Edmonton :)
JoinedPosts by goodbye
Anyone Else from Canada?
by Miss 8572 ini'm really intrigued by that fact that i may know some of you and yet not know that i know you.
i just want to know how many people from canada are here.
if you don't mind and don't care about posting your province (cause i'm too timid to) we could all get an idea of just how many canucks are really out there.
I Still Can't Celebrate Xmas. Can You? Christians vs Atheists
by Malsonilla inwhile in the organization we learned one bit of truth regarding christmas; that it was originally a pagan observance, the summer solstice, adopted by christians much later in church history, and has nothing to do with jesus christ whatsoever.
no biggy for most true believers who left the organization who have slipped into (or fell back into) the grind of commercialized christmas with all the trappings and traditions of ritual binge spending that takes them even farther away from jesus than christmas' pagan roots ever could.
these true believers might say something like, "i know xmas has its roots in paganism, but we celebrate anyway because of x y z", perhaps echoing or paroting the frustrating responses we use to hear from "worldly" goats/folks when we would explain to them how christmas is not a christian observance whatsoever.
I'm an atheist! Here is a video that shows the reasons I celebrate!
Spare the Rod and spoil the child, How did that work for you
by jam inin proverbs there are several verses on the wisdom.
of using the rod for discipline.
the notion that children.
I agree with CE. I am a mother and have raised kids. No need to hit.
How many ex-jws poster here now believe in Hellfire, immortality of soul, trinity, etc;
by booker-t ini am just curious about this because although i agree with many of the posters here that the wt society is guilty of many horrible deeds, i still believe they are right when it comes to doctrinal things as i mention.
especially hellfire.
i just don't see how anybody that has studied the bible for many years like many of the ex-jws here can make an about face and go back to believing hellfire.
Atheist. No hell here.
Just wondering, who here is still a JW? x
by snare&racket injust wondering who here still attends meetings, and lives the jw life?
i guess its interesting for the context of peoples comments.
also does anyone have a position such as pioneer, ms, elder etc ?.
I was raised a JW but never baptised. Studied again as an adult, never baptised.
the expression "JDUB"
by wannaexit ini've heard the expression jdub coming out of the mouths of a couple of witnesses.
does it mean they know stuff about this organization and could possible be visiting sites such as jwd?.
this is leading me to believe that there are a lot more witnesses that have realized that their religion is a scam..
A popular one I have heard is Jo Ho.
JW's okay blood transfusions???
by deddaisy inthe vancouver sun .
june 14, 2000, wednesday, final .
In the story above I am a child of one of the deceased.
Anybody here vegan?
by Dagney ini've been considering it for awhile strictly for just general overall health.
i don't take any meds, and would like to keep it that way for as long as i can.
i am a "all things in moderation " type of person but the more i read about excluding dairy and meat, the more i think about doing it.
I'm a vegetarian with a nightshade and diary allergy. I eat eggs and fish occasionally. I eat vegan approx. 90% of the time
Why did you become one of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by Celestial inany other reason than the arbitrary explanation that you were brainwashed or seduced by a millenarianist doomsday cult?.
Born in
3rd gen on Dad's side 2nd gen on mom's side
Kingdom Hall Diary, an Outsider's Perspective (WARNING - LONG)
by jgnat inthis is the next phase of my coming-out.
here, described in detail, is all the drama of my involvement with the local kingdom hall.. kingdom hall diary, an outsider's perspective.
this is a diary of my experiences with a local kingdom hall that my husband, art, attends.
I came her inearch of Jgnat. I have a dream the other night and decided to search the internet. All I remembered was her internet name and her huaband's name so I didn't have alot to go on but I found this site. I am the mysterious internet girl that along time ago got to share some great experiences online with her :) Anyways, I am hoping Jgnat is still here but I noticed she has posted in a while so maybe she doesn't frequent here anymore?