Do you think this could ever happen to one of the GB members?
Would you be surprised if next we knew someone like ToMo3 was being arrested like that?
a secretive christian church that is extremely similar in beliefs to jw religion, and has a surprising global reach is at the center of an fbi investigation for csa.
the religious group goes by multiple names, such as "the truth" and "two-by-twos.
"as child sex abuse allegations aimed at the church continue to come to light, we are learning more about the organization.
a secretive christian church that is extremely similar in beliefs to jw religion, and has a surprising global reach is at the center of an fbi investigation for csa.
the religious group goes by multiple names, such as "the truth" and "two-by-twos.
"as child sex abuse allegations aimed at the church continue to come to light, we are learning more about the organization.
A secretive Christian church that is extremely similar in beliefs to JW religion, and has a surprising global reach is at the center of an FBI investigation for CSA.
The religious group goes by multiple names, such as "The Truth" and "Two-by-Twos."
As child sex abuse allegations aimed at the church continue to come to light, we are learning more about the organization.
--"Tempe Police! Search warrant! Come to the door with nothing in your hands!"
Officers were heard in a body camera video.
The video was taken on the morning of Sept. 6, 2022, as the Tempe officers wait for Raymond Zwiefelhofer.
The video captures Zwiefelhofer's reaction to the swarm of police, signaling the start of his downfall. "Holy mackerel," he exclaims.
FOX 10's Justin Lum has the full report in the following video.
whatever happened to those who came back to jehovah?
due to slow growth and the constant scrutiny from governments like norway in relation to their harsh disfellowshipping practices,last year in a move that no one expected the watchtower for the first time extended an olive branch to all those who left the organization or were disfellowshipped in the past.considering this practice was introduced over 60 years ago and with a rough estimate that around 100,000 leave jehovah’s witnesses every year the total number is in the several we should have expected millions to have accepted this invitation and rejoined the organization, the result though was an abysmal few thousands according to a recent jw update.. so now, for the first time, the latest watchtower study magazine for april 2025 gives us an inside view on how this reintegration is coming along, and it doesn't look good!.
in a civil complaint filed under seal and unsealed nearly two months ago, 11 congregations accuse the activist of violating federal, pennsylvania and maryland wiretap statutes.
in the course of the ongoing statewide grand jury investigation, all jw congregations in pennsylvania were subpoenaed to produce records pertaining to child sexual abuse.
so, meetings were arranged, county by county, between lawyers and elders on how to deal with the subpoenas.
If Mark was invited by one of the members of the MS Teams discussion to attend it then I don't see how he "intercepted the wire". He had an invitation to attend by having had the link to it shared with him. He didn't Zoom Bomb, he just watched and listened as he was invited to do.
sabine kohler is an ex jehovah's witness and ex beroean pickets member.
during her time as a beroean picket member, she contributed much support and became best friends with wendy wiens.
or so she thought.
Sabine Kohler is an ex jehovah's witness and ex beroean pickets member. During her time as a beroean picket member, she contributed much support and became best friends with Wendy Wiens. Or so she thought. Sabine has experienced bullying and slander behind her back, instigated by Wendy.
Sabine was called,amongst other things. "A Thief" "A Nasty Thug '
Someone who will drag you down to down to sheol/ the grave",
Her interview will be part of at least two interviews, because of her involvement with beroean pickets. Should you wish to contact Sabine, please email her at Spiritual Abuse is becoming more widespread and the purpose of this interview is to raise awareness, provide education around spiritual and religious abuse, and to keep the public safe. People, like Sabine have decided to start coming forward as a result of personal experiences which have impacted them individually
'lgbt blessing' pastor disfellowshipped from denomination...citizens 'show support' by raising money for appeal.
pastor lee dong-hwan announces his position on the sentence of "exile" at a banquet of the christian daesoon methodist church in dongan-gu, anyang-si, gyeonggi province, on april 8. courtesy of rev.
lee dong-hwan's task force.
'LGBT blessing' pastor disfellowshipped from denomination...citizens 'show support' by raising money for appeal
Pastor Lee Dong-hwan announces his position on the sentence of "exile" at a banquet of the Christian Daesoon Methodist Church in Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi Province, on April 8. Courtesy of Rev. Lee Dong-hwan's task force
= = = = = = =
It has been confirmed that Pastor Lee Dong-hwan, who was sentenced to a church tribunal for praying a so-called "LGBTQ blessing," has been expelled from the church. Citizens in solidarity with the pastor are protesting the decision and have launched a fundraising campaign to support his appeal to the church tribunal.
The Gyeonggi Conference Tribunal of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church sentenced Lee to disfellowshipping, the denomination's highest level of discipline, on Aug. 8. The tribunal found that Lee's conduct and advocacy of LGBTQ blessings violated Article 3.8 of the Book of Discipline (church law), which prohibits "pro-homosexuality and sympathetic behavior.
Read more of this article by Kim Songi here:
what would be the best way to start suing the borg?.
what kind of evidence would you need for this elf is still physically in?.
here is someone suing them
I watched the video from my compatriot on how to legally end the WT. I do not think that would end it even if he is successful. Sometimes opposition only makes the cult prosper.
If the WT non-profit status is taken away they would just pass on the cost to the Rank-and-File witness to cover it, and ask them for more and more contributions.
I think the only way to end the cult would be for it not to get any money from members, zero. But they could last for a long time by cutting down and living off the interest and real-estate asset holdings they could liquidate. And, there would always be some who would fall for their tricks and keep supporting them even when it hurts them personally that is financially in life.
philo sopia's (not her real name because she's pimo) experience in the beroean pickets group is one that highlights cult patterns like love bombing and gaslighting and religious abuse.
she thought she was in a loving supportive bible study group, only to find out that beroean pickets had all the hallmarks of a religious cult..
This video interview points out very well about this other red flag which is a very intolerant view of other peoples beliefs and understandings.
Eric Wilson insists on only his own point of view as if he only knows the truth and everyone else is wrong.
If you dare research and share something you learn from commentaries or Bible scholars then you become persona non grata and find yourself disliked by Eric Wilson and his group lieutenants who will make sure you are silenced.
Wendy Wiens even muted Jim Penton in one of their Zoom meetings and wouldn't let him talk.
susanne eigenheer is an ex-jw and suffered religious abuse in eric wilson's group.
her personal statement and experiences within the beroean pickets study groups was one of betrayal where she was taken advantage of financially.
in one text conversation, wendy wiens disfellowshiped susanne and demanded an apology from her.
When Eric Wilson says those who complain about being abused in his group are slandering him, he is making it all about himself and he is using gaslighting techniques which is a favorite of narcissistic personality as another post pointed out. He refuses to acknowledge how others have been harmed in his group, to the point of suicide. He has become a cult leader who only cares about himself and how much money he gets.
why do so many cult leaders have weird relationship issues and dysfunctional marriages?russell coudn't get along with his wife mariah.
rutherford had trouble with his wife and sent her away.. eric wilson says it's o.k.
if you don't get legally married as long as you have a "spiritual marriage" in his latest video response to the situation of people coming forward complaining about the abusive religious tactics his "wife" practices and he condones.. i ask this question in a previous post but it deserves it's own discussion definitely:why is it that so many cult leaders have weird relationship issues and dysfunctional marriages?.
Good point, Touchofgrey! There is a dysfunctional family relation in cults because, as another post pointed out too, the BITE Model of Authoritarian Control applies to both remarkably well and narcissistic personalities only care about themselves. A dysfunctional view of sexual relations also plays into the control system.