If the WTBTS closed up shop nothing much would change after the initial shock. Local elders would rehash meeting parts and school schedules and keep doing the same as it was done when they were placed under ban. They would create a de-facto structure and determine and create new leaders (but I think new leaders are always at the ready, in case there was an explosion at the annual meeting and the leadership perished.)
JoinedPosts by wisdomfrombelow
In the unlikely event of organizational collapse: Safe Haven and Outreach Centres for JW survivors
by truthseeker inimagine if the watchtower completely collapsed.
now image millions of people who put jehovah first suddenly see their hopes, dreams, beliefs and faith shattered.. they have been told all their lives that there is no place else to go except jehovah's organization.. there will be casualties from the fall out - perhaps hundreds or thousands of suicides.. the exjw community should do all they can, if able, to help these ones.
they are in the best position to understand their fellow jws.
Template to dump Special Pioneers
by avaddohn94 in"downsizing" has reached special pioneers.. this is the template mexico is using to get rid of many of its special pioneers.
see how cold and unloving is the language they use.
a translation attempt is as follows:.
Somehow I get the feeling that the branch was told to reduce the number of special pioneers to a certain number and then the ones who didn't have enough friends at the branch were the first to be chopped. I don't know but I can't see them terminating all of them at once but if they did...wow.
I can see witness parents realizing that being a Bethelite or in some other form of special full-time service is not as desirable as they once thought. Who would want to go to the Schools they offer knowing that after they reassign you they can demote you at a blink of an eye.
I don't see it as being a leak as it is not confidential and they can share it with whomever they want. If a congregation had more than one special pioneer then the elders would get copies of the letters. What we saw was not the official template but a construction based on the contents of the letters. (The fonts were different). Anyhow, I wonder if any of them care about the annual meeting now?
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No the WT Borg is not closing! That's Wild Dreaming!
by DwainBowman inno the wt borg is not closing!
that's wild dreaming!
they have been changing directions for a while now, and for whatever reasons, what is happening now is a part of that change!
I have to wonder where the money will come from. Since the "total donation arrangement" for literature completely flipped their revenue source, everything else is a stop-gap. They had a policy where people who generated the most revenue (pioneers) were rewarded and they pushed the ministry because the more full-time publishers the more money they made.
Now how can they have a sustainable model to get money that continues and make it so people don't see it as an obvious "begging for money". The DVDs may only cost pennies to make but if they think people will pay a lot of dollars for them they are wrong. People will get them for free and having them available on the website for streaming or downloading also doesn't generate any revenue.
They need a way to monetize indulgences and not have them look like obvious indulgences.
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It must be a concern of all the information that is now been leaked
by joe134cd ini have put up previous posts about this in the past, but i just thought that it was worth mentioning again.
it has to be of concern to them with how quickly information is getting leaked.
hell it even surprises at just how slowly information spreads by offical means.
thedepressedsoul Guys, it's definitely happening. They are not going to pull it.
It takes so much time to get everything ready for publication and translated that there is no doubt this change is happening even if it got leaked. Something like this has been in the planning stages for months and if it was leaked back then before the writing of the letter then it might be something. There are probably dozens if not hundreds at Bethel who were aware of the change by the time the leak happened so it doesn't have to be someone of high status who leaked the information.
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Had you thought of feeling sorry for the G.B?
by The Rebel ini only bring this to the board, because a friend of mine once said he felt sorry for the footballers who made so much money.
that comment stayed with me, and over the years,the more i thought about that comment the more i agreed with him.. i admit the g.b destroy people's life's and are the sublimation of all that's good in people's life.
there only excuse is a fantazy asylum they claim to believe in.
I feel no pity for them. They accepted when offered the position so they are entitled to any problems associated with it.Link +1 / -0 -
How did your close JWs react when they found out you know TTATT?
by ivanatahan ini'm not sure if this topic has ever been posted (surely, i believe it has), but it would be interesting to revive such a topic and hear your stories!.
when my parents heard my first rant (after they told me to be home schooled when i was caught kissing a girl) they entered into a long depression that continues to this day.
my father suffers knowing his once amazing family is now divided, and my mother is equally angry.
Some of them shun me. Some of them just don't discuss religious things with me. Some of them want to understand my viewpoint. Some agree with me and know TTATT but are stuck in for family reasons. Everyone is different. They know I am DF'd and some just don't let that stop them from keeping in touch. -
Old is Becoming New Again?
by Tazemanian-devil inis it just me, or does it seem like jw.org is returning to some very old methods from rutherford's era?.
- their carts / booths is very reminiscent of the sandwich board system, including the fact that they no longer personally engage.
- showing videos via the tablet / smartphone is almost exactly like the phonograph method they used.
Witness 007
Brother Knorr/Franz 1943 take over is being reversed.It seems like they are deconstructing what they constructed because there is a decline and not an increase. No more training of missionaries. Vastly reorganized branch structure. Revamped bible. End of types/antitypes. Revising the New World Translation. Like Russell and Rutherford before them, Knorr and Franz would not recognize what happened to the religion they built.
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How the college educated/employed "weak" JW's will soon be "used"
by ToesUp inonce these laid off bethelites are released from their duties, where will they go?.
how many will turn to their "spiritually weak" families for a place to live, a meal or financial aid?
the ones who have been criticized over the years for attending college and getting a good job may soon become an asset to the ones who have been relieved of their duties .
If they do that it will be like the Society on one side of their mouth asking for people with specific skills to volunteer and on the other side of their mouth saying they don't endorse the education that enabled them to attain those skills. Makes them look foolish but perhaps if they eat "humble pie" and ask for help maybe they might have a change in perspective. Or if they don't get help maybe they might have a change in perspective of headquarters.Link +2 / -0 -
How Much Does It Cost To Produce One Watchtower Magazine?
by The Governor inhello everyone i had a quick question to ask.
does anyone know how much it cost to produce a watchtower magazine?
also does anyone know how much each watchtower magazine is worth?
It really depends on volume. There are fixed costs and variable costs. Running the presses, buying the paper and ink, time it takes to write and translate. With the jw.org online magazines it is the same costs no matter how many people download an issue and that is the reason for the big push to online. It can be done much, much cheaper.Link +0 / -1 -
Latest Leaked BOE letter to Elders Oct. 4th
by Watchtower-Free inoctober 4, 2015. to all congregations.
re: new provisions announced atannual meeting.
dear brothers:.
Our Kingdom Ministry is being replaced by a new four-color, eight-page monthly publication entitled Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook (mwb).
If this new workbook has no announcements and no stats then the only way the rank and file will know about "theocratic increase" is via the yearbook. They won't see any more monthly decreases that used to be in the older Kingdom Ministry. Is the monthly average low in the USA? No one will know anymore, all they will have is the congregation average which the CO can use when considering appointments.
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