Jesus was probably one of the Greatest Cult Leaders of all time. He probably also got a lot of his teachings ideas from Roman philosophy and belief system. He could have maybe even been schooled in Roman culture and beliefs.
JoinedPosts by Zordino
Found a scripture where Jesus is clearly manipulating people
by cptkirk init's a scripture that is very well known (at least among witnesses) , relatively well known.
it is clearly manipulative, and the irony being that i've seen an elder use it for his own manipulative purposes as a similar circumstance that jesus used it in.
when you look at it again, you may not have seen it this way, but you will now.. i am not trying to put jesus on trial here, simply trying to point out something that is very obvious, and yet most people probably never stepped back and realized what he was actually doing here.. it is mark 6. they are stumbling over jesus (spiritually stumbling), so did he say a prayer for their hearts to be opened?
POLL: How long did you remain a JW from point of baptism to leaving the KH
by Terry ini was baptised --1963. left in 1978. fifteen years.
pre-baptism, another 5 years.
born in
baptized at 19
Left at 40
One trend I kind of see is that many people leave between high 30's to Low 40's yrs old. I guess around that age, people's BS meter gets into high gear.
Henry Kissinger: Nuclear Iran means Nuclear War........Warning the world.
by Me Myself and I in
The main fear for the world is that Iran will give (or sell) a nuclear device to a terrorist group knowing that they will use it on the West, and then claim they had nothing to do with it! Iranians are very calculative and will use these types of tactics to hit Isreal or the US.
Thats what scares the Sh*t out of me.
Checklists for High-Control Groups/Cults
by Lady Lee inchecklist of characteristics.
deception lies at the core of mind-manipulating and high-demand ("cultic") groups and programs.
many members and supporters of these groups/movements are not fully aware of the extent to which they have been abused and exploited.
LL, I like that you put them all together. Marking.
The real problem with Watchtower.
by Rattigan350 ina topic on here about 1975 prompted me to write about how, for me, that is and never was or will be an issue.. also, the 144,000 and 'two classes' with memorial partaking, and child abuse are not issues with this religion.
everyone has their unique teachings and personnel problems.. the real problem with this religion was highlighted in the 2008 yearbook.
it gave a story of a young woman who was from estonia who was on the equivalent of american idol for estonia.
Depriving their sheeple of a normal life is done by design. They are an Insidious bunch of sociopaths. They've managed to create an army of drones who blindly follow them. They keep the R & F down as much as possible so that they will be easier to manipulate in every way. Everything is only done in order to keep the Corp going. WT tries as hard as they can to keep their members from having a life in any way was one the things that used to bother me the most. So something like having a Successful business is very much frowned upon even if its done honestly and creates many jobs. These snake oil con artists are just sickening!
Is this a religion run by PSYCOPATHS?
by Terry inglibness/superficial charmgrandiose sense of self-worthpathological lyingconning/manipulativelack of remorse or guiltshallow affect (genuine emotion is short-lived and egocentric)callousness; lack of empathyfailure to accept responsibility for own actionsthe hare psychopathy checklist-revised by robert d. hare, 1991. multi-health systems, 908 niagara falls blvd, north tonawanda, new york, usa, 14120-2060. psycopaths do not feel empathy but learn to imitate those who do.
psychopaths don't even understand charity.. .
i was thinking today how much psycopathy is reflected in the governing body leadership and especially manifested in policy.. jehovah's witnesses are not led by people devoted to charity, benevolence, outreach or social provision for those less fortunate which.
I believe many of the Leaders have various disorders in varying degrees depending on the individual. Kinda like a Pingata of craziness.
I Got disfellowshiped..wana die!
by Chichi89 ini jus got dissfellowshiped at th last week..i feel like dying..i attended th meetings yesterday and ita ws jus horrible..came back home in tears....... people i used to cal my friends nw cant look me in the heartbroken confused and giving up on life !.
Just stay calm Chici. I've almost commited suicide when I left the religion for a while. I was only 19 years old back then. Try to talk to some people about your feelings. You have many people here on this site who have been through what you are going through. You can get a lot of support here.
Whacky comments! What the craziest comment you've ever heard?
by toweragent inlast week a sister in my new hall made the following comment,.
"a brother once told me that it is better to be wrong with the organization, than to be right and be on your own without the organization.".
An Elder in my Hall once said from the Platform, Being curious about and speaking to or listening/reading apostate Literature is Like Picking up and studying a dead rotting animal corpse full of disease. I guess he made his point clear.
What a Mental Case
Whacky comments! What the craziest comment you've ever heard?
by toweragent inlast week a sister in my new hall made the following comment,.
"a brother once told me that it is better to be wrong with the organization, than to be right and be on your own without the organization.".
"This week the CO said that when u don't get up for service there's an angel standing by your bed who goes back to Jesus and says "I wanted to go out in service but he wouldn't get up". This was part of his talk where he said the angels want to serve God and go out in service but the only way they can is by following us around while we do it. They NEED the publishers to take them out in service."
NE, That is about one of the Funiest things I've ever Heard on JWN... That is a Classic! Still Laughing...
Do you believe that God is using the faithful and discreet slave
by trujw init seems that this question is used by elder to trap us and close their minds(the jw elder) to thinking.
if you answer no they wrap up a jc in short order.
i was wondering if any have tried to use a more pointed question to actually get them to think themselves.
Just Lie and say Yes. Otherwise they'll hang you in a JC Kangaroo Court.