why do I have an intuition today you were at the mall?
Billy will be fine. Give him some time.
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
why do I have an intuition today you were at the mall?
Billy will be fine. Give him some time.
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
Billy, Bohm, CO, EP read the book. It’s very challenging with detail, but way worth it.
This is one of the great awakenings in history. It's greater than the defeat of Nazism, Leninist Communism and JWism because it’s a universe paradigm shift. X-dubs can totally relate to the dissonance. Many will be very angry. And, some will remain religiously devoted to Evolution like JW lifers.
Rebuts are clapping seals thrashing and flailing, trying to save their investments in a bad idea.
Watch for Dawkins and Strauss, it should be very entertaining.
I predict big guns will start to abandon the titanic ship Evolution; saving face in clever ways to dilute embarrassment.
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
CB, I have no idea of what you are saying. Sorry.
Latest evidence proves Abiogenesis and Evolution are myths (unproven). That's reality!
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
Abiogenesis is NOT a theory, never has been a theory and never will be theory.
Thank you, exactly my point! You and cofty are religious fanatics and don't know it.
Your world view is based on superstitious hearsay, old wives tales. Cofty says 'Evolution is a muddy water magic fact because HE/YOU simply believe it.' You say, 'Abiogenesis is a muddy water magic fact simply because YOU/HE believe it.'
How is either of you any different than the JW leadership?
'Whatever WE BELIEVE should be viewed as fact!'
A DESIGN world view is easily provable, like forensics. Follow the clues.
If it walks like a duck (design) and talks like a duck (design), it is a duck (design)!
Evolution/Abiogenesis world view is goofy. Dark Age stuff. Convoluted clunky!
Never passes the empirical eyeball common sense test!
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
abiogenesis is a real science and is not in anyway a discredited theory.
So we're to believe YOU over the online dictionary? All because YOU say so?
Your belief in mud puddle magic is massive credulity, way beyond any religious person.
But you’re the atheist!
I think you're just a very confused JW still, with some of that numerology jangling around in the 6” between your ears.
ok i started another thread and every one jumped on me because i was trying to take the theory of evolution out of the mix and most here seem to believe in it so i will just say it.
the theory of major evolution is crap!
the theory is falling apart.
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
Atheistic evolutionists have long believed that at some time in the distant past, life arose from non-living substances. British biologist T.H. Huxley in 1869 and physicist John Tyndall in 1874 were early promoters of the idea that life could be generated from inorganic chemicals.
Currently this idea is known as abiogenesis.
Like Evolution, it is a museum relic.
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
Hi Run, cofty and Billy, thanks for sharing.
Darwin's Doubt info:
This is the latest fresh look at Evolution revealing the missing info everyone needs to know.
False are the Darwinian postulates of gradualism (vast imperceptible species gradations) and transmutations (micro/macro specie mutation jumps). None of the physical evidence in the Cambrian fossil record supports these speculations.
Cambrian fossil record shows:
1) Abrupt explosion of animal life happens in a 5-6 million year window.
2) Arrivals are in a "top-down" hierarchcal order, genus (themes) of COMPLEX body types FIRST (no "bottom-up" evolving simplest life forms first)
3) Beneath each body type genus theme is species variations on the theme.
These "variation on the theme" body types is similar to the way car manufacturing DESIGNs make various car models.
All these life fossils were created with DNA instructions and EPIGENETIC additional instructions throughout each body, very sophisticated exquisite design.
Human experience says whenever there is instructive information it ALWAYS tracks back to an intelligent source. So, each time science uncovers new instructive information (DNA software, Epigenetic software or mathematic laws, etc.) it points to intelligence, a DESIGNer logic.
Text books at variance with this NEW information are obsolete.
ok i started another thread and every one jumped on me because i was trying to take the theory of evolution out of the mix and most here seem to believe in it so i will just say it.
the theory of major evolution is crap!
the theory is falling apart.
You're done cofty, gig is up. You opted in on Darwin and lost. ALL those old books you’ve read are obsolete (as of June 2013).
Panda is apoplectic because they lost.
Now everyone can read for themselves the other side (correct side) on the origin of life.
Get up to date so someone can take you seriously.
Take care.
ok i started another thread and every one jumped on me because i was trying to take the theory of evolution out of the mix and most here seem to believe in it so i will just say it.
the theory of major evolution is crap!
the theory is falling apart.
hmmm.... you're acting like the JW GB. You want to punish those of us not accepting your error. Interesting how that JW mindset lingers.