Topics Started by JinVA
Fox news oxygen report
by Fadeaway1962 in .
Which songs give you goosebumps?
by LoveUniHateExams ini don't know if this topic has been covered before - it might 've been.. i also recommend flipper's excellent music thread ('what songs have you been listening to?
', or similar).. but, i'd just like to start a thread about certain songs giving me goosebumps.
y'know, when you hear a song that profoundly effects you in some difficult-to-describe way and the hairs on your arm stand on end even though the room temperature's comfortably warm.. so, which songs give you goosebumps?.
The PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Sunday October 6, 2019
by lastmanstanding inbig article..
Half Your Children Are Dead And Your Still Happy?
by The Bethelite inhalf your children are dead and your still happy?
i have/had a jw friend who has five daughters.. she was a born in as her daughters were also.
two of the daughters are out and have waken up.
The idiots Hollyweird destroys the Bond Franchise
by rockemsockem in99% of the people who go to bond films want a straight white english bond with a bit of light sexism and some bond girls thrown in.
they do not want a tranny bond or a gay or lesbian bond.
and they do not want a black woman bond.
It’s Your Last Meal...What Would It Be??
by minimus ini’m watching a restaurant tv show and i’m getting hungry 🐷...i think i would enjoy a prime rib end cut with buttered baked potato and definitely a greek salad with plenty of feta as the first course..
Watchtower volunteer injuries
by neat blue dog ini was recently talking with a zealous 'sister' who for years was assigned to use a certain chemical while taking care of wt property, only to have it irreparably damage her immune system partly because she wasn't trained properly.
she said there was a potential lawsuit but she didn't want to bring reproach on jehovah's organization.
has anybody else heard of similar situations, of people being hurt or injured in service to the org, maybe even because of them, and taking the loss so the org wouldn't look bad?.
2019 Special Needs Documents!
by Atlantis in2019 special needs request form.
2019 special needs instructions.
Tony Morris video footage of him buying a dozen bottles of scotch
by UnshackleTheChains ini was howling watching cedars latest video of tm111 buying a dozen bottles of scotch ((maccallans scotch).
you can't write this stuff.
right, i'm now off to buy a bottle of maccallans 😂..