Lord of the rings (all 3)
Alien and Aliens
Batman (the christopher Nolan ones)
Star trek, the new ones with Chris Pine
Sherlock (Cumberbatch)
Blade Runner
just thought i'd start a thread about favourite movies.
mine, in no particular order, are .... alien - a great visual film.
the chest-bursting scene is still great to watch, no matter how many times i've seen the movie.
Lord of the rings (all 3)
Alien and Aliens
Batman (the christopher Nolan ones)
Star trek, the new ones with Chris Pine
Sherlock (Cumberbatch)
Blade Runner
anybody seen november 2017 broadcast ?
i do not mean the hypocritical talks about accuracy, but the rather short talk at the end.
the brother (sorry, forgot the name) addressed the issue of how apostates wrongly inform the media about the 2 witness rule.
anybody seen November 2017 broadcast ? I do not mean the hypocritical talks about accuracy, but the rather short talk at the end. The brother (sorry, forgot the name) addressed the issue of how apostates wrongly inform the media about the 2 witness rule.
I guess the org received several letters from concerned brethren, who watched TV or read newspaper.
He starts like how dangerous it could be, that our faith be eroded, and kind of blames apostates for the media coverage. He didnt mention child abuse directly.
then he goes and quotes Deuteronomy (2 witness rule).
Then he creates a strawman, by saying that some of opposers accuse JW of not applying the Mosaic law in some areas (example given of stoning adulterers) but do so in other areas. he then continues to show Matthew 18:16, trying to prove that Jesus established this rule also as being valid for Christians.
But there are some problems with this approach:
1) The main issue was not their own procedure of judicial comitees, rather the fact, that they did not report it to authorites, and it was not all done to protect children and victims.
2) The situation in Matthew 18 involves disputes between adults. Even their own literatur applies it to business dealing for instance, but NEVER to any sexual misconduct. What a big lie to pull this one in the context of child abuse !
3) Even the org allows for circumstantial evidence in connection with sexual misconduct, when 2 witnesses observe a couple being the night together. They do not witness the act itself of course. Or what do you think would happen if a not married sister becomes pregnant, but does not confess? and no witnesses are there either?
I was surpised they even adress the issue, but as usual, with half truths and logical fallacies.
But it will work for some who may have raised some questions...sigh..
something that bothered me even when i was a watchtower company drone was the thought of dying and being resurrected in paradise.
would the resurrected person really be me or just a copy of me?
if god could recreate one of me, he could also recreate five of me.
nice thoughts, it always bothered me as well.
The general problem, as was also adressed by previous posters, is the lack of continuity.
Just for arguments sake (as Im not sure anyway what to believe): God, as described as all powerful , rules over space AND time. What if he, just a second before you die, travels back to this time, so to say fetches you and transport you over into the future, where you will be resurrected, while leaving behind a copy of you behind to decay?
It would solve the problem of not being the same, its not a recreation of you, its really you being transferred to the future. Of course, its not a real resurrection, as you were not really dead, but it would, to you and others, feel like one.
just a crazy idea ;-)
another inconsistency in wt theology:.
jw believe, when armegeddon comes, only jw will survive.
good news was preached in most areas and people could decide for or against god.
another inconsistency in WT theology:
JW believe, when Armegeddon comes, only JW will survive. Good news was preached in most areas and people could decide for or against God. Only exception those living in such remote areas, they have not heard from JW, here God will read their hearts.
On the other hand, if somebody dies before A. , he will get resurrected (except real wicked people like Judas Isacriot, Sodom inhabitnats etc), even though he had the chance to listen to JW, but refused.
Does this make sense ?
Sme JW may say, well even these people will not get resurrected, but what do JW say to people, who lost somebody to death? Do they say: Well, did he in his lifetime listen to us? If not, resurrection is very uncertain.
No, rather JW will most definetely always try to comfort (lure in) people with the resurrection hope.
