In a recent sex abuse case agains the WT (, the WTS was requested to provide both their "pedophile database" as evidence, and GB member Gerritt Loche for testimony.
They refused.
As a result, they were not permitted to make any testimony on their own behalf ("contempt of court", after all), for all intents and purposes forfeiting their side in the case, and setting what I consider a virtually foolproof precedent to beat them in any future child-abuse-related cases.
And IMO, the WT Legal Dept. would have to be total f**king morons not to have realized this... therefore, they expect to lose lots and big in the near future.
When I first read about it, my immediate thought was, "are they (the WTS) crazy, or just plain stupid???", but considerable discussion has taken place here over the subject, and some of us have concluded that there is a valid (if extremely dark) explanation as to whythe WTs and its lawyers may have refused to cooperate.
There may well be paedophiles coming to meetings and nobody knows about it, but what can each congregation do about it?
But Im certain once it is known about they are not keeping it secret, they inform the authorities ASAP. And then every care is made being very careful in that conregation.
This conspiracry theory that pedos are protected and there is a pedo ring going up to the top is rubbish.