I Got disfellowshiped..wana die!

by Chichi89 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • Chichi89

    i jus got dissfellowshiped at th last week..i feel like dying..i attended th meetings yesterday and ita ws jus horrible..came back home in tears......

    people i used to cal my friends nw cant look me in the eye..so heartbroken confused and giving up on life !

  • l p
    l p

    im sorry you are feeling like this and going through this...

    it is unacceptable to be treated like this.....

    we here are here to support you.....you can talk to us about anything.....

    where are you? Im in Sydney Australia.....

    do you have support outside of the organisation?


  • Chichi89

    am in namibia..thnkyou..i dnot hve anyone..i cut ties with all my 'worldy friends' in th name of bad association...all my friends were witnesses an now thy cant even look me in the eye..thy treat me like a leper:(..

    how do i cope.waht do i do..th day i got disfellowshped i actually prayed to th devil..i wnt him to just kill me..im miserable ..lifes not woth living any mre.

  • Satanus

    Like your friends all died? Wait for the sun. It will come up tomorrow, and you will feel better, have a clearer view w the morning light.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead


    I know how you feel. I felt the same way 11 years ago when I got disfellowshipped. I felt so much pain and abandonment when all of my friends decided to shun me. I have no idea what your living situation is, but if possible branch out and make new, unconditional friends. Find support groups locally, and use this site for support when possible.

    It WILL get better. Just have the courage to never give up!

    You can do this.

    I am sending you a big hug.


  • happy@last

    ChiChi89, first of all, welcome here, this is a friendly place, stay a while.

    Second, please see this as an opportunity, a time for a breather to re-evaluate all the rules and regulations you have been living under. Take time to research what you believe, and see if you can re-connect with some of your 'wordly' friends.

    You do not state whether you are in education, working, have family etc.. Assess what you DO have, not what you don't for the moment.

  • Xanthippe

    Like Satanus says wait for tomorrow. Just get through today. I have had clinical depression and spent many days wanting to die but I got through it. You will feel better tomorrow. There is a big world outside the JWs just waiting for you. Hang in there. Don't give up. People here have been through what you're going through. Talk to us

  • still thinking
    still thinking


    I'm so sorry you are having to go through this. Many people on this forum have been through this experience just like you. And they are here to share your pain.

    I was never baptised, so didn't get to this point. But others here have felt like you do now and they are now leading happy lives.

    Please use this forum for the support you need. And if you are feeling really depressed I recommend seeing your doctor. A lot of people here have also experienced depression. It is understandable given the awful treatment they have received by people they love and that claim to love them. And it's brave to ask for help. Well done.

    You might also be surprised that some of your old friends would love to hear from you. If they were real friends, they will understand.

    All my love to you Chichi...you will be ok. This is the worst part. It can only get better from here.

    Its a horrible cult that only wants to know you if you play thier game by their rules. Better you learn that now, than waste your whole life on it.

  • l p
    l p


    if a person that was not a jw (worldly) treated you like this....what would you do????

    you would never go near them again...... you would not let them treat you this way........

    why are you letting the jws treat you this way????

    you are a human person....that has a right to be treated kindly and respectfully....

    try to put it into perspective.....these people are not very nice ....and aren't your true friends....

    so dont let them treat you like that by being around them......you are worth more than that.....

    just like the others have said....this will pass.....tomorrow is a new day.....

    see if you can get some counselling....and start making new friends and acquaintances.....


  • Chichi89

    my parents are so heartbroken......i cn feel th dissapointment in thier voices.im reallly not a bad person.bt now am like th biggest siner in th congreagation..i cn feel th judging eyes n whispers..

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