Its just another example, of how little JW think through their own theology...
i do not wish to trivialize or minimize the horrific murder of a jw lady in finland as she handed out mags etc from her cart in finland, but do you remember the stories we used to hear of angels protecting jw's in their "preaching" work ?.
where were the angels when this lady needed them ?
watching from heaven ?.
If a pioneer in desperate needs find $ 100 on the street it was a loving provision from J.
but an incident like above, well time and unforeseen occurance...
somebody got his priorities wrong I guess
a miracle is an event not explicable by natural or scientific laws.
bible reports many such miracles.
interestingly, responses to these reported miracles could be even labeled as a greater miracle which cannot be explained by any known law, logic or experience.
about the golden calf:
the context speaks about all the people (ex 32:3) and even Gods response initially was to wipe them all out, only because Moses intervened, it did not happen.
according to the "new light" the faithful slave class appeared after jesus came 1914 (rather 1918 he inspected the temple) and was bestowed with assigement to provide spiritual food.. there are a number of problems with this new concept:.
how did russel and co found out about certain unique teachings diffferent from mainstream christendom?.
option 1) apparently by himself, as there was no fds at his time.
st george,
exactly the first thought i had, when learning about their new definition. If they are provided with spiritual food from Jesus to dispense how come they were not told who they are ?
Shouldnt that be the first truth to learn about ?
according to the "new light" the faithful slave class appeared after jesus came 1914 (rather 1918 he inspected the temple) and was bestowed with assigement to provide spiritual food.. there are a number of problems with this new concept:.
how did russel and co found out about certain unique teachings diffferent from mainstream christendom?.
option 1) apparently by himself, as there was no fds at his time.
My observation: the average witness has no clue whatsoever, they just nod and move on. As long as we can pet pandas in the new world....
some bright ones try to make sense of it by wrecking their brain around it and finding some kind of sensible reasoning...of course even they end up not being able to provide a satisfying answer....well, just wait on Jehovah...
according to the "new light" the faithful slave class appeared after jesus came 1914 (rather 1918 he inspected the temple) and was bestowed with assigement to provide spiritual food.. there are a number of problems with this new concept:.
how did russel and co found out about certain unique teachings diffferent from mainstream christendom?.
option 1) apparently by himself, as there was no fds at his time.
As you stated also, its just an illustration, not a prophecy, however, in order to reason with JW sometimes its beneficial to leave the premisses (that the illustration should be in fact a prophecy) out of question, and show them how even the logic of the resulting conclusions fall apart upon scrutiny.
according to the "new light" the faithful slave class appeared after jesus came 1914 (rather 1918 he inspected the temple) and was bestowed with assigement to provide spiritual food.. there are a number of problems with this new concept:.
how did russel and co found out about certain unique teachings diffferent from mainstream christendom?.
option 1) apparently by himself, as there was no fds at his time.
According to the "new light" the faithful slave class appeared after Jesus came 1914 (rather 1918 he inspected the temple) and was bestowed with assigement to provide spiritual food.
There are a number of problems with this new concept:
How did Russel and Co found out about certain unique teachings diffferent from mainstream christendom?
option 1) Apparently by himself, as there was no FDS at his time. This means, that everything he was teaching, can always be (and in many cases it was) subject to change, including the interpretation of prophecy reagrding the 2520 days leading to 1914. So why do they pride themselves so much in his prediction of 1914 ? It means not more than any teaching of catholics, protestants or whatsowever. He was not guided by spirit, as the FS claims now to be.
option 2) There was no FDS, but Russel still had Jehovahs special help to find out the truth. Ok, but what about Jesus choice 1918? He came to earth and choose people who were on the right track and elevated them as FDS class. But this doesnt make sense, if they already had Gods backing before. Why make a big deal about them being chosen, when they were already privileged and had support? how is the comparison to other groups, who also tried to understand the bible, fair? The other groups had no divine backing and the outcome of Jesus choice was already preidctable and the whole procedure becomes a farce.
What is your idea?