In the back of the new 2013 NW translation they have an appendix show a mina, then all the other forms of money in Bible times.
So those assets really are owned by the org?
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
In the back of the new 2013 NW translation they have an appendix show a mina, then all the other forms of money in Bible times.
So those assets really are owned by the org?
is it just me or has there been a massive change in jws of late?.
when i grew up in the cult they had a real sense of urgency and would do an hour minimum, these days it’s not even ten mins before coffee break.. same goes for everything else, it’s half hearted .
There is no effort put into ministry anymore it’s almost completely halted.
There are some pioneer types and of course the special pioneers who seem to be on their own.
They moan and whine at the half hearted publishers who only do ten mins. They have to stay out on their own for three hours.
Many Publishers go to the group and then say they are going to do street work or park witnessing which means just go do a walk around the shops or park until meet up for coffee break.
these publishers obviously do t want to actually do any witnessing for watchtower and that is their choice.
but the pioneer types are giving them a hard time, why don’t you come and do first call with me?
I also hate it when someone comes back from KM school and
is it just me or has there been a massive change in jws of late?.
when i grew up in the cult they had a real sense of urgency and would do an hour minimum, these days it’s not even ten mins before coffee break.. same goes for everything else, it’s half hearted .
Even the carts have died off. It used to be busy on the cart chat someone saying who can do this day with me at 11? Someone else saying I can do this time on this day and so on.
these days the slots are all empty nobody books them anymore. The days are getting shorted and its getting colder.
why stand in the cold when you can go to a lovely ministry group in someone’s house, have an excuse for a social club then coffee break later
is it just me or has there been a massive change in jws of late?.
when i grew up in the cult they had a real sense of urgency and would do an hour minimum, these days it’s not even ten mins before coffee break.. same goes for everything else, it’s half hearted .
I would say the majority of JWs have now figured out that the end is not coming in their lifetime. My parents were true believers. My mom pioneered since I can remember, dad was an elder for a long time. After the annual meeting changes, where the governing body member said that now people can repent at the last minute, actually that people would be allowed to see the Great Tribulation and repent, my mom stopped pioneering, Dad stepped down as an elder, as well as other elders in the congregation stepped down.They didn't make a fuss, they just quietly stepped down and stopped Door to Door.
Many congregations are reducing groups from 6 to 5. Then combining those groups because the support on Saturdays just isn’t there.
then Halls that have multiple congregations are reducing three congregations into two and it will keep reducing.
soon it will be just one hall for miles around
I think the door to door work has become a social outing for the lonely
ThIs is so true. Hardly any activity in door to door work. It’s just an excuse for the social club.
is it just me or has there been a massive change in jws of late?.
when i grew up in the cult they had a real sense of urgency and would do an hour minimum, these days it’s not even ten mins before coffee break.. same goes for everything else, it’s half hearted .
They clearly do not believe they have a "life saving message" nor is there any urgency about getting that message out. Their religion is a social group. No different than if they were attending the Kiwanis Club or were a member of the Shriners.
This is so true. I think it’s almost admitted in certain circles. They don’t believe but they like the social club, and their may be some truth to the Bible but not what the GB think.
say it ain’t so!
in one sense it’s a no brainer because the figures just don’t add up any more.. in another (negative) sense it’s a no brainer because it’s been fundamental to jws since year dot and might undermine the whole thing?
According to their doctrine there were tens of thousands in the first century. Then over the last 20 centuries there were an unknown number chosen some of the Bible translators and other Christians who were burned and such for their faith.
Then in modern times even my grandfathers times around the time of WW2, most of the congregations were full of those who claimed a heavenly hope. My parents grew up in congregations that were full of so called anointed older ones.
then slowly after the 1950s there were less and less anointed ones and you started to get older ones who had an earthly hope which was unusual.
the numbers do not add up
can anyone give me a rundown or send me to a thread on the robert hendriks thing?
he was recently 'dismissed' from bethel and was pid (public information department?
) i'm not even sure i have this right..... thanks much.
If Rob ever did exJw YouTube channel he would make a killing with revenue.
We should all start a go fund page for him to do a tell us all everything you know.
but these high profile figures often get a golden handshake to sign a non disclosure
to me it is quite evident that the gt spoken about in matthew 24, mark 13 and luke 21 is a one time, non-repeatable localized event resulting in the destruction of jerusalem and the temple followed by the dispersion of surviving jews throughout the nations.. however, what is not so clear to most is that the gt of revelation deals with the same event.
my understanding is that the gb of jehovah witnesses has no clue as to how to interpret the apocalyptic messages found both in the synoptics and revelation.
but steve greg has armageddon down pat.
me it is quite evident that the GT spoken about in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 is a one time, non-repeatable localized event resulting in the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple followed by the dispersion of surviving Jews throughout the nations.
Some scripture is definitely not talking about ancient times but talking about the last days
Mat 24:14 can’t be talking about ancient Jerusalem as the good news had to be preached in the entire inhabited earth before the end would come
'use vegetable oil and soft margarine in place of animal fat,'.
'when possible, cook with unsaturated vegetable oils.'.
Let’s be clear, the direction to replace butter with margarine is very dangerous. It’s also very dangerous direction from Jehovah to consume seed oils heated to high temperatures.
Do the opposite to that direction for healthy dietary habits. Replace margarine with butter. Eat whole eggs and fatty meat avoid seed oils heated to high temperature and practice intermittent fasting.
You can eat less all round if you eat nutritious foods instead of processed nutrient deficient foods which leave you still hungry
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Yes if he moved back to London all he could get is a cleaner at McDonald’s 🤣