From the outset the anointed generation idea, even if David liked it , is wrong. And The wt explainers like Splane with their charts know it, their faces, if you know them, show it, I feel sorry for them.
Sorry if i'm offtopic again, but you just remind me to my last chat with one elder who asked me: name just a one thing which you think is not right in our current teaching. Ok, I said, a simple thing: when a baby becomes alive? In the moment of conception? in the moment of birth? or in the meantime? He said: in the moment of conception, of course! Why then, David Splane, member of the GB, in his talk about overlap generations said that baby was not alive 10 minutes before it's birth? He said, let's check! and he watched at least ten times that part of video with WTF???!!! expresion on his face.