Half banana: One significant evidence which Adventists had been relying on was the scripture in Daniel based on 607 BCE as the date when Jerusalem was destroyed by Cyrus. Russell said that this date 607 BCE was the pivotal date for predicting the end of god’s enemies on Earth.
Posts by btlc
Since everything about the origins of the Watchtower magazine were proved wrong, what legitimacy can its inheritors claim?
by Half banana inthe original aim of ct russell in starting the watchtower magazine in 1879 was to announce to the world his pet idea that jesus had come to rule in the heavens five years earlier back in 1874. for the young entrepreneur this new magazine looked like a commercial runner and it was!.
most of us know how profoundly false the prophecy was but if you don't mind i'll give a brief overview for newbies:.
1874 was the failed adventist prediction year for the return of christ in the heavenly glory, which russell was now saying was the right year after all.
Just to comment, CT Russell never spoke about 607 BCE, not even Rutherford, their number was 606 BCE. The first mention of 607 BCE was soon after Rutherford's death, in the 1943. book "The Truth Shall Make You Free", page 239.
Btw, Russell had a few different ways to "prove" 1874. year - measurement of the Great pyramid, six thousand years from creation of Adam by former chronology, by anchor date 539 CE plus 1335 from Daniel's prophecy...
You wake up one morning and see
by A Believer inthe un has banned religion.
what are you're thoughts?.
also changes to it seem to be on the way.... http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/12/trump-vows-israel-vote-161224040133216.html.
@pale.emperor: A Believer isn't even baptised, he thinks this all unique.
Could be, but I know for sure that some JW (often kids) pretend they are just a sympathizers of JW, so they can peacefully troll around, avoiding tricky questions saying - idk, I'm not even baptized, just started to learn. So I would say, troll by definition.
No updated Watctower's articles on Evolution
by opusdei1972 inas far as i know, the "creation" book is out of print ?, am i right?.
well, i was searching for new watchtower articles trying to debunk, for instance, human evolution.
so, i did my homework, for the first time, so as to read past and updated papers and books on human evolution.
No updated Watchtower articles on Evolution - of course not, writing department is a bunch of ignorants. Look at few recent lines in WT:
But does the theory of evolution represent true science at its best? Note the conclusion that Christoph Schönborn, Catholic archbishop of Vienna, presented in The New York Times: “Any system of thought that denies or seeks to explain away the overwhelming evidence for design in biology is ideology, not science.” (WT 15.08.2007 pg 4) - so Catholic archbishops are relevant now?
Christians deal with moral, social, financial, and religious pressures that could cause them to deviate from Jehovah’s righteous ways. Many face family opposition. In some countries, educational institutions promote the theory of evolution ever more aggressively, and atheism is gaining more attention. In the face of such pressures, we cannot merely hunker down and do nothing. We must take action in order to resist and thus protect ourselves. (WT 15.09.2009 pg 13) - by discouraging any education beyond elementary
Also, “the faithful and discreet slave” provides spiritual food to protect us against the teaching of evolution, the enticement of immoral desires, the pursuit of riches and prominence, and numerous other harmful desires and influences. (WT 15.01.2010 pg 10) - so they canceled book "Creation"
Your peers may believe in evolution or in various false religious doctrines because others have told them that this is what they should believe. However, you can rise above such thinking when it comes to your own beliefs. Remember, Jehovah wants you to serve him with your whole mind. (Read Matthew 22:36, 37.) Our heavenly Father wants you to build your faith on evidence. (WT 15.11.2010 pg 13) - evidence like gravity, electricity, wind? btw, evolution is the same category as various false religious doctrines? really?
and so on, I have more quotes, but stupidity of writers makes me sick. You cannot expect that such ignorants will ever be capable to understand simple fact such as evolution and the best explanation of that fact such as theory of evolution.
why haven't the elders talked to him yet???
by Homer notsimpson inmy brother got himself in hot water, ive been posting alot about this only cuz i care for him so much.the story goes like this, ge and a girl wete sexting very on and off for a year, they haven't sexted in a year due to her finding a bf... they were engaged in less than a year, and it broke off in august ,she tries to commit suicide, and talked to the elders, she told my brother that and that shes gonna tell on him too.. she got df in august ( shes been reproved before) and its now january 2017.. she claims that she did tell, but because the elders didn't know what his hall was they couldn't do anything, is that a possibility?
why haven't they talked to him?
could it bw that she didn't tell on him?
