good point, listener
JoinedPosts by inbetween09
special talk
by inbetween09 inyesterday was the premiere, at least in our hall.
the special talk was given first time before the memorial and on stream, not live.. must haven been outstanding, right ?
well.... it was a rather underwhelming experience, nothing special.
special talk
by inbetween09 inyesterday was the premiere, at least in our hall.
the special talk was given first time before the memorial and on stream, not live.. must haven been outstanding, right ?
well.... it was a rather underwhelming experience, nothing special.
Yesterday was the premiere, at least in our hall. The special talk was given first time before the memorial and on stream, not live.
Must haven been outstanding, right ?
It was a rather underwhelming experience, nothing special. However, there was one statement, that showed the true colours of JW, and it was done intentionally, as it was even repeated for emphasis:
I only can paraphrase, but it was like: "Only a babtized JW can attain eternal life".
Normally the org tiptoes around this question, its misleading on their website also.
But now we all heard it clear, either you are a JW or you die in harmageddon. This was not said directly, but its the logical consequence of the statement above.
Some brothers, who are fully in (at least to my knowledge), but have relatives, who are not JW, were upset about it.
Dilemma of Shunning Policy
by Drearyweather inapologies if this topic has been discussed earlier.. i was thinking of whether demanding for a ban on shunning policy would be beneficial for the larger society.
following are some things that we need to remember while advocating the issue:.
1. shunning is not limited to jw's and for many americans, it is not that controversial as it seems.. 2. jw shunning is not a dark secret policy.
well said, slimboyfat !!
If shunning stops, JW would quickly fade away, and the higher ups are perfectly aware of it.
thank you, excellent video, sums it up nicely, which would otherwise be hard to go through without spending hours on end.
keep it up, looking forward to part 2
Do you miss that initial "high" ??
by stuckinarut2 indo you remember the first time you found out "the truth about the truth"?.
yes, it was confronting, shocking and life altering.
yes it was hard to deal with.. but, along with that, many have said that they experienced a sense of thrill, euphoria, or joy when realising the facts about the religion that held us captive mentally and physically for so long.. it was liberating to learn some of the controversial teachings etc.
Yes, I remember the "high" , in a short period of time, so many things suddenly made sense. Before, I tried to wrap my mind around many teachings, (blood, 1914, generation, birthday etc) and felt constantly guilty of not being a good enough Christian, not doing enough etc.
That burden was lifted, this was exciting for sure.
The downside of course, having all family and friends still in.....
WT study
by inbetween09 init became rare, i thought, when considering last weekends study article.
it became rare, that most of the message is actually quite ok. the gist was to avoid loving oneself, money and pleasures more than god.
thats ok, if you're a believer.. this was my take until i saw the pictures, and discovered the real message behind the article.. as often, they use pictures to contrast bad and good behaviour (in their eyes at least).
It became rare, I thought, when considering last weekends study article. It became rare, that most of the message is actually quite ok. The gist was to avoid loving oneself, money and pleasures more than God. Thats ok, if you're a believer.
This was my take until I saw the pictures, and discovered the real message behind the article.
As often, they use pictures to contrast bad and good behaviour (in their eyes at least).
Guess what the picture regarding good behaviour in matters of money portrayed? Yes, you guessed right, a brohter putting money in the donation box. So that was the real intention of the article, another hidden request for money.
The sheeples must not love money, but the borg can...hypocrites...
This probably sounds uppity. I'm saying it anyhow
by stillin inhas anybody else noticed a pattern that is here among us outcasts?
there seems to be, on average, a higher level of intelligence here than there is at the kingdom hall.
actually, intelligent conversation seems to be looked down upon among the witnesses.. also, the simple language skills found here seem to be above average compared to those among the witnesses.
In the congo I grew up, indeed there were not many smart paople, some due to lack of education, some just naturally limited. later on, changing to foreign language groups, I got to know some very bright witnesses, some with college, some without, but nonetheless all of them above avarage. They are able to come up with really smart arguments, and are quite opne minded.
Something though hinders their thinking skills when it comes to anything the GB comes up with, its just not questioned, at least not openly.
Its not a lack of intelligence, its rather denial, fear and the wish to be socially accepted.
A spy's life is a lonely one
by LevelThePlayingField inso i have been awake since about this time in 2013, so about 5 years.
and the craziest thing about it is that now, no one, and i mean no one know's i am an apostate.
meaning, that i don't believe the jw minds set/beliefs at all, and no one knows it.
Same here, also PIMO for several years, can`t leave due to family situation. Often I feel stuck, lonely and frustrated. To some decree I can talk about some of my concerns with my wife, she agrees often and is not shy to critisize the org, even gb members. But for her, the truth remains the truth, and I think it would be emotionally damaging to her, if I draw her out at this time. maybe this will change in the future, who knows.
But even to her I could never admit that I`m conversing with yes, being a spy is a lonely place...
In the meantime, I try to be as Christian (in the true sense) as possible and let reason rule in my dealings with others, often picking more liberal viewpoints, sometimes expressed in the org literature.
In real life though, I´m tending more towards agnosticism.
Your Top Ten Favourite Movies?
by LoveUniHateExams injust thought i'd start a thread about favourite movies.
mine, in no particular order, are .... alien - a great visual film.
the chest-bursting scene is still great to watch, no matter how many times i've seen the movie.
Lord of the rings (all 3)
Alien and Aliens
Batman (the christopher Nolan ones)
Star trek, the new ones with Chris Pine
Sherlock (Cumberbatch)
Blade Runner
November broadcast
by inbetween09 inanybody seen november 2017 broadcast ?
i do not mean the hypocritical talks about accuracy, but the rather short talk at the end.
the brother (sorry, forgot the name) addressed the issue of how apostates wrongly inform the media about the 2 witness rule.
anybody seen November 2017 broadcast ? I do not mean the hypocritical talks about accuracy, but the rather short talk at the end. The brother (sorry, forgot the name) addressed the issue of how apostates wrongly inform the media about the 2 witness rule.
I guess the org received several letters from concerned brethren, who watched TV or read newspaper.
He starts like how dangerous it could be, that our faith be eroded, and kind of blames apostates for the media coverage. He didnt mention child abuse directly.
then he goes and quotes Deuteronomy (2 witness rule).
Then he creates a strawman, by saying that some of opposers accuse JW of not applying the Mosaic law in some areas (example given of stoning adulterers) but do so in other areas. he then continues to show Matthew 18:16, trying to prove that Jesus established this rule also as being valid for Christians.
But there are some problems with this approach:
1) The main issue was not their own procedure of judicial comitees, rather the fact, that they did not report it to authorites, and it was not all done to protect children and victims.
2) The situation in Matthew 18 involves disputes between adults. Even their own literatur applies it to business dealing for instance, but NEVER to any sexual misconduct. What a big lie to pull this one in the context of child abuse !
3) Even the org allows for circumstantial evidence in connection with sexual misconduct, when 2 witnesses observe a couple being the night together. They do not witness the act itself of course. Or what do you think would happen if a not married sister becomes pregnant, but does not confess? and no witnesses are there either?
I was surpised they even adress the issue, but as usual, with half truths and logical fallacies.
But it will work for some who may have raised some questions...sigh..