Ancient Hebrew Cosmology: Marking
JoinedPosts by Zordino
Is The Governing Body A Bunch Of Over The Hill Bible Hacks?
by frankiespeakin inthe governing body's ban on higher education, and its naive childlike interpetation of the bible, beleiving that a talking snake started a major rebellion in the universe which will culminate in a war with god almighty at armegeddon wipeing out 99.9% of the human population as well as innocent animal by-standers, shows them to be incorrigibly ignorant.
they are resisting with all their psychic energy information that shows their so-called divine education program is willfully short on facts and logic.. take for instance the biblical flood: common sense tells us that the words penned in the bible about the flood covering the whole earth up to 15 cubits above the highest mountain, would have to be understood not with our modern 20th century understanding of the word "earth" but with the understanding common to those back at the time the story was first written down.
any bible scholar worth his salt ought to know that.. durring the time the flood story was written what did they think the earth was?
Here's To Fanatics And Raising The Bar
by exwhyzee ina fanatic is a person with an extreme and uncritical enthusiasm or zeal for something.
they take an activity,interest or belief and go beyond what would be considered normal or necessary by the majority of people.. .
having grown up as a jw and now having been away from it a few years, i better see how accustomed i had become to being involved with an organization run by fanatics of the religious variety.
Right On. Couldn't agree more.
New JWStruggle Video - "INDEPENDENCE- Subtle Trap of Satan?"
by RayPublisher inyes the wt has been warning us about this evil, insidious way of thinking for many years.
it has been described as a form of haughtiness, a form of pride, a subtle form of satanic propaganda.
oh my that sounds pretty scary... .
Great Video! Hope more Lurkers will watch it.
You Might Be a Jehovahs Witness if
by StinkyPantz2.0 in.
if a pioneer is not a stereo.. if new light never requires batteries.. if a tract has nothing to do with land.. if the new system isnt a car stereo.. if a great crowd isnt an easy to please audience.. if the friends are people you may or may not know.. if you can have a bible study without pulling out a bible.. if memorial day isnt in may.. if starting your time has nothing to do with getting paid or going to prison.. if you spent five days at a baseball stadium, and never saw a single pitch.. for more click here..
I've read some of your website. Polyamour whaaat??? What kind of children would come out of a dysfuctional arrangment like that? Not to mention it being like living as animals! This is what I mean when I say that the WT Warp's some people's minds so that even wen they are out out of the dellusion, they get into other weird stuff. Why can't we just be civilized and faithfull to each other (monogamy) regardless of our religous beliefs!
The Only True Doctor A Parable
by goatshapeddemon ina friend of mine recently found out a few years back that she had an aggressive form of breast cancer.
she went to many doctors, but all of them told her she had to have a mastectomy and undergo radiation therapy.
that seemed really unappealing to her.
How to identify Publishers who know TTATT
by His Excellency insince coming to know ttatt, i have always wondered if there are others in the congregation who also share similar experience with me, are there pointers to identifying others who are also faking meeting attendance and fs activities..
They Take stratigecly timed 'bathroom breaks' that can last up to 20 min.
They miss about 50% of the meetings and servus.
They're appreance is not decade impaired. (modern)
How to identify Publishers who know TTATT
by His Excellency insince coming to know ttatt, i have always wondered if there are others in the congregation who also share similar experience with me, are there pointers to identifying others who are also faking meeting attendance and fs activities..
Exwhyzee, Have you been spying on me at the back of the Hall? I do almost every one of those things. LoL
Has The Governing Body Ever Explained Why They View The Faithful Slave Parable As A Prophecy? What Justification Do They Give?
by frankiespeakin ini don't know of any do you.
i would think it a major leap in logic to not concider this first before expounding on it prophetically, why go thru the bother if we are missing this important link..
There is no reasonable logical explanation. They just made it up
GB needs a new name
by Roberta804 inwell since the gb has announced itself as the fds, we have got to come up with a new name for the gb because they are the fds and a bag of chips now.
how about flower delivery service?
freekin damn servent?
Ok one more. the FDS.... the Fruitles Dumbass Sociopaths.
GB needs a new name
by Roberta804 inwell since the gb has announced itself as the fds, we have got to come up with a new name for the gb because they are the fds and a bag of chips now.
how about flower delivery service?
freekin damn servent?
Or the "WOCAC" The "Wrinkly Old Con Artists Club". I could go on forever ....