I believe that if we can help a JW see the light AND the Witness is so inclined---we should help them, if it's within our power.
m&m, don't you think jws have seen enough light? oh wait, thats NEW light.
do you believe that you "should" help witnesses get out of the "truth"?
I believe that if we can help a JW see the light AND the Witness is so inclined---we should help them, if it's within our power.
m&m, don't you think jws have seen enough light? oh wait, thats NEW light.
jehovahs witnesses say that adam and eves sin brought ageing, sickness and death to mankind but animals die also just like humans do.
why is that?
do jw's believe that animals also 'disobeyed' god in the garden of eden also?
But I don't know what animals will eat in the new system, if they don't eat one another anymore...
Grass. Everything will eat grass. And grass will be everywhere.
I Cor 6:9
What! Do YOU not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, 10 nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God’s kingdom.
These people will not ever be members of the fds. They get stuck on earth for eternity, if they straighten up and fly right. That’s how I interpreted the scripture anyway.
JH, I had to go back and check your avitar! LOL! soundin kinda dubish.
i have done research on it lately.
actually for a couple of yrs now, on and off.
Fact is, there is not ONE single, special day that Jehovah's Witnesses could look forward to and celebrate it with their families.
The day Jesus died. I've heard it referenced as a celebration on occasion. The day we get to go and observe a marriage /wedding. That’s if someone in your cong drinks the wine and eats the bread anyway.
oh and...pic-nics
My old cong many moons ago organized ball games between congregations with potluck picnics. They were fun. I don't see much of that sort of thing these days.
i believe that most jws are deep down inside angry over the fact that they went along with the status quo and the majority just to be accepted.
some witnesses would like to have a tattoo, a mustache, a shaved head, a beard, a new red sportscar, etc.
but they don't because they would be viewed as "immature".
What Decisions Did You Make Only Because You Were A Witness?
To hide the fact that I smoked.
i have done research on it lately.
actually for a couple of yrs now, on and off.
My mom has partaken at the memorial for 50’OD years. Last Thanksgiving I took my mom out for turkey dinner. She was more then happy to go. I was surprised because getting her out of the house would usually require being accompanied by a deputy.
We always had turkey dinner with all the trimmings at our house…growing up. We even had other witnesses over for dinner on occasion. I don’t recall making a fuss about it. No decorations etc. Just food.
i think it was paragraph 18 or right around there.. the gist of ithe paragraph was, "some will lose faith because our predictions failed, some of our stuff doesn't make sense, or someone treats us like crap".. the answers were just a riot.
i couldn't help but wonder if some weren't faders.. "i remember when i started in the truth, i thought, this stuff is crazy, but i just knew it was the truth because where else could i go".
"where else can we go" (i would like to point out that this is hardly a ringing endorsement).
when I returned to the meetings in 1994 I had this conversation with someone that was recently baptized and she had no idea what I was talking about.
i think it was paragraph 18 or right around there.. the gist of ithe paragraph was, "some will lose faith because our predictions failed, some of our stuff doesn't make sense, or someone treats us like crap".. the answers were just a riot.
i couldn't help but wonder if some weren't faders.. "i remember when i started in the truth, i thought, this stuff is crazy, but i just knew it was the truth because where else could i go".
"where else can we go" (i would like to point out that this is hardly a ringing endorsement).
I have realized something recently. I can speed read most j-dub publications very easily.
lol! Lately my version of speed reading a publication is looking at the title then putting it down.
in mho, no.
i am guessing that everything in the bible is based on "a human need" im only guessing.
if we could figure out how to blot out all the insignificant crap garbage (i believe a lot was written/added that wasnt supposed to be: do not go beyond what is written.
buddies? yurbad.
in mho, no.
i am guessing that everything in the bible is based on "a human need" im only guessing.
if we could figure out how to blot out all the insignificant crap garbage (i believe a lot was written/added that wasnt supposed to be: do not go beyond what is written.
Which ones dont make sense? D,
Jealousy is a sin for man but god is a jealous god but we are created in his image but….but….
That one is a bit insignificant but my point is there are way too many instances pertaining to what god is all about that are inconsistent with others. Even if we looked at some as symbolic rather then literal. How’ bout the time when he slaughtered 40 children because they were name-calling?
I mentioned this to my mom one day and her explanation was the word “children” was not meant literally. Ok, so slaughtering 40 grownups that should have known better then to name call was acceptable. what no more room for turning the other cheek?
in mho, no.
i am guessing that everything in the bible is based on "a human need" im only guessing.
if we could figure out how to blot out all the insignificant crap garbage (i believe a lot was written/added that wasnt supposed to be: do not go beyond what is written.
Thats cheating! But anyway...how can you say yes when there are so many that,...don't make no sense?