The very first thought reading the caption:
Posts by btlc
The Apology Tour
by minimus ineveryone seems to be hitting the apology circuit.
if you ever said anything inappropriate or what might be considered offensive, then you must apologize.
if you possibly could have hurt someone’s feelings, you need to say sorry.
JW's ransom sacrifice DOGMA
by The Fall Guy init-2 p. 735 ransom - “the real ransom (a) sacrifice.....would have to correspond (b) to the perfect adam......and enslavement into which their first father adam had sold them.
only thereby could he satisfy god’s perfect justice (c) that requires like for like...(d)’”.
a) can a ransom redeem something which wasn't lost – i.e.
@blondie: It is easier to navigate through the pages if you download file (PDF, 47 MB). There is many articles named "Atonement", "Redemption", "Ransom", etc, but that one which caused division was on the page 170 of the above document. Russell answered on the page 183, continoued with Barbour's comment, then page 200, and so on till they split in May 1879, (page 327). Interesting reading is page 339 with some internal info about how Russell started his "The Watchtower"...
JW's ransom sacrifice DOGMA
by The Fall Guy init-2 p. 735 ransom - “the real ransom (a) sacrifice.....would have to correspond (b) to the perfect adam......and enslavement into which their first father adam had sold them.
only thereby could he satisfy god’s perfect justice (c) that requires like for like...(d)’”.
a) can a ransom redeem something which wasn't lost – i.e.
The very same question was the reason for breakup between Russell and Barbour, and it was thoroughly commented in the Herald of the morning, issue August 1878 and later. My two cents: two deaths are two deaths, not a break-even state.
Did you EVER falsify your report card ?
by Chook inevery single watchtower soldier lied to god out of fear of the brooklyn popes..
When I was still PIMI, I was always honest with my reporting. Later, when I woke up and quited with preaching, I stopped my reporting, and then brother who was in charge literally asked me to "report anything, at least one hour", or else he must remove my card to separate folder, fill some forms, then elders must visit me and fill some more forms, othervise CO will bother them because he should fill some forms, etc, so to save everybody's time "please, please, send anything, on my responsibility". So I felt sorry for poor brothers and continued to report, even fake.
January 2020 Watchtower - Dogma being force-fed yet again as "truth"!
by The Fall Guy inif the wording & context of a scripture is dismissed at the outset, then every statement and assumption which follows is implicititly false.
in the very first study article, the gibbering body continues to indoctrinate the sheeple to accept that over 500 people met jesus on the mountain - despite the blatant fact that 1 corinthians 15:6 says absolutely nothing about the 500 people being anywhere near galilee!
(matthew 28:16-20) however, the 11 disciples went to galʹi·lee to the mountain where jesus had arranged for them (the 11 disciples) to meet.
Must correct myself, data source for the world population from last post was wikipedia. Using numbers are slightly different:
Anyway, decceleration of the growth is there, but declining of JW is not on sight anytime soon.
January 2020 Watchtower - Dogma being force-fed yet again as "truth"!
by The Fall Guy inif the wording & context of a scripture is dismissed at the outset, then every statement and assumption which follows is implicititly false.
in the very first study article, the gibbering body continues to indoctrinate the sheeple to accept that over 500 people met jesus on the mountain - despite the blatant fact that 1 corinthians 15:6 says absolutely nothing about the 500 people being anywhere near galilee!
(matthew 28:16-20) however, the 11 disciples went to galʹi·lee to the mountain where jesus had arranged for them (the 11 disciples) to meet.
Figures can vary from country to country, but generally JW still growing slowly. Yet, last few years they oscillate around 0.109%. I used data from WT reports and
January 2020 Watchtower - Dogma being force-fed yet again as "truth"!
by The Fall Guy inif the wording & context of a scripture is dismissed at the outset, then every statement and assumption which follows is implicititly false.
in the very first study article, the gibbering body continues to indoctrinate the sheeple to accept that over 500 people met jesus on the mountain - despite the blatant fact that 1 corinthians 15:6 says absolutely nothing about the 500 people being anywhere near galilee!
(matthew 28:16-20) however, the 11 disciples went to galʹi·lee to the mountain where jesus had arranged for them (the 11 disciples) to meet.
I can't help but notice how desperate WT trying to avoid any mention " the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit...", both in yeartext and study article. It is funny reading paragraph 3:
Read Matthew 28:16-20. At the meeting that Jesus organized, he outlined the vital work that his disciples would accomplish throughout the first century—the same work that we are accomplishing today. Jesus said: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, . . . teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you.”
Same work as Jesus outlined, by omiting and denying his words how to baptize disciples? Sure. -
The "figurative" heart
by Sour Grapes inabout 25 years ago i gave a talk about how when the bible talks about the heart that it is the literal heart and how the heart and the brain are connected by nerve tissue.
the watchtower even stated that some people who received a heart transplant would take on some of the personality of the donor.then all of a sudden the borg changed and said that when the bible refers to the heart that it is figurative.
then when ever the watchtower referred to the heart it always put the word figurative in front of it.. does anyone know why there was a change in the use of the word heart?
The Watchtower, March 1, 1971, page 134:
"... and thus we do not want to make mistake of viewing the literal heart as merely a fleshly pump as does orthodox physiology today. Most psychiatrists and psychologists tend to overcategorize the mind and allow for little if any influence from the fleshly heart, looking upon the word “heart” merely as a figure of speech apart from its use in identifying the organ that pumps our blood."
The Watchtower, June 1, 1986, page 15:
"The ancient Egyptians believed that the physical heart was the seat of intelligence and the emotions. They also thought that it had a will of its own. The Babylonians said that the heart housed the intellect as well as love. The Greek philosopher Aristotle taught that it was the seat of the senses and the domain of the soul. But as time passed and knowledge increased, these views were discarded. Finally the heart became known for what it is, a pump to circulate the blood throughout the body."
So, Watchtower admitted that their previous belief was based on pagan superstitions, rather than modern medicine! -
The "figurative" heart
by Sour Grapes inabout 25 years ago i gave a talk about how when the bible talks about the heart that it is the literal heart and how the heart and the brain are connected by nerve tissue.
the watchtower even stated that some people who received a heart transplant would take on some of the personality of the donor.then all of a sudden the borg changed and said that when the bible refers to the heart that it is figurative.
then when ever the watchtower referred to the heart it always put the word figurative in front of it.. does anyone know why there was a change in the use of the word heart?
BluesBrother: I well remember this teaching. Was there not District Convention in the 70's that featured a large illuminated heart on the platform?
Yep, I remember that too, it was in mid 70's, big scary heart made of styrofoam, I was maybe 4-5y old, and I didn't like it at all -
New HuB logo
by MrHappy inso the organisation has developed a new software for the coordination of nearly everything!
i just want point out a few things i notice about the new hub icon logo.
the image contains twelve pillars with the 2 at the front being the prominent.
Don't forget "W" in "JW", it is obviously sign of the "original serpent, who is the Devil and Satan..." (Rev. 20:2)