that elders would be unable to answer?
(thus buying time, because elder would need to "check with branch").
"It's not something I'd want to do at this time, but if I change my mind, I'll get back to you."
This line needs to be told before getting baptized as a JW.
i just saw zeb's ("i'm worldly") video entitled: "black mass mayhem" a few minutes ago.
no doubt this was what he experienced at a memorial he attended last night.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xz1eb63iry .
Who says that they don't have that right?
No one. I made the comment in view of some posters who mentioned that the gate crasher was intimidated by the elders and should press assault charges against them.
i just saw zeb's ("i'm worldly") video entitled: "black mass mayhem" a few minutes ago.
no doubt this was what he experienced at a memorial he attended last night.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xz1eb63iry .
Interrupting or gate crashing any event or gathering is seen as a nuisance no matter how right the person is.
Jesus overthrew the tables in the temple, and the anger of the Pharisees got him killed in less than 3 years.
I remember a poster named Richard Oliver who was seen as a nuisance and got banned from this forum. This forum has its own rules and if you don't follow the rules, you get kicked out.
No matter how right you feel you are about a matter, the men at the Kingdom hall have the complete right to throw you out of the KH if they feel you are an annoyance and a threat.
i have to make a token appearance at the k.h.
once a month or so and this week went to a different hall.
and believe me they are all still totally oblivious to all the negative news about the pedophiles and shunning that have come under scrutiny by the media and other governments.
Many posters over here have been expecting a mass exodus. JW's wait for the end of the world, while ex-Jw's wait for the end of the JW.s. Both of which are not going to happen.
Look at the following threads from 9-10 years ago which discussed it:
what can i do when elders want to poke their nose in?.
they want to have another chat with me and my wife, but we dont want to, it just gets us down..
What can I do when Elders want to poke their nose in?
I know that sad. But you gave them the authority to poke their nose in when you got baptized.
it appears that the borg has some financial issues and i would think they are related to the hush money being paid out for the child molestation lawsuits to protect the guilty cult members and the fine untarnished reputation of the jdubs.. we have seen how much the borg refers to the hebrew scriptures for their guiding principles whenever it suits the borg's needs.
tithing certainly is laced throughout the old testament.
under the mosaic law, there were three tithes.
The topic was discussed 10 years ago:
And we will discuss it 10 years from now. Let's see when it happens.
jehovah`s witnesses claim that all their beliefs are based on the bible.the bible clearly states early on in deut.4:2 not to add to the word....and rev.22:18 re-iterates much the same thing in not to make additions to the word of god.. i think we could agree on that the organization has raised the bar on that one with their "weasel" words on so many issues that have already been thrashed out on this forum.. so a few other things that come to my mind are : with regards to j.w`s being parasites on christendom.. 1. they claim christendom apostatized itself from true christianity by the 3rd century , yet they accept apostate christendoms determination of what books are to be included in the bible as gods word as if they were governed by holy spirit to do so.?.
2.jehovah`s witnesses have only ever followed in christendoms missionaries footsteps where they have gone preaching and poaching off of the work these missionaries that have laid the groundwork before them .. 3.jehovah`s witnesses have never opened up virgin territory and gone where no other christian missionary has ever gone before .
{ not to my knowledge anyway i stand to be corrected if i am wrong on this point}.
The Watchtower /Jehovah`s Witnesses believe and teach that the Apostasy began by the time the last Apostle died around 100 AD
To clarify, JW's believe:
1. That apostasy had started even before the apostles died and it increased after 100 AD
2. All books of the new testament were written before 100 AD, or before the great apostasy. No writer was an apostate.
3. St. Clement of Rome, who died in 99 AD, was already quoting from the gospels and the Pauline letters (95 quotes from the 10 of 27 books)
4. Early writers from the first century, Polycarp, Ignatius have quoted from the new testament books, which show that they were already accepted as canonical by Christians in the first century.
Jehovah`s Witnesses accept the word of Apostates who determined what books are to be accepted in the Christian Greek Scriptures NT
In fact, it was the other way round. It was the 'apostates' who questioned the canonicity of certain books of the NT like Hebrews, 2 Peter, James, 2 & 3 John etc throughout the second and the third century whereas these books were already being used by Christians in the first and second century. Questions regarding which books of the Bible should be included in the canon were not fully settled till 16th Century and later (Council of Trent).
