You and your husband need to take some time to talk about this.
Is having children something the two of you have always wanted? Is it what you both still want? How many? Are you financially ready to have a child, or would waiting until you finish place you in a better position?
I assume that if you're working on a Masters and working 2 jobs (both part time?),you have a financial need, possibly to eliminate taking out too much in student loans?
You will be done in 1 year, and you will have just turned 34. I had my last child at 36. I had much more patience with her than the other 3.
After talking with your husband, you should make an appoinment for you both to go talk to your ob/gyn and discuss your concerns as far as health issues/ability to become pregnant, any risk factors. They should be able to answer your questions, and will more than likely do an exam . But do this soon if you decide you both want a child.
Consider finishing what you have started first, and, if you both want children, start trying about 2 months before you're done with your thesis. Since you have never experienced a pregnancy, you don't know how your body will react. Have you heard of morning sickness? It could interfere with what you are trying to accomplish if your head is in the commode a couple hours/day. You may have very little change, but you have nothing to go on.
All the best to you on your journey!