Tell your brother to sleep peacefully, nothing will happen. No one is interested in a two years old minor offenses, probably without any evidence.
Caption This Photo from "God's Kingdom Rules!"
by JW_Rogue in.
him: these girls are super weird but maybe i still have a shot at a virgin threesome!.
them: we must remember to bring brother oldenstein next time, otherwise we could arouse unclean thoughts in this young man..
Him: I hope she won't take back that magazine, or she will see how much i'm "interested"...
Still Contaminated After All These Years
by new boy inthe contaminantion of years of being a jehovah witness.. it's interesting to see in myself and in many others here how no matter how much we want it or wish it, we will never be able to erase all of the mental contamination.
in one way or another it will always be a part of us.. i've had many friends that have been out for many years say "well i can't do that it just wouldn't be right.
" yes they are still judging themselves and others.
I think it is matter of habit, not willingness. If you spend 30, 40 or more years as JW (the best and the most part of your life), it is embedded in you, it is a part of you, it is who you are, and, the most important, it is not necessery something wrong (could be, but not necessery). I dumped the rubbish, but I try to keep the good things - I don't want to repeat the same mistake as when someone becomes a JW and destroy everything before that. I'm inactive for 15y, I had a bad period (a few years), but it passed and now I'm free. No bad feelings anymore, clean accounts with everyone. That doesn't mean that I'm breaking all the rules, I still respect most of things, because I want to, not because i'm forced. I'm even free to make fun of that and say "my religion doesn't allow that" if i find that i'm not comfortable with something. Maybe I'm irretrievably contaminated, could be.
How long does it take to get a response from the branch office?
by Homer notsimpson indoes any one have any experience with writing to the branch office?
i know they're busy, but while reading through the shepherd textbook, it says to write to them quite a few times.
so if a body of elders write to the branch office, whats the usual wait time for a response?
Depends on matter, probably. When i sent a letter 15y ago (as individual) it took almost 3 months to get an answer (it came via local congregation, cc to my elders to annoy me). Maybe letters sent by body of elders have higher priority.
Sisters running microphones?
by NikL inso our sunday meeting was on the 25th (christmas) and my active jw wife and i were out of town enjoying some family time with relatives.. apparently there were many others in our congregation that missed as well.
so few were there in fact that sisters ran the mics.
(actually it was a sister running one of the two mics) a friend of my wife commented to her about how the brothers just aren't stepping up and it "makes her want to cry.
If there is no "able bodied" men (physical or spiritual) , sisters could do the job. Here in Europe, a last few years sisters serve at conventions as monitors, contribution-box guards, literature distributors, responsible for info-desk, welcoming visitors at entrance, etc., mostly young and pretty sisters. No one complains :)
About head covering, if I remember correctly, it is mandatory only if female serve as "teacher", not for doing technical jobs.
2 questions about Warwick
by Gorbatchov ini have two questions about warwick.
see the picture included.
1) at the other side of the lake you see other buildings.
That said, I'm still not sure why they bought MORE property. They have a TON of unused land in Wallkill and Patterson.
They may turn on a "new light", that "ancient worthies" prefer a land for cattle, not Californian mansions...
Is it just for social reasons you remain?
by UnshackleTheChains inas someone who has tried to fade on various occasions, i always end up attending meetings!
why is this the case you may ask?.
if i was single, i would have kissed this high control american religion goodbye many years ago.
My elderly mom often say that meetings are her only opportunity to dress up, put some makeup, to see and to be seen and she always invites me with words: don't let people forget you - our cong is a social club to her, she is not interested in religious aspects for a long time. I noticed the same thing with younger JW (I mean below 60y), you simply have no one to talk about anything a little more seriously - you can talk about sports, cars, smartphones, shopping opportunities, and that's it. Religious topics - only a basic ones, on low-level. Fading away, I found more 'wordly people' with whom I had interesting chats, advanced religious thoughts and learn something new, than ever in JW cong. Sad but true.