How would they know that Bible studies Have declined so much now there is no more reporting?
JoinedPosts by ElderBerry
2024-04-April-Languages-Announcements And Reminders-S-147!
by Atlantis in2024-04-april-announcements and reminders.. languagesafrikaans armenian chinese croatian danish dutch english filipino french german greek haitian creole hebrew hungarian italian japanese norwegian polish portuguese russian spanish ukrainian grandpa!
2024-04-April-Languages-Announcements And Reminders-S-147!
by Atlantis in2024-04-april-announcements and reminders.. languagesafrikaans armenian chinese croatian danish dutch english filipino french german greek haitian creole hebrew hungarian italian japanese norwegian polish portuguese russian spanish ukrainian grandpa!
Thanks Atlantis
this shows why they stopped the reporting
3. Bible Studies: Recent reports indicate that in some lands the number of Bible studies is
decreasing. In harmony with our commission to make disciples, we want to offer Bible stud-
ies at every appropriate opportunity. (Matt. 28:19, 20) Please continue to take the lead in
offering Bible studies and to encourage publishers to offer Bible studies at every appropriate
opportunity. While public witnessing is an important aspect of our ministry, most Bible stud-
ies are started in the house-to-house work. (Matt. 10:11-13; Acts 20:20) With that in mind,
ensure that there are regular congregation arrangements to share in the house-to
Disaster preparedness
by ElderBerry inas your family considers its disaster preparedness plan, please ensure that the secretary has up-to-date contact information for you and your emergency contact.
also, we have re- peatedly seen good results when brothers and sisters are prepared with go bags and are ready to obey direction when they face various kinds of disasters.
please be sure you have a go bag, and review its contents at least once a year.
As your family considers its disaster preparedness plan, please ensure that the secretary has up-to-date contact information for you and your emergency contact. Also, we have re- peatedly seen good results when brothers and sisters are prepared with go bags and are ready to obey direction when they face various kinds of disasters. Please be sure you have a go bag, and review its contents at least once a year. When a disaster strikes, our brothers and sisters may be displaced from their homes. Thank you for generously helping those in need, such as by providing temporary accommodations or other practical assistance. We are very grateful for the hard work of Disaster Relief Committees and others who assist with relief work
They do seem to be very interested in preparedness.
every congregation has a back up meeting location if not the KH. Ours is a very big supermarket well retail outlets just out of town. We have even designated areas around the different car parks for all the groups to meet so that we don’t have 100s in one place.
there is so much effort put into group leaders and their assistants to contact everybody and make sure they are ok.
my question is say we can’t meet at the Hall, and we had to leave our homes for some reason we all go and meet up at the designated locations, then what?
where do we all go if we can’t go back to our homes?
what if some can go back to their homes but some can’t? Are we expected to house those who can’t go back to their homes? Will elders have to assign who goes where?
the new soft touch approach kinda means you do what you think is best not what the elders tell you. I will choose who can and who can’t come and stay with us if there is a major disaster
GB Update #2, March 2024: Women allowed to wear pants, no ties/coats required if not giving a talk, & now able to greet DF ones in the KH!
by WingCommander inyou heard me correct, this is not a joke, and it is not april fools day!
the asl portion of the governing body updated #2 (march 2024) has been released a bit early and someone caught it.
summary: .
I wonder how many rank and file know what went on? Watchtower fought in court saying this is Gods way, we trust God this is his way of doing things.
Then they lost.
They now have to go against Gods former way of doing things to keep getting handouts from the government but don’t worry this is now conveniently Gods new way of doing things.
Thoughts on Likely Upcoming Changes in the Org.
by Phizzy ini am thinking that the "ten year plan" that some have spoken of is the most likely scenario.
the org.
has to both attract new members and retain as many existing ones as possible.. so i think they will let the recent changes "bed in" for a while, maybe a year ?
St. George - “…I thought that was David Splane. We haven't seen much of him of late
It was David splain, who said “do you think Jehovah would really let all the governing body bethelites and special full-time servants take this vaccine if it was harmful”
Well, it is harmful David Splain. You will regret saying that. This is more proof than anything else that this is a human run organisation.
Every member of the GB pushed the vaccine but David Splain is the one most remembered by people keep quoting what he said.
