What do you think? Did mankind start with a single set of parents?
did mankind start with a single set of parents?
What do you think? Did mankind start with a single set of parents?
it's only when i lose myself in someone else.
it's only when i lose myself in someone else.
it's only when i lose myself in someone else.
John Mellencamp Mr. Happy Go Lucky is his best cd imo
i love carling 'extra cold' lager.. .
i am going to the pub tonight - whoo!
Have a good one. I'm not much of a drinker anymore but when I do drink I stick with vodka/grapefruit juice/salt, other mixed drinks make me sick sick sick. If I drink whisky or tequila it must be srtaight-up otherwise I will get sick. White wine only, red makes me sick. lol!
I like corona with salt and lime.
not sure if this was posted already:.
starting oct 16- nov 12 there will be a special distribution of kingdom news #37 "the end of false religion is near".
don't understand the dates of this distribution.
Elsewhere: I bet the publication will not explicitly name any false religions nor will it explicitly state that the WTS or JWs have the true religion.
No but you can bet they will make good use of the art department and have plenty of pics of crosses being electrified and I wouldn't be surprised to see pics of
synagogues and
how could anyone know objectively if they live in the "last days", if they fail to examine history?
how would anyone know if things were .
actually worse?
For all we know this generation could be the entire human race since Adam and Eve We could be waiting another 7000 years! lol!
on the watchtower official web site they still hold to the doctrine that "some of those alive in 1914 will be alive when the end comes" or something to that effect, which flies in the face of the 1995 wt article that speaks of "generation" as being something different.. i brought this up to a witness and she said "no way.
the society wouldn't say that".
well...they did, but what really is the current stance on this?
The facts show that just the opposite is the case! Our contemporary generation is plunging into a state of wickedness and corruption unparalleled in all previous history.
i do not want to get into the whole 607 vs 587 debate here.
not my intent.
as of right now i am wondering about the book of daniel.
I’m just starting to re-read the book of Daniel, against my own will power because I just can’t stand this sh##t anymore lol, and came across this interesting link below:
It was written by Daniel from a prophecy the angel Gabriel gave him while he and the Jews were undergoing their exile in Babylon. It tells the Jews that God had given them a second chance to return to Israel and rebuild their Temple to get ready to ultimately receive their Messiah (Jesus Christ). It is an actual blueprint to the day Jesus would ride into Jerusalem on a donkey, and the first day (Psalm Sunday) Jesus (a son of David) would allow them to proclaim Him King -- the actual day He would die on the cross - to the actual day (end of 70th week-3.5 years after His crucifixion) that the door would slam shut on the Jews.
I want to take as much into consideration as possible while researching it for myself.
this week's book study is on the state of the world since satan was ostensibly tossed down here to spread his misery in 1914. according to the watchtower society, the world has been steadily declining since that date.
i contend they selectively filter bad news in order to maintain their beliefs.
the world is not necessarily worse today.
I contend they selectively filter bad news in order to maintain their beliefs.
Totally true! There is no doubt about that.
I recall a sister that stopped by to visit me once while she was calling on a bible study in my neighborhood. She started telling me about some of the points she toughed on during her study, one of them being how disgusting the times we live in have become in these last days and one example she used was actually gays coming out of the closet. I couldn't believe she actually used that as an example and responded, sarcastically of course: "Yep it aint like the good ol' days when we hung people in the towns square while entire families gathered around and cheered!"
She looked at me as though she couldn't believe what I just said. d u g h a bit s l o w today are we?
it's only when i lose myself in someone else.
it's only when i lose myself in someone else.
it's only when i lose myself in someone else.
I love music with great lyrics. I've been around awhile cough so I'm a big fan of Bob Dylan's lyrics but there are so many good songwriters out there to choose from and I like'm all.
On the way home this morning this was playing on the radio. I like the lyrics for obvious reasons:
Jan lays down and wrestles in her sleep
Moonlight spills on comic books
And superstars in magazines
An old friend calls and tells us where to meet
Her plane takes off from Baltimore
And touches down on Bourbon Street
We sit outside and argue all night long
About a god we've never seen
But never fails to side with me
Sunday comes and all the papers say
Ma Teresa's joined the mob
And happy with her full time job
Do do do do doo do
Am I alive or thoughts that drift away?
Does summer come for everyone?
Can humans do as prophets say?
And if I die before I learn to speak
Can money pay for all the days I lived awake
But half asleep?
Do do do do doo do (2 times)
A life is time, they teach us growing up
The seconds ticking killed us all
A million years before the fall
You ride the waves and don't ask where they go
You swim like lions through the crest
And bathe yourself on zebra flesh
I've been downhearted baby,
I've been downhearted baby,
Ever since the day we met
i know that i am enjoying some of the things i would've gotten involved with had i not been raised in the "truth".
This question made me think of my brother. When he left the borg he went right into the Marine Corps then when he got out of the service the first thing he did was grow his hair long. lol!