when you see the number 33 in a news item, it might be a clue that it has been written by the Masons. Not always (because Jesus died when he was 33) but seems to be a pattern. Also I noticed was that 19 + 14 = 33. Furthermore, you might remember a video about building 33 at Chelmsford, UK.
I would love to see that video about building 33 at Chelmsford please can you post a link? Does anyone have any info on building 33 at the new branch?
also it’s a 33 hectare site-“Redevelopment of a 33-hectare brownfield site for a new live/work charity headquarters including ”
it wasn’t that big but they bought some extra land to make it 33 hectares and I heard the reasons were so that neighbours wouldn’t complain then they would sell this excess land but they are keeping exactly 33 hectares.
33 is a demonic number for example Russel Brand has just got a 33 degree Masonic tattoo on his wrist