This is why we don’t see him much these days. Also he was the one with the stick explaining the overlap generations. They really wish they could delete that and hope everyone forgets it
2024 What's Afoot with World Religions?
by KerryKing inthe parliament of the world's religions, member of the united religions initiative, has on their website a focus24 page, they call this year the year of democracy.. apparently an unusually large proportion of the world's countries are holding national elections this year, it's certainly the case here in ireland.
this somehow is the focus of their mission, it reads well, you know peace, love and justice etc.
i am wondering if the the watchtower society is a part of this movement, seeing as they have the 501c3 agreement they are also a state church, therefore bound to follow the states laws and regulations for fear of fines or loss of the 501c3 religious charity status, loss of tax exemption etc.. if so, we could be seeing many more changes this year.. does anyone have more detailed info on what rules and regulations 501c3 religious charities have to comply with?
501c3 religious charities certainly explains the JW compliance with all things COVID
Yes. And all other religions who want tax exemption. They all said God wants you to take these vaccines.
David Splain went as far as saying “would Jehovah let all the GB and special full time servants take the vaccine if it was harmful”
Well it is harmful David Splain, you are not an expert in what is in these vaccines or the long term effects so you will regret saying that.
As for long term outlook for all religions it’s obvious the way things are headed. Chrislim is going to be a mix of Muslim and a Christian sort of thing. One world religion is the way things are heading. All the changes show JWs are showing they are slowly heading that way.
One world currency is also on the way, some kind of cashless CBDC system. And one world government which we kind of have already but not quite everybody goes along with it.
maybe one world language as well, English is the language of the internet.
All these things there will be off shoots, the one world religion, currency and government. Just like languages most kids will have to learn English but they will speak others as well.
There will be one world currency cashless CBDC every transaction on the blockchain but other things will be used as a medium of exchange like silver grams for private and anonymous transactions.
Most Christians and Muslims will kind of join the the new Chrislim one world religion and it will be taught in all schools under the one world government. But there will be off shoots and what JWs morph into in coming decades will be one of these off shoots.
interesting to see it all play out over the coming decades.
Im staying physically in the org watching from the sidelines. Im agnostic as to if there is a God but I’m 100% certain the GB are charlatans.
I am still an elder for now but have stepped back from most things so I hardly do anything anymore and it’s not quite enough of a reason to remove me. But everytime I get asked to do anything I just say no.
Other elders even the CO gave me long speech using scriptures and how there is such a need for brothers to work for free. Well I’m not one of them.
I probably will be taken off at some point because I still do the occasional item and I’m sure some have noticed my feelings that I don’t agree with everything and I still to the Bible not JWs interpretation
the toll of being PIMO
by enoughisenough infor those of you who are pimo, how do you feel it may be effecting your mental and physical health?
is it easy to pretend to be what you are not?
how do you feel about falsely supporting the pimi which builds them up and therefore an org you don't believe in?
90 sanction and it probably won’t even come to that if you say you are sorry
Yes now is the time to get DFed not years ago:)
s-395 Adjustments-to-handling-serious-wrongdoing-in-the-congregation
by gavindlt inthis was posted on jw leaks.. my truth's | dad seeking truth.
Last week, it was said to my disfelloshiped friend that she should wait almost one year becuase only after her marriage, she shown repentance. She got very angry. After 3 days, the elders call her again and told ther that new rules arrive and she would be readmitted. Now I see this document and everything makes sense
Good timing for her.
90 sanction and it probably won’t even come to that if you say you are sorry
Yes now is the time to get DFed not years ago:)
What I Remember From The Past...
by titch infolks: regarding all the recent changes about dis-fellowshipping and time for re-instatement.
(and, even speaking to persons who are dis-fellowshpped.
) back in 1972, a new book was released at the summer district convention, that replaced the yellow-colored "lamp": book.
Does anyone know why ted jaraz life store is not in the watchtower
An obvious reason comes to mind. There is at least one man who claims he was molested by him when he was a boy. Just after the alleged crime Ted was suddenly and unexpectedly moved away from the area of alleged incident
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Sexting will not get you DFed unless you are unrepentant now.
The seismic change is it doesn’t matter what the elders think, all that matters is what the sinner says.