OrphanAnnie, I am so sorry for your loss. Your heart must be broken. Sending hugs & wishing you strength at this difficult time. You will be in my prayers.
JoinedPosts by ruderedhead
A JWN Member just lost her Husband and She could use some encouragement.
by ohiocowboy inon 4/6, the poster orphan annie posted about her experiences with jw's and her ill husband.
unfortunately, her husband died monday, and she is feeling very sad.
i just wanted to make others aware of it, so that we can encourage her and give her some much needed support during this rough time.. her original thread is here.
She's trying to make her a publisher...
by MsGrowingGirl20 insoooo, i've been sudying the bible with a 10 year old girl for two years now...her mother recently got baptised.
since i've been having doubts about the org i've centered our discussions on god and the bible and less on pleasing the org...i was doing fine.... until i invited an older pioneer sister to accompany me on the study....heeeeeeesh...she changed the topic from having manners to becoming an unbaptised publisher....she went onnnnn and onnnnn about "don't you want to please jehovah and jesus, wouldn't you like to put in a form every month and you do love jehovah and want to tell others about him,right?
" i was so upset.. i treat and love this girl as if she was my little sister and i do not want her to nose dive into this religion...she's a child for god's sake!.
MsGrowingGirl20, I think you are correct in believing that if you stop the study, they will just find someone more indoctrinated to study with this child. Probably the pioneer sister you took with you, as she could probably use the study to get in time. If you continue , you can keep her from being pressured. Remind her that Jesus was an adult when he was baptised, so she does not have to hurry. If her Mom is new, she is probably quite zealous right now, I assume? You may be the one to save this child from this org. as you do more of your own research in regards to your doubts. How can anyone object to your discussions centering on God & the Bible? They can't (well, they will if you do not have WT literature out, cause you are not smart enough to read the Bible & understand it on your own!) Just have the book you are studying from out & open, so it all looks kosher. I know the pressure congragations can place on young people. They did it to my son. Thankfully, he is out now as well. Hope it goes well for you. Rudered
Memorial is more important than dying relative!
by Orphan Annie inmy husband is gravely ill sedated and on a ventilator.
he most likely isn't going to survive.
we are not disfellowshipped.
I am so sorry for your pain, Annie. What they did was selfish and a bit heartless, imho. But I am sure they are feeling good about themselves right now. It's the WT mindset.Quite warped. They certainly could have gone to a Memorial by you. I can only give you a cyber hug(((Annie))), hope it is some comfort. I hope you can find strength during this very difficult time. I will keep you & your husband in my prayers.
Anyone in the Detroit area wanna go to the Memorial with me?
by serenitynow! ini will be partaking and placing some "literature.
" i was going to go in ohio, but my partner in crime can't make it.
i also plan to strike up a conversation about the epic fail of a memorial invite that a local congregation put in my door.
I got excited when I saw Detroit area. But, unfortunately, it is a big area, and Oak Park is about an hour from me. I think I might have gone to support you , but I live in Macomb County. Hope you find someone to go with you.
No, it will be the second year I have not gone. Not allowing all to partake is unscriptural. How was I blind for so long?
I've not seen them for four years - elder puts Memorial invite on my door
by truthseeker ini just came back from shopping, was about to pull up in the driveway and noticed an elder from my old hall and his young child working the territory.. i waited till they left and parked.
i noticed i was the only one who got a memorial invite, none of my neighbors got one.
so they weren't working the territory but stopped by to give me an invite.
Hi, Truthseeker, I ahven't been on this forum very long, so I don't know much about you. Is there any way you could request that they not contact you for any reason? I wrote a letter last month to DA myself. I asked them not to contact me for any reason. Not sure why, but I have gotten 2 Memorial invites in the last 3 weeks. I am assuming the letter was not read yet. Hope the rest of your weekend is fun!
Did You See A Lot Of Drinking Among JW's???
by minimus ini did!
most jws that i know of love to drink.. interestingly, i noticed the heaviest drinkers were bethelites..
Funny av8 mentions drinking at Bethel. About 15 years ago, my oldest son was removed from a jw's wedding party since he had mentioned that it sounded like fun to be in a fraternity (he was in college) The bride & groom were proud to have a young man in their wedding party that had just returned from a 2 yr. stint at Bethel. He walked around drinking from a flask of alcohol at the reception! I think they were serving alcohol, but that was kind of telling. Drink much?
What's Your Status? Are You Technically Still A JW?...
by minimus inare you disfellowshipped, disassociated, active, inactive???
After a long fade, I DA'd myself last month. Puzzled as to whether the announcement has been made, as I have been visited 2x this past month by some from the congregation that shares the hall I went to. Memorial invitations, but they were very friendly & talkative. One couple neeeded to use my facilities. I might mention it if they ever come back.
Does Anyone Else Feel This Way?
by Shanagirl inok, it's that time of year.
the memorial is coming up.
i've been out for over 10 years.
I was not Catholic before becoming involved with the WT,I was a Methodist, but I know what you are feeling. If you have a deep desire to participate, and you feel it is right, I hope you can get past the WT programming and do it. I wish to take communion, but have not yet found a spiritual home where I feel comfortable. I feel that I have missed out all those years of following Jesus command when I was ignorantly following the WT false teachings. Getting past the guilt brought on by the false teachings can be the hardest part. I hope you can find the strength to do what is right for you. rudered
Would this t shirt get you in trouble
by slimboyfat ini met a jw in town yesterday while i was wearing this t shirt.
it didn't even occur to me it was a problem because it is a joke , but he seemed really annoyed about it and kind of cut me short.
I think it all depends on where you live. In some places it seems the jw's are stuck in a weird time warp, in others, they have seem to have more common sense. blond-monent, I had a strange experience like your "pregnant" one. I had to get to a restroom in a hurry( too may cups if tea in service), and said I had to pee deaperately. A teen-age girl said she had to pee as well, and her Mother ler her have it!"What have I told you about that word?!" blah, blah blah. I felt bad, but thought the Mom was a jerk. They can be a strange group sometimes.