I am an ex-JW and I understand what you are going with those three scriptures.
Recall Jesus conversation with the Pharisee Nicodemus concerning being born again at John 3:1-8. He made referencing to "seeing" the kingdom of God. Nicodemus (like so many today) did not understand that "born-again" meant being born-again from the dead; in other words, being resurrected to life again. Jesus was saying that unless a person dies FIRST and is brought back to life AGAIN, he will not be able to "see" the kingdom of God. Jesus did not say that "unless one is born again, he cannot "BE" in the kingdom of God. There is a difference between "seeing" the kingdom of God and "being" in the kingdom of God. Jesus was explaining that a resurrection from teh dead back to life is a requirement before one can see teh kingdom of God coming. This seeing is a "perception." During his 1000 year paradise on earth, all of the dead will eventually be resurrected from the dead. Christ will teach all of mankind to "see" Gods king coming from that vantage point forward. No one today can "see" God's kingdom and since they cannot see it, there is no way they can enter into it. (None among mankind has died and been resurrected back to life again in order to "see" and "enter" Gods kingdom except one: Jesus Christ. (John 3:13) We are all today "blind" and cannot see God's kingdom. Any who say they have, are lying.
At Mark 9:1, Jesus was not referring to the death we all will experience - a first death.
Note: All of mankind has a first birth (are born) and a first death. We are born, grow old, get sick and die.
The death Jesus was referring to was the second death. If there is a "second death" there MUST be a "second birth." The second birth all of mankind will have is the resurrection resurrection from the dead.
When all of mankind is born, what to we "see" in front of us as an eventuality? Death. We know that we will die. (Eccl 9:5,10)
When ALL of mankind are resurrected from the dead, behind them is their first births and first deaths. Upon being resurrected, a diferent type of life and death stands in front of them: Eternal Life and The Second Death.
It from this point forward that Jesus was telling his disciples that they will not taste death (the second death) before they see the kingdom of God.
Our being born (first birth) and dying is "definite." In other words, we live to a certain age and we die. It is different with the PAIR second birth (resurrection) and second death. These create a situation of "eternal life" or "eternal death." Eternal death is the Second Death or Lake of Fire. (simply non-existence).
So Jesus was tell those persons at Mark 9:1 that they will be resurrected inteh distant future to life again. From that future time period going forward they will NOT tast the "second death" (go into nonexistence) before they see the kingdom of God come with power.
In other words, they will be resurrected to life again and will "see" God's kingdom coming from the vantage point of being in Christs 1000 year kingdom over the earth.
Christ kingdom of 1000 years is a "definite" one and it MUST end. (Rev 20:7)
When it ends Satan must be released and he will establish a kingdom over the earth for an unspecified period of time. When Satan is released ALL of mankind will be able to "see" (perceive) Gods kingdom coming. Why? Because Christ will have open their eyes to see while ruling during those 1000 years.
It will be after Christs 1000 year kingdoms end and within Satan's Beastly throne, that there will be an eventual persecution of those who refuse to worship the Beast. This will be a time of endurance for them, a Great Tribulation. This tribulation will come at hands of their former brothers and sisters in Christ as all of them will have gone through Christs 1000 year kingdom. Upon Satan's releasing, he will mislead most of them.
Jesus warns at Mark 9:1 that a future time will come (after his 1000 year kingdom ends) that many who are standing here will prove unfaithful and not endure through those trying future times. But they will "see" Gods kingdom but not "enter" into it.
So no, Jesus was not a false Prophet, it is just today most of mankind is "blind" and they follow "blind" religious orgabization. The blind leading the blind.
Matthew 10:23-24 has application to what will occur after Christs 1000 year period ends because the Great Tribulation does not occur within our immediate time period today, but in a distant time period after Christs 1000 year kingdom ends and Satan supplants his kingdom on top of Christs 1000 paradise.
The same applies to Mark 13:24-27, 30. It does not have application to anything today, but in a future time period more than 1000 years way from us AFTER Christs 1000 year kingdom ends.
Many of you are not obeying what God commanded you at Luke 9:35 and that is to listen to his son. You are listening to religious organizations and you view them as an authority and this is what stumbles you to believe Jesus was a false prophet.
The false prophets are standing in front of you and you refuse to recognize them as such. They are religious organizations - ALL OF THEM - to incluse the WTBTS. They are all impostors who "truthfully" teach that Jesus is the Christ, but they mislead many. Matthew 24:4-5.
Do not seek understanding through and from men and their religious organizations, seek understanding, wisdom and knowledge from God through his Son.
How? By prayer. Is this not what Jesus told us to do?
R. Jerome Harris