Take a sister who has a son brought up in the faith. He leaves and becomes a drug addict living a life of crime and violence to support his habit.
He is now unrighteous. The old light if he died before Armageddon he would survive but if he was alive then he would not survive.
Brother Jackson said “we know some of you were hoping your unrighteous loved ones would die before Armageddon” he said again in whinny voice “we know that’s what some of you were thinking”
but then he said “does that really make sense” as if he is so smart and all of those believing that old light are so stupid.
Does he not realise it was the GB that made millions of people believe something so stupid.
but now he is saying they don’t have to die beforehand. That junky son may survive Armageddon just as if he died beforehand.
they really do not think things through before announcing this new light. They should run it by someone smarter before announcing it to the world