A warm welcome to you. The JW religion is not all bad. It certainly was a benefit to me in my growth and development... until it very much wasn't.
Please understand, you are in a room with many people who have been hurt and abused by this religion. We have developed a different frame of reference and now look at our experience differently. Just maybe, after all, it was OK we didn't have dinner ready on time. It might seem unbalanced, but consider if you joined a forum of incest survivors, you would hear expressions of trauma and rage. Pointing out all the ways daddy was such a great guy, what with all the kind things he has done... well, you can imagine the reaction.
Many of us have lost a lot. If it seems unbalanced, well it is. Healing often is.
Jehovah's Witnesses have many great qualities. The organization is also impressive in many many ways. That is beside the point, though. Monsters do good things too.
Please keep posting. Challenge us. Call us out. It is how I got free and happy - it started with trying to prove Apostates wrong just as my journey into the JW's started with trying to prove them wrong. Keep on seeking, someone once said....