Regarding this, a comment was made by NT scholar Lee Martin McDonald: "Although a number of Christians have thought that church councils determined what books were to be included in the biblical canons, a more accurate reflection of the matter is that the councils recognized or acknowledged those books that had already obtained prominence from usage among the various early Christian communities."
As it says, the apostates simply acknowledged the canon which was used by Christians in the first century. In many cases, they questioned some of these authentic books down to the 15th Century.
If JW's accepted the apostates word, then they wouldn't have removed the Apocrypha and the spurious texts from the NT. Neither would they have added the name Jehovah to the NT.
jehovah`s witnesses claim that all their beliefs are based on the bible.the bible clearly states early on in deut.4:2 not to add to the word....and rev.22:18 re-iterates much the same thing in not to make additions to the word of god.. i think we could agree on that the organization has raised the bar on that one with their "weasel" words on so many issues that have already been thrashed out on this forum.. so a few other things that come to my mind are : with regards to j.w`s being parasites on christendom.. 1. they claim christendom apostatized itself from true christianity by the 3rd century , yet they accept apostate christendoms determination of what books are to be included in the bible as gods word as if they were governed by holy spirit to do so.?.
2.jehovah`s witnesses have only ever followed in christendoms missionaries footsteps where they have gone preaching and poaching off of the work these missionaries that have laid the groundwork before them .. 3.jehovah`s witnesses have never opened up virgin territory and gone where no other christian missionary has ever gone before .
{ not to my knowledge anyway i stand to be corrected if i am wrong on this point}.
My thoughts:
1. They claim Christendom Apostatized itself from true Christianity by the 3rd Century , yet they accept Apostate Christendoms determination of what books are to be included in the Bible as Gods word as if they were governed by Holy Spirit to do so.?
The canon of the Hebrew scriptures was fixed even before Jesus' was born. and the New Testament books were finalized by 180 CE (the Muratorian Fragment),. So the JW's believe that the canon was determined much before the Councils of the third century Roman Catholic Church.
2.Jehovah`s Witnesses have only ever followed in Christendoms Missionaries footsteps where they have gone preaching and poaching off of the work these missionaries that have laid the groundwork before them .
The problem is the starting point. Christendom had 1500 years to them before JW's started. Any religion or sect or cult that started in the 1800's had the same problem. There was vrtually no place where Christendom had not reached.
On another note, most of the Christendom history of the dark ages is filled with bloodshed, violence, inquisition, and crusades. So I would not say that JW's or any other cult followed their footsteps. And the fact that many people join these cults is that that previous religion did not do a good job in retaining them. And that's the business model of a religion. Even Jesus converted Jews to Christianity. that's how religions grow.
4. The average rank & file JW likes to think that Jehovah`s Witnesses are the only ones that use the name Jehovah.Little do they realise that not only the Bible they use was established by the Catholic Church but also the name of God Jehovah was also. By a Spanish Catholic Monk in the 13th Century by adding vowels to the four letters of Hebrew {Tetragrammaton} translated by him as JHVH and coming up with the name Jehovah.
It seems that the name Jehovah had come up even before the Catholic usage in the 13th Century. Following is the comment made in the part "Jehovah" in the Catholic Encyclopedia:
the word is found even in the "Pugio fidei" of Raymund Martin, a work written about 1270 (ed. Paris, 1651, pt. III, dist. ii, cap. iii, p. 448, and Note, p. 745). Probably the introduction of the name Jehovah antedates even R. Martin.
5.The Catholic Church and Christendoms Protestant religions have been using that name ever since the 13th Century in writings ,engraved on Churches and with biblical scholars throughout the world down to this day.
And that is what irks me. If you can use the name on buildings and other writings, why did you remove it from the Bible?? Only 1 or 2 instances in some of the authorized Bibles?? The name of God was to be used in worship. There is no point in having the names high up on buildings and in scholarly and academic writings, but removing it from the Bible, which was the primary tool for worship for the common masses. If Jehovah was not the right pronunciation of the name, then why use Jesus, Joshua, Jeremiah, etc? Since they are also not the way Hebrews pronounced them.
i was watching some of the videos on line and marc and cora had one where they said that after zone talks the gov body members would autograph bibles.
anyone have any video of this?.
3 days into this, and still no evidence (photo or video) of JW's lining up to to get autographs of GB members on their Bibles or books.
no talking allowed..
You used this word the second time. Is that the Japanese language term for disfellowshipped?