Posts by NOLAW
Billions of dead, possibly killed by divine radiation, all of whom will need to be buried... Gerrit Losch predicts the future!
by cedars ini've finally turned my attentions away from anthony morris iii (just for the time being!
) and done a video about another governing body member... gerrit losch.. in this video, taken from a 2008 talk (given in sydney, australia), gerrit gives us his grim predictions for the future.... .
...The WBT$ Governing Popes...
by OUTLAW infor a while now... i have been calling the wbt$ governing body... the wbt$ governing popes... if you go to google and type in... watchtower governing popes... then go to "images"... this is one of the photo`s that comes up... .
do you think the wbt$ will send me... a thank you note... for making their wbt$ governing popes famous?...
........................ ...outlaw.
They will sue you for
Odd Thomas - Of Whom Shall I Be in Dread? - WT 7/15/12
by 00DAD inno, this isn't about the dean koontz character odd thomas, but those books are a good read!
this is about another, different fictional character, albeit not quite so engaging as the one imagined by the very talented mr. koontz.
now i know mr. ot is described as being just "an unbaptized publisher", but in my decades of experience as a jw any and all "unbaptized publishers" here in sunny socal would be vetted enough to know better than to take a job at a school run by priests.
I accept that 'experience' as true. A smart Thomas would have taken the priest to courts to get his money.
No to Wizard toys! Yes to pagan demigods!
by Londo111 infrom the 8/15/2007 watchtower, page 32:.
have you ever read some of the iliad or the odyssey, two great epic poems of ancient greece?
those are thought to have been composed during the ninth or the eighth century b.c.e.
And the same applies to O & I (composed/set in writting). Homer may not have been the single author of O & I. Parts may have been composed even earlier even in a different language. Parts may have been added at a later time. The ninth century cap is reached mainly by the role attributed to the Phoenicians as merchants in Odyssey.
(quotes from wikipedia)
It is probable, therefore, that the story of the Trojan War as reflected in the Homeric poems derives from a tradition of epic poetry founded on a war which actually took place.
an inscription from Ischia in the Bay of Naples, ca. 740 BC, appears to refer to a text of the Iliad; likewise, illustrations seemingly inspired by the Polyphemus episode in the Odyssey are found on Samos, Mykonos and in Italy, dating from the first quarter of the seventh century BC.
Trojan War: Traditional dating:ca. 1194–1184 BC Modern dating: between 1260 and 1240 BC.
Watchtower can you provide us with the oldest inscription referring to the Bible? Since you will not here it goes:
two silver rolls (the Ketef Hinnom scrolls) from the 7th or 6th century BC show a version of the priestly blessing
And time to repeat myself
Oldest (*) Greek writing 5.000-4.500 BC (much much earlier than the creation of Adam and the 'invention' of writting according to the Bible Watchtower and milleniums earlier than the supposed 'invention' of the so called 'Phoenician' alphabet):
Oldest Hebrew writing 1000 BC:
Have a nice day...
More excrement in the fan
by outsmartthesystem inwell.....i am now officially on the precipice of divorce.
it started last tuesday night.
my wife brings the kids home at 10:00 pm after the meeting....then dinner....then ice cream.
Dude: Going to meetings once a week is not big deal. Make sure you have your own 'family worship' evening with your kids in compensation. And use it to teach them scientific facts and critical thinking. And also make sure they take a big siesta on the next day to cover the loss of sleep.
JWs in France will get off to a good start in 2013
by Calebs Airplane inthe year 1925 got off to a good enough start, with the french watch tower magazine being enlarged from 12 to 16 pages.
-yearbook 1980 page 61.. 88 years later... .
2013 will get off to a good start with french wt rag being reduced from 32 to only 16 pages... .
Still 4 pages to go till 2025!
Need Help, Please!
by palmtree67 inwe got a new dog and he needs a name!
he was abandoned by his family in their back yard when they moved and then was rescued by animal rescue.
he's been fostered for the last 4 months and his foster mom called him martin.
Would YOU volunteer for a mission to Mars if you knew you would not return?
by Nathan Natas inone possible scenario for future manned exploration of mars is that the astronauts would be given what amounts to a "one-way ticket" with enough fuel and supplies to get them there and keep them alive but with no plans to return them to earth.. this may strike our modern sinsibilities as an absurd requirement for a mission, and yet it is not much different from what prospect was faced by ocean voyagers during the "age of exploration" right here on earth.
if you were able to qualify, would you be willing to do this?.
No. It won't be an easy trip nor will they have the luxuries we enjoy here on earth. If I was younger it would be worth considering. Not being able to come back wouldn't be a big issue for me, even though this will not be the case with the first visitors of Mars.
Opening the bible at random - once spoken of approvingly, now superstitious!
by cedars inthe latest december 15th study edition of the watchtower opens with an intriguing article entitled "beware of superstitious use of the bible".. as an example of what constitutes "superstitious use" of the bible, it has this to say.... .
"perhaps a more common misuse of the bible is the practice of bibliomancy.
it refers to opening at random a book, often the bible, and reading the text that first meets the eye in the belief that those words will provide needed guidance.
The morons of the spim GB have once again condemned themselves with the spims they print in the WT.
Since my memory is not so strong can someone remind us how did it happen to Bible Students to adopt the name Jehovah's
Latest WT: Reduction in branch offices is "visible proof" that Christ is "breaking down human barriers"
by cedars inas has already been mentioned, the december 15th watchtower (study edition) is now online and available for download on this link.. i couldn't help but smile at the concluding comments of the final study article on page 28 where it had this to say:.
"the very concept of foreigner has already lost much of its meaning among jehovahs witnesses, who pay little attention to the nationality of those in their midst.
recently, for example, several of their smaller branch offices were merged to simplify the work of oversight and to improve efficiency in accomplishing the preaching of the good news of the kingdom.
Bravo OUTLAW. That was the post of the month!